The goal is to test our next mandatory release for quality and stability.
Testnet Instructions:
Git pull origin master to the latest version (
From ~/.biblepaycore
Create a file called biblepaytest.conf
Add the following lines:
Launch testnet like this:
cd ~/biblepay/src/qt
./biblepay-qt -conf=biblepaytest.conf
This setup lets you run testnet side by side your prod node or masternode, and allows you to avoid problems finding a separate testnet configuration file.
To set up a hot testnet sanctuary:
Ask a forum member for 500,000 bbp.
Launch the wallet.
Type: masternode genkey
Copy the key to the 'masternodeprivkey=xxxx' in the biblepaytest.conf file.
Send 500,000 bbp to one of your own receiving addresses.
Restart the wallet.
Testing objectives:
- Ensure monthly (weekly in testnet) superblock is capable of paying a dispursement, ensure getgovernanceinfo is correct
- Ensure daily PODC superblock is also capable of dispursing, ensure exec getboincinfo podc budget is correct
(The above two tests verify the cascading superblock bug will be mitigated)
- Ensure wallet boots without memorizing prayers on the primary thread, but yet in the background thread (this is the speedy bootup feature)
- Ensure active proposal list view is available (Bhavani)
- Ensure active proposal list vote works (Bhavani)
- Ensure active proposal list pie chart works (Bhavani)
- Test new PODC mature consensus feature (Rob will explain)
( // Mature means we stake a point in history (one timestamp per day) as Yesterdays point, and mature means it is older than that historical point.
// This should theoretically allow the sancs to come to a more perfect consensus each day for PODC elements: DCCs (Distinct CPIDs), UTXOWeights (UTXO Stake Amounts), TaskWeights (Task confirmations), and Unbanked Indicators.)
- Test exec podcvotingreport (Rob)
- Check Slovakian User Interface Language (Orbis) to ensure the ?'s have dissapeared
- After F13000 Cutover Height, Block speed has been increased by 4.5% (aiming for 205 blocks per day)
Thank you for your continued support that ultimately helps orphans globally.