Bible Pay

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God bless everyone, including non BiblePay users.

7 more days until the TestNet release.

Man, I don't know many of them do not trust in this project! Hats off brother for your dedication!
Thanks; even though there is not much of a reward right now, I think we are still close to deploying the cutting edge use cases, and God will help us get through the fog and make a valuable service for Christians (and non Christians) that fulfills voids in the current world systems:  Banks start to collapse, people turn to Crypto.  Retirement accounts earn less than inflation: people look for alternative investments, like crypto-indexes and crypto based instruments. 

The new code is cleaner, I can see why they refactored so much.  They gutted a lot of fluff out of the old wallet.  They refactored the whole program so its more efficient.  I had trouble understanding the new "node interface" that Dash uses now; there is a lot of new code that sets references to the NodeContext and the CoreContext so that requires some work for BBP custom code to be ported over to work with it but it was a good learning experience for me anyway; I think we are over the hump now and I'm hoping to have it in testnet by the end of the month.

Man, I don't know many of them do not trust in this project! Hats off brother for your dedication!
Thanks for solving the issue Rob!
No problem brother A.

Rebase 50% finished but its a huge project.  There are about 500,000 lines of code that were changed in Bitcoin and Dash.

Thanks for solving the issue Rob!
this is what I see. nothing happens. But I received your call last night.
Sweet, well please email me your phone number cause that is what Im trying to use to reproduce the problem, and I still cant see it.

this is what I see. nothing happens. But I received your call last night.
Send me the full phone number you are trying to dial and maybe a screen shot of what you have on there before you hit send and any error message.

I did.
Nice Bible-focused Ai.

Yeah, one real use case I thought that we can do with this in the future, is make the Sancs run an instance of openLLAMA's LLM (open source version of dolphin 3.5 for example), and we can have a sanc decide what Christian videos you may want on your feed (of course we have to build up a library of prophecy videos and stuff) but we could be the first coin to deploy in house AI for example and possibly charge BBP for chat queries.
I'm checking that out, but calling didn't go through when I tried to call with the phone. To my specific country even though I have nearly 100k bbp.
Send me the full phone number you are trying to dial and maybe a screen shot of what you have on there before you hit send and any error message.

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