Bible Pay

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Messages - Rob Andrews

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Updated the node.

Don't worry about my questions from above, I'll just google it. Thanks.

The node stopped again.

Yeah, I valgrinded it and now it died a couple lines before the same place.  I checked in 1093c, please grab that one now, LOL!

So far I think 1093c got past it- Ive been running 30 minutes now.

Anyway I do see a sanc mnsync issue on my 2nd sanc also.  But let me research that a little further, as our chainparams might not be calling for all parts of sancs to start until block 5000, Or, it could be that we only have 5 sancs and 3 of them are only preenabled (IE not a supermajority).  Im thinking it is one of these two things, Ill take a look.

in other side: mining on phones is bad or with SIM cards= internet traffic with biblepay is very bad for most poor ppl  :-[ = almost 60GB monthly

No, Im seeing the biblepay wallet used 78 meg of bandwidth over 24 hours.

The rosetta mining device uses Zero of your biblepay bandwidth (as biblepay controller is on a different machine than a tablet or phone).  Rosetta uses its own bandwidth for new tasks and task checking.  I dont think the packets are that big. 
Someone needs to test boinc/rosetta with wireshark software. 
Be sure to realize the first 2-3 slots that get filled with Rosetta data are much larger, because its downloading the protein database and the program.  After a couple hours you should take a 24 hour baseline and then actually know the *real* consumption of the mining node.

If we add real time certification of tasks, I suppose it will increase bandwidth on the controller, but not by more than 10% or so.

I checked my wallet and both of the wallet accounts have at least 500k tBBP. Masternode outputs also still show 2 hashes. Both nodes are still at 1. How does the nodes sync anyways? Does it get the information from the memory pool? Where is the memory pool?

Node #2 stopped again.

You forgot to add "install" in the apt-get command if you want to update it.

valgrind is using 99% of my cpu and getinfo returns
error code: -28
error message:
Loading block index...

I upgraded to 2GB ram but it's the same. I tried getinfo without valgrind and its fine.

Valgrind gave me something when I left it running:
Great, Im glad you were finally able to figure out how to get valgrind running.
Coincidentally last night my dev testnet died before going to sleep and I left it run in valgrind.
I have the exact same log as you, so thats good that we agree we crashed in the same exact place.
So this looks a little fishy, because this line has been in forever.  It points toward possible hacking (IE spamming us with some invalid blocks), but i cant say for sure.
Anyway, I did fix the issue to prevent a crash by rejecting the block and continuing. I checked in if you want to go ahead upgrade now.

** I recommend everyone testing to upgrade to to avoid the crash.   Ill compile a windows version today **

You were asking:
"I checked my wallet and both of the wallet accounts have at least 500k tBBP. Masternode outputs also still show 2 hashes. Both nodes are still at 1. How does the nodes sync anyways? Does it get the information from the memory pool? Where is the memory poo?"

I don't understand the question but it sounds like you are asking a couple different questions, but Im not sure in what context or why you are asking these things. Some are googlable, regarding bitcoin and the memory pool, but it sounds like you are wondering why the sanc wont sync in regards to its mnsync command, but also mentioning memory pool for "syncing".  So Im not sure what the question means, could you please elaborate?

The vps only has 0.7gb of ram. I can try that later when I upgrade it but I'll just monitor it for now. Thank you.

Ok cool.  Ill run it that way also if I encounter a crash.

On your nonsyncing sanc you can check to see in coin control if you still have the 500K.  I spent mine today, and it didnt throw any errors and stopped syncing in mnsync also... Reenabling mine now to see if that was it.

I was setting up a 2nd node so I had to restart the daemon on my controller wallet. Now the daemon will only run for about a minute then stop.

2018-02-20 02:33:22  GetBlockSubsidy 2673.000000
2018-02-20 02:33:22 init message: Done loading
2018-02-20 02:33:33 P2P peers available. Skipped DNS seeding.
2018-02-20 02:33:33 dnsseed thread exit
2018-02-20 02:33:45 Misbehaving: (0 -> 14)

Can you please run it in valgrind if you have more than 2gb of ram?

sudo apt-get valgrind

valgrind ./biblepayd


That will give us the line of the error.

I see someone is trying to hack my CPID in testnet.  I see the users testnet bbp address is yRo7XJD3rWw88DuaHsu5VkXnMwtbn4mqv5.  I just sent you 125 bbp with a message Happy Hacking!  Its probably Swongle.

Thanks for testing that for us.  I see the network rejected the fraudulent transaction.

(The hacker was trying to insert a fraudulent burn in the chain with my CPID in it).

My node was synced but now it's not, is that normal? I do see the blocks going up.

  "AssetID": 1,
  "Attempt": 0,
  "IsBlockchainSynced": false,
  "IsMasternodeListSynced": false,
  "IsWinnersListSynced": false,
  "IsSynced": false,
  "IsFailed": false,
  "MasternodesEnabled": true

"version": 1000903,
  "protocolversion": 70715,
  "walletversion": 61000,
  "wallet_fullversion": "",
  "balance": 3198180.27801030,
  "privatesend_balance": 0.00000000,
  "retirement_balance": 0,
  "blocks": 2688,
  "timeoffset": 0,
  "connections": 10,
  "proxy": "",
  "difficulty": 0.07714083926784768,
  "testnet": true,
  "keypoololdest": 1518115544,
  "keypoolsize": 1001,
  "paytxfee": 0.00000000,
  "relayfee": 0.00010000,
  "errors": ""

Sounds like a sanctuary sync issue (not a chain sync problem), which I feel pretty good about because we havent fundamentally changed the sanctuary code.  Your probably OK, lets check some others sancs and ensure they are 999 also.  Ill check mine in a few mins.

No, whenever it gets the data file from Rosetta it will update your mag.

Well actually since we have been in business a few days it already knows all of our CPIDs on the sanc side, but you need to reassociate your CPID.

After 6 confirms, you should see your mag reappear.

I agree with you. I just wanted to point on another point of view :) You're making great job and I'm impressed with yours fast making concept/programming ability. Thanks.
Thanks Orbis, if it works then all credit to Yeshua.

I catch your drift, but I think security and integrity trumps usability in this case.  I believe we should do everything possible to keep the system working for tablets and phones, and also, keep it acceissble for people in the unbanked world where they cant afford stakes to use it (IE dont make the rich richer).

Im thinking of ways to make that happen, but so far all I have are two modifications:
1) The "controller" wallet can run on any of your boincing pcs (IE if you send the wallet to the boinc PC, it doesnt necessarily mean your home PC has to stay on), but yes, so far at least one biblepay node has to stay up at all times
2) We can make the coin_amount*age modifier relatively small, but definitely intact.  What this would do is going back to the botnet issue, require a mining org to have BBP at stake to receive research rewards.  However in sympathy to 3rd world users mining to pay for a loaf of bread, we should require a pretty low stake amount, say < 99,000 bbp or something.  (I mean any amount would work, but dont give Huge benefits to people with a lot of coin age, or then the rich get richer).  Im thinking CoinAmount*CoinAge*RAC = Reward, but the CoinAmount*CoinAge is limited and capped to something like 7 days of coin age @ 250,000 BBP. Etc.

Im open to suggestions, but driving our price up due to a breakthrough feature, and helping 100,000 orphans is much much more important.  If our price goes up, people will find a way to leave a controller wallet running and then mine on multiple tablets :).

Thinking more about this I think we can have our cake and eat it too.  As long as the CPID does not have any computers on the CPID.

We can say : If the CPID is only phones & tablets, allow it in with no penalty with a stake age of 1 day @ 10000 bbp. 

Otherwise, require proof of every task, every task start time, and a UTXO.  So for the small fish in the block (usually < 100 RAC or so) we could let them in.    I wouldnt mind programming that in, especially for usability in 3rd world countries.

It makes sense, because the power users are the hogs, and those are the ones we check fully.  Then we still have our integrity and competition etc.

This would be a big minus for me. My controller wallet is on my notebook, which is my only one PC and that is not running 24/7. I really don't like an idea to put my wallet somewhere to run it 24/7 (e.g. VPS). I like current state :) It is ideal for me. OK, i'm just a small fish here, but I think, that you want to point this coin to people like me too. If there will be mobile phone wallet with this option, it wouldn't be so bad. This would be acceptable to almost everyone. There will be just another problem. You must be still online :) , so you need to pay mobile data. In developing countries it may be problem too. OK. I must stop writing, I'm really not optimistic :) But I like a PoDC a lot.

I catch your drift, but I think security and integrity trumps usability in this case.  I believe we should do everything possible to keep the system working for tablets and phones, and also, keep it acceissble for people in the unbanked world where they cant afford stakes to use it (IE dont make the rich richer).

Im thinking of ways to make that happen, but so far all I have are two modifications:
1) The "controller" wallet can run on any of your boincing pcs (IE if you send the wallet to the boinc PC, it doesnt necessarily mean your home PC has to stay on), but yes, so far at least one biblepay node has to stay up at all times
2) We can make the coin_amount*age modifier relatively small, but definitely intact.  What this would do is going back to the botnet issue, require a mining org to have BBP at stake to receive research rewards.  However in sympathy to 3rd world users mining to pay for a loaf of bread, we should require a pretty low stake amount, say < 99,000 bbp or something.  (I mean any amount would work, but dont give Huge benefits to people with a lot of coin age, or then the rich get richer).  Im thinking CoinAmount*CoinAge*RAC = Reward, but the CoinAmount*CoinAge is limited and capped to something like 7 days of coin age @ 250,000 BBP. Etc.

Im open to suggestions, but driving our price up due to a breakthrough feature, and helping 100,000 orphans is much much more important.  If our price goes up, people will find a way to leave a controller wallet running and then mine on multiple tablets :).

One of my wallets was stuck syncing the masternode info for a little bit but it finally fully synced,
Got 2 Sanctuaries running now!
Yeah, I see my mag dropped to 774, you must have hogged all my mag!
JK, anyway I see we solved 16 of the 16 superblocks this time.

I just remembered, we should all post the sanctuary_rank from exec testvote.  But lets wait til we have at least 5 sancs...

Pre-enabled but stuck here:

"AssetID": 3,
  "Attempt": 12,
  "IsBlockchainSynced": true,
  "IsMasternodeListSynced": true,
  "IsWinnersListSynced": false,
  "IsSynced": false,
  "IsFailed": false,
  "MasternodesEnabled": true
Code: [Select]

2018-02-19 20:24:10 Misbehaving: (0 -> 14)
2018-02-19 20:24
2018-02-19 20:25:34 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED

I think you are OK - sometimes new masternodes take a few hours to sync.  Could you please see if your blocks are still moving on that node- past block 2005?  And then type:
mnsync reset

And lets see if it makes it to 999?

Log looks OK.

Rob, how did you send the tBBP to yourself, Before I updated, it gave me that peers warning message when I tried to look up my addresses.

I had to mine a few hundred blocks in order to have enough to start a hot sanc.  Do u need some tBbp?

The peers warning should be gone now; it comes up when all your peers have different block heights.

3435 - Mandatory Upgrade for Testnet

- Added PODC bounds checks to prevent invalid superblocks

Note:  Everyone will have to reassociate their CPIDs in Biblepay, and re-create hot sancs.

Team enforcement is enabled in testnet.

Please delete blocks, chainstate, and mn*.dat files before resyncing.

Windows has been deployed!

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