Bible Pay

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Messages - Rob Andrews

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« on: February 10, 2025, 03:33:32 PM »
Hi Guys!

Sorry, late in the game - hectic these days. I just downloaded 0.22.9 and here is what I have seen so far:

- Exchange showed up fine, populated.
- TRADING-PUBLIC-KEY and TRADING-ASSET-DOGE all there without hassle, cool. For some reason I have 2 addresses labelled TRADING-ASSET-DOGE, don't know if that is normal.
- I transferred some BBP to my TRADING-PUBLIC-KEY
- Checked the board: SELL @ 0.00002939 and BUY @ 0.00002700
- Placed a SELL order for 1000 BBP @ 0.00002900, showed up fine (received warning that min order size is 1000 BBP when tried with lower amount)
- Placed another SELL order for 1000 BBP @ 0.00002700 (where the best BUY was at) : My order just got listed without execution. I understand the book only executes matching orders; so was not surprised to see my order not get executed. Still, kind of awkward to see SELL @ 0.00002700 and BUY @ 0.00002700 on the book :)
- Placed another SELL order for 14777 BBP @ 0.00002700 (to match a standing BUY order on the book) : executed fine, and the BUY order was deleted from the book.
- Cancelled my non-matching SELL order @ 0.00002700 : deleted from the book, good.
- Attempted to mess the book buy placing a non-matching SELL order @ 0.00002600 under the price of the best BUY order @ 0.00002700 : OMG it is listed :)

I think we need to be able to prevent that from happening, until exact matching requirement is lifted.

I will keep playing around and let you know if I come across other glitches. But, all in all, it is WONDERFUL to see this capability in the wallet. Thanks a lot Rob !

Ahh, thanks for testing and the compliments, sweet!
Notice that I did take into consideration the ability to list another ticker in the future.  Most of the plumbing is there.

I havent dug in to your details too far yet: but notice that when you place an order that matches another order and both are your own (IE the flags are M and M) there is an area of the code where it either cancels both automatically, or ignores them (cant remember which one it is) because it results in an unfillable atomic tx, so that may explain that one exception above.  But yeah everything else should be the "real deal". 

I am going to work on fractional fills soon as that would be exciting to get in there.

Glad we did it, as it provides some value to BBP (rather than just another clone coin); plus Bololex has not come back. 

So im just reading through your message Talisman and on the two addresses for TRADING-ASSET-DOGE, can you paste the pubkeys?  I just want to see if they both end in DGZZ.  That is weird, because we check to see if you have one before we mine a new one.   It should be OK though as when the wallet goes to spend a colored coin, it searches all the DGZZ addresses for it (IE the same type of coin that is being spent in the trading room).  Need to make it so it lists the pubkey on the 'getassetbalance doge' output as well (TODO).

Very cool on the test results, they seem OK.  Now I will get on to fractional fills soon.  When fractional fills work, there will no longer be crosses in the order book.

« on: February 10, 2025, 03:30:35 PM »
Looks like it has now been solved. Maybe just a suggestion maybe have the amount of BBP and Doge available for trade on the exchange page.

Ahhh,  great to see that solved it, Praise God!

Yes, good idea, notice I left an area available for metrics.  I also left a little line in between the Bid and Ask where we can put in the current Midpoint (IE the current price).

- Add some volume, price and metrics to the top right and mid pane
- Implement Fractional fills would be sweet

« on: February 08, 2025, 10:48:11 AM »
BIBLEPAY 0.22.9 - Mandatory Upgrade

- Add stability to exchange RPC functions.

All, please upgrade to the latest version (available on the github link above).
Now theoretically all of the commands should be stable.
Aids, can you please check your 'getdogebalance' is stable 7 times in a row during a retest?
And now, Prof Budinga, you can try checking the Exchange room stays populated.
Note that anyone who has an encrypted wallet, you do have to unlock the wallet for the exchange to function.
There is still a 2minute delay after booting the wallet (for the exchange to populate); once that expires it repopulates as you move the mouse over the grids.

« on: February 08, 2025, 09:47:46 AM »
Hi All!

So I believe I found the problem.
I'm testing the solution now.

We should have an update very soon.

    Guys, I give up.
    I’m stuck in this situation.
    I tried everything, reinstalled wallet, changed configuration, changed IP port, updated to the latest version, all the rules of NAT on routers are fixed, if I run a netstat ports are in listen, if I run on external ip telnet on ports 40000 and 41000 the machine reachable.
    All this did not help to solve the situation.

    Below the output from masternode status

    masternode status
      "outpoint": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000-4294967295",
      "service": "*.*.*.66:41000",
      "state": "WAITING_FOR_PROTX",
      "status": "Waiting for ProTx to appear on-chain"

    Any suggestion? [/list]
    Sorry to hear you are having issues creating a new sanc.  I am sure it works as last month I created a few more (to ensure our LLMQ was working good etc).

    The Sanc IP is public and announced all over the place (its in the masternode list) so it should not really have to be concealed.
    If you dont want to reveal it I would try this from another machine on a network outside your LAN, like a work machine:
    telnet sancip port
    And see if it answers; if you do want to reveal it I can telnet from my house and tell you if it answers.

    Im not sure if you are saying the problem is that you are not being entered into sanc list, or if you are in the list and are not being paid 100%.
    Even a faulty setup should get you in the list and get you 50% payments (IE investor type payments).

    Im not saying to be happy with that just looking for more info.

    Definitely do a getnetworkstatus on each machine, and verify they are on the latest software version, and a getblockhash, verify they match chainz.
    Verify the TXID that sent the 'exec upgradesanc' command is in the chain more than 6 deep.
    Verify that you are in the masternodelist, even if it is the wrong IP, you should be in the list.
    Then you can do an additional 'exec upgradesanc sancname' and that will fix the ip.

    I always do that after I create a sanc, and after a few blocks pass as generally I have a new sanc with the wrong ip, then the exec upgradesanc fixes the ip.

    « on: February 04, 2025, 07:20:12 PM »
    Ahh, thank you for the screenshots.
    Actually its really good to see that you both had the same problem, because ironically I have not had it from my VM or my home pc.

    Its possible that I fixed something that did not get in the latest release; really busy at work, so Im going to have to try to reproduce this on my laptop which is not using the compiled version.

    Give me a couple days for things to settle down and ill be back asap.

    PS In theory you do not have to list orderbook or create atomic from command line (command line should only be needed for the exec getdogebalance etc).  Aids_S,  out of curiosity, on those instances where you had a 0 return for getdogebalance, were those after spends or were they just random problems?  (Cause that should only happen after a spend). 

    PS II:  One other thing can you both try in the mean time:  There is a timer meant to save resources, inside the Exchange page inside the order book grid.
    It goes to sleep once every few mins and only wakes up if there is mouse move Over the top or bottom grid.  Try this, after the orderbook goes blank (and after 2+ mins after a cold boot) click around in the grid area and wait a few secs and see if that fixes it? 

    « on: February 03, 2025, 11:27:43 AM »
    Hi Rob,

    100% i am on the right version but my trading room is blank, please see attached image. The error is unable to create atomic tx.


    Its not normal at all, so we start with a few questions.
    1) If on windows, try to go into this folder and delete this file :
    Delete the sidechain file.
    Then stop the node and restart the node.

    Wait more than 2 minutes then see if the exchange room is populated (there are something like 10 orders in there).
    It does stay blank the first 2 minutes normally.

    If it still happens, please paste a screenshot of the error.

    2) When you go to Window | Receiving addresses, and search by Trading, do you have both a Trading-public-key and a Trading-asset-doge populated?

    « on: January 31, 2025, 02:17:21 PM »
    I will say the majority of the time exec getdogebalance returns 0 even though the balance is 7.3

    then exec wrap doge returns this

    exec wrap DOGE 5

      "Command": "wrap",
      "id": "0",
      "Tx": "{\"SymbolBuy\":\"\",\"SymbolSell\":\"\",\"Action\":\"\",\"id\":\"0\",\"Version\":1,\"Quantity\":0,\"Price\":0,\"Status\":\"NA\",\"Signer\":\"\",\"Signature\":\"\",\"CollateralBBPAddress\":\"\",\"CollateralDOGEAddress\":\"\",\"CollateralALTAddress\":\"\",\"CollateralAssetAddress\":\"\",\"CollateralTXID\":\"\",\"ReturnTXID\":\"\",\"BlockExplorerURL\":\"\",\"Message\":\"\",\"AltAddress\":\"\",\"TXID\":\"\",\"MatchedTo\":\"\",\"FilledQuantity\":0,\"Time\":1738350217,\"Height\":0,\"Error\":\"\"}\n",
      "Error": ""

    or am I missing steps?

    1) I have not had that problem where getdogebalance returns 0 most of the time, however I think I know what it may be.
    The only time getdogebalance is 0, should be after you spend the doge on an unconfirmed tx for 1 block.
    Fortunately, once you wrap the DOGE into BBP-DOGE, you do not have to use the "real" DOGE again, so that problem will be minimalized.
    Try this, if you go to your BBP Doge address on blockcypher:
    Whenever you have an unconfirmed tx, you may see the 0 balance.
    If you have everything confirmed, you should see the right balance.
    Wait for that to be stable before moving to the WRAP step.
    2) Now do the exec wrap command and it should wrap.
    Once you wrap, dont do any more DOGE wraps until your balance is > 1 confirm again (or you may see the 0).

    3) You can then do this:
    exec getassetbalance doge
    And now see the total of your wrapped address (the DOGE is either in one place or another, but never missing).

    « on: January 31, 2025, 10:00:31 AM »
    Great work Rob,

    Im just wondering am i missing something as when i try to sell bbp i get cannot create atomic tx?


    Thanks bro.
    Just double checking, are you definitely on v0.22.8?

    And you are in this Exchange trading room (see pic) right?

    If so what is the exact error message?

    We moved to the UI version.

    PS Try downloading it from the Github link above; our probably takes 24 more hours to uncache.

    Here is the testnet to help us test the new DOGE-BBP exchange:

    « on: January 30, 2025, 04:42:21 PM »
    Alright everyone, this release is ready to test.
    Let me explain how this works.

    1) Wallet will be able to support more than one Asset (IE Trading Room) in the future as the architecture is created.
    Right now, we just have DOGE-BBP.
    2) There is a trading UI now, click Exchange.
    3) On boot, the Exchange will not load for 2 minutes, to keep the wallet boot fast.
    4) In order to trade, the wallet needs both a TRADING-PUBLIC-KEY and a TRADING-ASSET-DOGE address.
    Each unique trading room we create, we need one corresponding public key for the foreign currency.
    Its very easy to fund the BBP side for trading: simply go to receive addresses and copy the TRADING-PUBLIC-KEY and send yourself some BBP and that will allow you to make SELL transactions in the DOGE/BBP room.

    However, now that we have a new concept (Assets), your wallet needs to MINE a TRADING-ASSET-DOGE address in the background.
    It will do this automatically, but you need to unlock your wallet on boot for it to happen.

    Just unlock it and wait 15 mins or so before placing your first trade.
    If you place a BUY trade in the exchange room and your wallet has not yet mined the ASSET address, you will see a warning.

    5) To send an ASSET from one BBP wallet to another, from the rpc do a :
    exec sendasset SYMBOL dest_asset_address amount
    Note that you can only send assets to another ASSET address (you would need to set up a second BBP terminal and copy it to the clipboard, as it must end in DGZZ if its a DOGE asset.

    6) In order to BUY in the exchange room, you obviously need some wrapped DOGE.
    To get that do this:
    exec wrap DOGE amount
    Note that before you do that, you will need REAL doge, so try:
    exec getdogebalance
    You can fund your DOGE public key with some DOGE first, then you can wrap the DOGE into BBP-DOGE with the wrap command.
    Once you have wrapped DOGE, you can trade in the trading room with it and it does support Instantsend.

    7) To Unwrap your doge (I recommend doing this sparingly because it is a heavy process):
    unwrap doge amount
    The doge will be unwrapped and sent back to your DOGE public key.
    Always wait a DOGE block before doing a 'exec getdogebalance'.

    8 ) The transaction fees have been lowered by a magnitude in this version so that Wrapped BBP-DOGE will have miniscule fees that will not interfere with a wrap or unwrap.

    9) In this first version, only complete MATCH trades will execute.  IE:
    Sell 9000 BBP for .002 from USER 1
    Buy 9000 BBP for .002 from USER 2
    Will match and execute.

    10) The Flags column in the exchange:  M = Mine , T=Theirs

    I've got a TODO to create partial fills asap.

    Just let me know if Ive forgotten anything.

    Good luck!

    « on: January 30, 2025, 04:33:17 PM »
    Biblepay v022.8 - Mandatory Upgrade

    - Lower Tx fee down to .000001 so we can trade assets with very low tx fees in trading rooms
    - Add BBP atomic trading v2.0 and underpinnings
    - Add colored coins (which are colored assets) and add one asset: DOGE, which is BBP Wrapped Doge
    - Add sendasset (send colored asset from BBP wallet to BBP wallet) and getassetbalance
    - Add memory pool rule to reject tx's that violate the colored asset protocol
    - Remove colored assets from coin control and accidental wallet spending
    - Add background thread to mine first colored DOGE asset address
    - Add createassetaddress, which will allow you to create another asset address like BBP-Wrapped-DASH, etc.
    - Add exec bankroll, which creates denominated bbp vout transactions.
    - Add exec wrap and exec unwrap. This allows you to WRAP doge, and Unwrap doge (or other assets).
    - Add getassetbalance to query the colored asset balance by asset type.
    - Added TEST version of our next trading room (see testnet thread)

    Fantastic work my friend, good timing as Bololex is down again.
    Cant wait to test the new features.
    Exactly, Bololex was rather inspirational.
    Lets turn a negative into a positive and have the first in-wallet exchange.
    Also the new architecture will support more than one coin in the future, if there is adoption.
    There was a bug in the current version on windows, so once the new version is released in a few minutes we can start testing in testnet.

    Biblepay v022.8 - Mandatory Upgrade

    - Lower Tx fee down to .000001 so we can trade assets with very low tx fees in trading rooms
    - Add BBP atomic trading v2.0 and underpinnings
    - Add colored coins (which are colored assets) and add one asset: DOGE, which is BBP Wrapped Doge
    - Add sendasset (send colored asset from BBP wallet to BBP wallet) and getassetbalance
    - Add memory pool rule to reject tx's that violate the colored asset protocol
    - Remove colored assets from coin control and accidental wallet spending
    - Add background thread to mine first colored DOGE asset address
    - Add createassetaddress, which will allow you to create another asset address like BBP-Wrapped-DASH, etc.
    - Add exec bankroll, which creates denominated bbp vout transactions.
    - Add exec wrap and exec unwrap. This allows you to WRAP doge, and Unwrap doge (or other assets).
    - Add getassetbalance to query the colored asset balance by asset type.
    - Added TEST version of our next trading room (see testnet thread)

    « on: January 26, 2025, 07:57:11 AM »
    ** ATTENTION **

    If everyone could please cancel their trades in the doge/bbp trading room as I am now working on v2.0 which will not be compatible with the old version.


    To cancel the trade do:

    exec listorderbook buy
    Find the ID (** your trades have an M on them)
    exec canceltrade ID

    Then do the same with any of your Sells.

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