Good morning, all and TGIF!
New problem - I cannot get my email client to recognize the biblepay.qt LAN address. I have tried the local address (same machine = 127...1) and the IP address from my router.
Also, just to confirm - my password for my email account is my user Nickname. Is that correct? Thank you all.
Can I get some tech help here? I have set up email clients before. Also, can you tell me why I am using 30110 and 30025 versus the actual ports? Do they automatically open if I want to use them? Yes, this is my personal laptop I am using.
Good morning Radar and God bless you. TGIF. Watching FlashPoint news now and they are trying to pass some bad Christian bills in the senate.
Anyway on this port thing, first, after you boot biblepay-qt up on your lan, you can do this test from windows to know your biblepay wallet is listening:
telnet localhost 30110 (or 30025) and make sure it answers. If it does not it might be that your local firewall is on and maybe a rule needs added for that?
Ive also ran my biblepay remotely and it works that way also; for instance I ran my biblepay in my VM, and it has a different IP, and from my mail client, I enter the IP of the VM for the mail host (instead of
To find out, just do the same telnet test until you get an answer from the machine where your mail client is running. Im using outlook 2016 for example. Weve also tested Thunderbird and Outlook-windows-10 builtin. Im not sure if MIP has tested the built in MAC version yet.
Anyway, the main reason we use the 30110 instead of 110 is if we were to use a port number below 110, then you have to run the program as root. Most users are uncomfortable running the coin-wallet as root (at least in linux) so that alleviates that. However we do have a key if you want it to be the standard port, "smtpport=25" and "pop3port=110" for example will do that. In addition Ive found some unix boxes are already listening on one of those ports and this prevents collisions.
The ports do automatically open on boot.
Let me know if you still have problems.
EDIT: As far as user and pass, you can use your bbp nickname as the user, and anything for the pass (security is still maintained due to the way it works locally only).
5600 BBP