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Messages - Rob Andrews

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No worries!

Hmm so I have boinc and boinc-client installed,
the command has message "Boinc Installed: No"
I closed and reopened QT wallet and tried again, same

Server is Ubuntu 16.04 x64 with Lubuntu GUI installed hosted on Vultr

Poking at the code:



"LIN", "WIN" or "MAC"

Code: [Select]
std::string sPath = GetSANDirectory2() + "boinctemp";
// Boinc sends some output to stderr, some to stdout

std::string sEXEPath = sOS == "WIN" ? "\"c:\\program files\\BOINC\\boinccmd\"" : "boinccmd";

std::string sCmd = sEXEPath + " >" + sPath + " " + sCommand + " 2>&1";

Random question: if computer is Windows, boinccmd is looked for on the C: drive?

I still need to look into the GetSANDirectory2() some more and then test running the sCMD I build

Im able to run boinccmd command with no parameters, it gives help output

Code: [Select]
std::string GetSANDirectory2()
boost::filesystem::path pathConfigFile(GetArg("-conf", "biblepay.conf"));
     if (!pathConfigFile.is_complete()) pathConfigFile = GetDataDir(false) / pathConfigFile;
boost::filesystem::path dir = pathConfigFile.parent_path();
std::string sDir = dir.string() + "/SAN/";
boost::filesystem::path pathSAN(sDir);
if (!boost::filesystem::exists(pathSAN))
return sDir;

I cant find the function pathConfigFile() hmm
Is this weird C++ syntax for variable creation? lol


Very good diagnosis, thanks.

So on the windows question: Yes, on windows boinc doesnt seem to be in the PATH by default, so we prefix the entire path in and use the default drive.  I realize if a user puts boinc in another drive, we fail on windows for now.  But it works on my windows machine for a good start.  On linux and mac 'boinccmd' should be in the path. 

Now that is strange your boinccmd is not working- we can diagnose this.  First lets see if biblepay created your san directory.

cd ~/.biblepaycore/SAN
ls -l

You should see a 'boinctest' file.  cat it to the screen, see if it has the boinc help output?  Its supposed to have a timestamp of right when you typed 'exec rosettadiagnostics user pass'.  See if it does get written to?  Does it contain the text 'projectattach'?  If it doesnt, let me know if you have a different version of boinc and Ill compare the output to mine.  Yes, we should get this working on your ubuntu 64, so we can work across more platforms.

The pathConfigFile just returns the full path to :  ~/.biblepaycore/, thats where the blocks directory is.  (Other parts of the code add in 'testnet3' to actually respect the blocks directory testnet is using). We add the 'SAN' suffix for Sanctuary Quorum files and other temporary stuff used by IPFS. 

1.  Diagnosing Rosetta:  type 'exec rosettadiagnostics email password',

"Results": "Boinc Installed: No\n"
"Errors": "Boinc is not installed. Please run 'sudo apt-get install boincmgr boinc'

sudo apt-get install boincmgr boinc
unable to locate package: boincmgr

sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade

Now its installing a bunch of stuff, Im a Linux newbie am I doing this right? LOL

Sorry, wherever I wrote 'boincmgr', it should have been 'boinc boinc-client', that installs boinc and boinc gui.

boincmgr is the name of the UI app boinc installs....

I just updated the spork for NonBiblePayTeamPercentage to 90%, lets please test a non biblepay team superblock payout.

i cant sync nothing
Please try this:

telnet 40001

On my screen it is succesful.  That means for you you should be able to sync.
What is your testnet node IP, let me see if banned?


i have this

Are you synced to 73635?  All 3 of my nodes are synced.

Theres been at least 3 masternodes running, Ive been one of them I updated to v1.1.5.5 three days ago, Updating now to latest version

Togo- have you successfully tested the Contact list and Gospellink list, and is it good?
In the next version, the 1155d, you guys can please test the Diagnostic and Add buttons on the DC page- these do the same things as we test from the command line - except appear in the message box.
Im thinking for a brand new newbie, they will be able to install boinc, click Add Rosetta, then click Associate Rosetta.

Let me circle back around and re-test our blacklist and our team percentage and our non-biblepay PODC amount.


Thanks for testing.  The reason rosettadiagnostics requires the e-mail pass in the arguments is we use it to check if an account exists with rosetta or not first, and that lets us make the decision on replying with the right narrative if a Rosetta account needs to be created or not.

I was thinking the way this could be implemented from the GUI is we put two more buttons on the DC page (Rosetta Diagnostics, and Set-Up Rosetta), and we use the same info populated on the page (the user and pass) to call the function, and we show the result in a messagebox.

Then in this next baby step, we can change the directions for new users to be something like :  Install boinc, Click Set-Up Rosetta, Click Associate... etc.

On the nice UI pages etc, I was thinking we might be able to store more schema info in IPFS, and create a "Menu" object.  It might be possible for me to add menu items that point to business objects.  That would be an IPFS-driven menu system. Then the menu in the wallet is extended by what menu records exist; and we link for example "Gospel Link" to the Gospel Link List (from the Menu value for gospellink). 

Havent though about letter writing yet, but I thought of what might be a good one:  Our expenses and revenue being stored in IPFS.  If we make an object for expense and one for revenue, we could port whats in the pool accountability over to the wallet.  I think in order to do that, the permissions must be done first, otherwise hackers will deface the records (and that would  of course is not an option for the accountability records).  They have to be readable by all, but writable by the authorized signer.

For contacts, is specific long & lat a good idea? I'd worry someone who wants to target a group specifically could use it for evil. I wonder if long & lat should be close but not exact... like round up to zip code or census block group. So, you get a general idea of where someone is, but not exact location. The final disclosure can occur interpersonally.

I guess its up to the user to do what they want, and what features we use it for.
A public church can put the exact coordinates and maybe people who want to Tithe in BBP can go to that church.

The long & lat might be useful in the great tribulation if someone has a Christian camp that accepts other Christians, when things start getting bad.

Windows is deployed.

EDIT:  Ok, the two boinc diagnostics commands should work in windows now (1155c has been deployed).

Hi All,

Here are some of the new test cases:

1.  Diagnosing Rosetta:  type 'exec rosettadiagnostics'.  This command prints if Boinc is installed or not, if a rosetta account exists, and if Rosetta is attached and crunching.  Note that this does not work on windows yet, but it will within a couple days (as a couple values need entered in the code for windows).  Although this is not a GUI (yet) this was one thing we needed to provide the ability to make a GUI work.

2.  Auto attaching RAH for a brand new user:  type 'exec attachrosetta e-mail pass'.  This command won't harm your setup if you are already working so have no fear in trying it.  Its basically an end-end test that tries to fix anything it finds that is wrong.  If boinc isn't installed, it tells you to install boinc and stops.  If an account does not exist, it creates one.  If RAH is not attached, it attaches RAH.  This command also does not work on windows yet, but will within a couple days.

3.  Business objects.  Now we have the capability to create multiple types of business objects in IPFS.  We currently have 3:  object, contact and gospellink.  Note that the contents of each business object record are stored in IPFS not the chain.  To see the list of gospellink's for example, type exec bolist gospellink. 

4.  Navigating to a List (of business object records).  To keep our BO system generic, instead of promoting hundreds of UI pages at this stage, the navigation is done through programmatic jumps from object to object (not from UI bound to objects).  So let's test the display of the list of gospellinks:  From the menu, click Business Object List.  This shows the master list of business objects (we have 3).  Right click on Gospel Link, then click List.  The system will then show a list of Gospel Links.

5.  Navigating to a URL in a business object:  Right now we have Testimony URL in Contact and Video URL in GospelLink.  To view a video for example, right click on the GospelLink and click NavigateTo.  You can also do this from Contact.  The system searches for a field called "URL" and navigates to that field value (currently).

6.  Add your own gospellink:  Type 'exec addgospellink url notes' (Note that any value with a space in it must be surrounded by quotes).  In the future we will have an Add page to add a business object record to any business object.

Hopefully you can see the value in business objects, as a generic store that Biblepay may possibly charge to lease individual organization specific permissioned objects.  Realize in the future we will need to add permissions to keep an org's objects from being defaced by the public.

Update: has been checked in for TestNet, please upgrade.

Windows is compiling.

I will Blog ASAP on what was added and how we can test it.

So I added some more handling to the area of "ancestor not found".  I found a bug in Contact Add - fixed - will be in the next testnet version.

Im working on automating BOINC setup for brand new cancer miners. 

Let's pause for a little bit until the next version is ready, then we can test all this together.

Oh one more thing I just remembered, if anyone does receive that 'block has no ancestor' and crash, you can also make a copy of your testnet chainstate and blocks folders, and zip it and send to me, or simply keep it in order to have it to reproduce the error again in valgrind.

Sorry, I already -reindexed it :(

But I've installed valgrind in case it ever happens again. Can't seem to get it working in all my noobness though... Could you tell me what specific command I should use?
Sure, it should be easy as the defaults usually work.  Once you have valgrind installed, depending on how you launch biblepay (IE either "./biblepay-qt" or "./biblepayd") replace that string with this:

cd ~/biblepay
valgrind ./biblepay-qt

For example would start the QT wallet with valgrind running.  You can put all your normal parameters after the ./biblepay-qt also.  It might be easier to pipe the output to a log file since the log would be long (like  >vallog.txt) etc.  If you dont pipe to a log you can scroll back through the end of the trace and see functions and line numbers.  We usually need the last stack trace (the whole section to see how it was called).  Since some functions call other functions etc.

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