Bible Pay

Read 764709 times

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Hello and still love BBP after all these years! God Bless!

Usually the BBP Core Wallet runs smoothly.  However, I'm having a BBP Core Wallet Sync Issue.  I am using the latest version. Wallet is locked.  Previous version results the same. I have Wallet backup (dat). Device is Desktop PC on Windows 10 64 bit (all updated).
After many hours, It would seem the BBP Core wallet is hanging at:

"Syncing Headers" 98.8%
"Number of Blocks Left"  479699 blocks of transaction history
"Progress" 98.57%
"2 Active connections to BBP Network"

So, I see the "Wallet Repair" option "Rescan blockchain Files" 1 and 2.  Should I run those? Or reinstall the program itself?
TYIA and God Bless the team, community and this project!

Thanks bro Haze!
Glad you are still around.

So step 1, just make sure your wallet is running v0.17.5.4.
Then try restarting with either the Wallet Tools | Reindex option or my favorite way , from the command prompt type:
biblepay-qt -erasechain=1

It could be that your wallet has a bad block at that height (thats a sanc governance height for a superblock so that happens occasionally).
Then once synced you should match the chainz block explorer.

  • Christblood
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    • April 20, 2022, 11:30:44 AM
It sounds like (maybe) that people who only want to invest $50 to $100 are not in the "staking/mining" option now?

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
It sounds like (maybe) that people who only want to invest $50 to $100 are not in the "staking/mining" option now?
Actually an altar is only $20 right now - see Bololex.
So imho, the altar option gives BBP users a breakthrough option compared to DASH.  Imagine if you had to pay $45,000 for one masternode.

  • SimonSays
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    • March 06, 2024, 01:03:56 AM

I read that Southxchange has closed.
On which exchanges can now trade Biblepay?

Best regards

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of

I read that Southxchange has closed.
On which exchanges can now trade Biblepay?

Best regards

Hi Simon,

1) You can still trade BBP on bololex:

2) We are looking for another exchange as well, at least one that will put us back on CoinMarketCap.

3) I am working on in-wallet DOGE atomic swaps (Sanctuary BBP->DOGE swap, in wallet).

4) If you or anyone has a BBP link or piece of info you believe is outdated, provide the LINK URL and how many inches down on the screen the info is, and what you believe needs updated and then we will look into fixing it.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
DOGE and STELLAR Atomic Swaps now trading on Unchained:

1) When you use unchained, you start with a single BiblePay keypair.
2) That same key derives a personal DOGE key, and a personal Stellar Key.
3) When you launch the DOGE wallet (within unchained from the left menu, click DOGE wallet), you can send DOGE from your DOGE unchained wallet to an outside DOGE address.
These transactions are instant (sent directly to the DOGE network, from the Biblepay network, signed by the BBP node using our own signer).
4) When you launch the Stellar wallet (within Unchained from the left menu), you can send Stellar from your Stellar unchained wallet to an outside Stellar address.
These transactions are instant (they are signed by your private unchained key).
5. You can now Swap BBP to DOGE instantly using the DOGE atomic swap.
Simply click Atomic Swap from the left menu and choose DOGE.
Choose an amount of BBP and the screen will show you how much DOGE you will receive.
Note that by doing this, your BBP unchained balance will decrease and your DOGE unchained balance will increase.
6.  You can now Swap BBP to Stellar instantly by using the Stellar Atomic swap.
Follow the same directions as above, and the Stellar will be added to your Stellar Unchained wallet, and your Unchained BBP balance will be reduced.

God bless you.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 05:37:22 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • lalexcross
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    • April 16, 2018, 04:17:51 AM
No, thats cool, I dont mind going into more detail where need be.  We also do have some wiki guides on some of these concepts and when one is discovered that is really necessary to document we do make an end-to-end tutorial as a wiki.

First of the reason there are 3 flavors of Sancs now is because some people cant afford 4.55MM bbp for a sanctuary; so now we offer one flavor of sanc for 455,001 bbp and also a Temple for 45MM bbp.  They each have really the same reward (IE the altar pays 10%, the Sanc 100% and the Temple 1000%).

With a sanc you get a bigger reward because its doing the randomx mining in the pool, and you end up with the entire block reward every time your deterministic sanctuary is scheduled for payment. 

If you are an investor you will get 50% of the reward, but an active hosted sanc on a VM, you get 100%.

I would suggest to go back to the release where we ask you to create a deterministic sanctuary, and simply ask questions on any area that is confusing and I can try to help.
Most of this documentation was already established dash; so any terminology on the basics, you can get that from googling that term and Dash Masternode.

Weve simply enhanced and extended those Masternodes to become deterministic sancs with different sizes, and we ported the block miner into the sanc.  And we added the 50% active/passive rules.

Here is the guide to set up a sanc:

Just let me know what you need help with.  If you simply want to set up one without renting an actual VM (IE as a passive investor) you just follow the guide, but you point it to your own IP address.

Substitute the 4,500,001 with 450001 to create an altar.

Hi Rob
I'm still stuck with the error belowe

exec upgradesanc AltareSanto 1

bad-protx-collateral-check-proreg-tx (code 16) (code -1)


  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of

Hi Rob
I'm still stuck with the error belowe

exec upgradesanc AltareSanto 1

bad-protx-collateral-check-proreg-tx (code 16) (code -1)


No problem, can you please paste your TXID of your collateral and the amount you are using here, and Ill check the collateral using getrawtransaction?


  • Budinga
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    • January 28, 2020, 02:21:29 AM
DOGE and STELLAR Atomic Swaps now trading on Unchained:

1) When you use unchained, you start with a single BiblePay keypair.
2) That same key derives a personal DOGE key, and a personal Stellar Key.
3) When you launch the DOGE wallet (within unchained from the left menu, click DOGE wallet), you can send DOGE from your DOGE unchained wallet to an outside DOGE address.
These transactions are instant (sent directly to the DOGE network, from the Biblepay network, signed by the BBP node using our own signer).
4) When you launch the Stellar wallet (within Unchained from the left menu), you can send Stellar from your Stellar unchained wallet to an outside Stellar address.
These transactions are instant (they are signed by your private unchained key).
5. You can now Swap BBP to DOGE instantly using the DOGE atomic swap.
Simply click Atomic Swap from the left menu and choose DOGE.
Choose an amount of BBP and the screen will show you how much DOGE you will receive.
Note that by doing this, your BBP unchained balance will decrease and your DOGE unchained balance will increase.
6.  You can now Swap BBP to Stellar instantly by using the Stellar Atomic swap.
Follow the same directions as above, and the Stellar will be added to your Stellar Unchained wallet, and your Unchained BBP balance will be reduced.

God bless you.

Great work brother,

I have just tested this and it works great, very useful.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Great work brother,

I have just tested this and it works great, very useful.
Thanks bro.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I've been researching the latest breakthroughs on the Ethereum (ERC-20 side) and I have to admit, I went through a phase where I was relatively impressed with Hedera Hashgraph, in that they process 20,000 TransactionPerSecond (TPS) and have a small NFT collection (although most dont render on the screen) and they have fully locked tx's in a block a few seconds after submitting them, (IE like bitcoin lightning solves for), however I was not impressed with their centralized nature (35 companies that own the chain) nor their connection to Google.  I was also not impressed with their non standard Metamask implementation (you need a plugin for the plugin to get it to work).  I quickly realized they have a technology that is "OK" but breaks every standard out there.  Plus, I heard God tell me "Arbitrum is better". 

So Ive been expirimenting with Arbitrum ever since and I'm very impressed with their 40,000 TPS; the tx's are locked in a block 5 seconds after you transmit.  The native currency ARB is theoretically available in every country and they are already on all the DEX's.  The gas fees are less than 1 cent to do any operation on the ERC side and they are fully solidity smart contract compliant.

Although we have a working sidechain now that is about 1,000 TPS and is not released yet, I believe we may have room to integrate or partner with ARB.  One use case would be making an atomic swap in and out of BBP->ARB so that users can send cash to other countries instantly (this gives us the equivalent of Bitcoins Lightning network).  Yes we have instantsend, but our currency is not settled in every other country.  With ARB, you can do this :  BBP->ARB Atomic transfer to your friend in India; Friend in India goes from ARB -> INR -> Coinbase withdrawal.  Also the ARB blocks are settled in 1 second, so what we would gain is 1 second block settlement for BBP.

Another thing Im weighing out is NFTs stored as ERC721 on the ARB network.  Problems we are still solving:  Orphan (Soul bound NFT) with expiration date, instantly settled NFT sales, promoting an NFT in an iframe/public link, NFT SEO, Encrypted embedded 'Hi-Res image' or 'treasure' link only viewable by owner.  Remember the main reason we moved from ERC721 to native was because you could not host an opensea iframe on a BBP website.  However we may be able to solve all these problems now by making our own ERC721b contract for BBP.  So Im looking into this to see if I can do this in testnet and then we can reevaluate.

One other future use case for Arb, ironically by its name, is wrapping or tokenizing real world assets.  I could see a use case for tokenizing every stock market security (similar to what Denari is doing).  Lets talk more about that later as that would be a 2025-2026 roadmap item, as we have more pressing things to release this year.

But back to reality, the way BBP could partner with ARB is : We would still be primarily useful in having our sidechain that binds dapp pages (IE user apps that manage data), their permissions that ultimately drives the view of the page.  Think social media pages, timeline, comments posting, Gospel videos, small homegrown apps that manage one thing, like Widgets for XYZ; that can be stored in the BBP sidechain.  The ARB features come in when we need to transfer funds from User a -> User B; those funds would atomically swap to ARB first then reach the recipients metamask wallet in ARB.  The other use case is rolling up our sidechain blocks into both BBP + ARB blocks. 

So for example, a user is minting an nft.  Our side chain holds the NFT images which generate links that live forever (as we store real data on STORJ and expose those links as bbp sidechain links).  However ARB would run the ERC721 NFT contract itself.  As long as we can view and buy the ARB nft in both Opensea and our public SEO compatible showroom, this plan would work (Checking on that).

Ill need to make a new nutrition chart that explains the pros and cons of what this relationship looks like.
But for now, it does appear to be a match made in heaven.  Im getting excited about it, because we would gain:
40,000 TPS
Instantly settled tx in actual blocks with hashes that are non reversible
Instant NFT transfer owner -> owner
Settlable BBP in any currency and any country
Instant cash transfer to any metamask user in the world
We retain BBP link storage that serves real files (mp3, mp4, image etc) on our sidechain
We retain ability to finish social media system
We can add Governance smart contracts that allow any users who have permissions to orgs to delegate more permissions to other users (IE establish zero trust permisionless DAO
for apps we write)


  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Ok, a little update on ERC-721b and NFTs and ARB (Arbitrum).

I created my proof of concept yesterday, an ARB ERC721b solidity contract, and the test was successful.

This means that it appears that it is worth designing, and releasing a new NFT spec that improves upon the existing spec and enhances BBP.

I wrote the functional changes to ERC721 here in this wiki, to ensure we capture all the requirements in order to implement these properly.

Please read this wiki:

My goal is to release the new breed of NFTs side by side our old NFTs and then after we know they work properly per those requirements we can write a utility that will convert old NFTs to new NFTs.

  • lalexcross
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    • April 16, 2018, 04:17:51 AM
No problem, can you please paste your TXID of your collateral and the amount you are using here, and Ill check the collateral using getrawtransaction?


Rob I think I solve the issue, but now the error is that is not possible to find a pubblic IP address.
So, i cannot use the masternode on a NATTED network ?


  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Rob I think I solve the issue, but now the error is that is not possible to find a pubblic IP address.
So, i cannot use the masternode on a NATTED network ?

Hi bro Ale,
So just want to point out, the main point of having a sanc servicing the BBP network is being there to provide instant send services and block forwarding and randomx mining (as that only happens on the sancs now).  If your node is not public there is no way for other nodes to reach your node, so hence the reduced reward.

More specifically you have to have port 40000 exposed to the world.  You can test it like this (use my 1st sanc as an example):
telnet 40000

If the screen clears you know its exposed publically.

Good luck.
(NAT is a separate topic.  You can technically still NAT on your LAN, but you just need the port exposed publically for other nodes to reach your node).

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I'm pretty excited about the next release as what we are gaining, imho is pretty big.

With the next feature, we will have Arbitrum ERC20 wallets built into unchained (derived from the BiblePay keys).
This means you can send and receive in ARB to any metamask in the world, instantly.
But even bigger than that, the transactions will be confirmed IN A BLOCK in 1 second.
That is absolutely amazing (better than lightning network (because those are limited by endpoints and are not settled in BTC blocks immediately), and better than instantsend transactions as those are locked in mempool, but not mined).

So what this means to a layperson is:
You can buy $100 of BBP on an exchange.
You can atomically swap this to $99.99 of ARB immediately.
You can send the $99.99 to a friend in India on a metamask wallet in 1 second.
The friend in India can immediately (1 second later) spend it in any uniswap pool or any exchange (ARB is settled in every currency and on every exchange).

So this basically boosts BBP to having the equivalent of hundreds of exchanges that we dont have.

Obviously this is just the beginning of our use cases as some may wonder, then, why do I need BBP at all if I can use ARB?
The answer is BBP will still provide permissions, NFTs, orphan sponsorships, deflationary emissions, sanc mining, gospel videos, phone service, social media services, file storage on sidechain, and financial services.

Without BBP what you have is a very hard to use interface (think ERC-721 contracts, APIs, Web3 interfaces, and a limited number of DAPPs).  With BBP you will have the ease of use, and we tithe 10% to orphan charity.

There will be a clear case for BBP+ARB so let me put together a matrix on that asap.

Im very excited about the next NFT release.  These new NFTs do everything we promised, and even more exciting they lock the ARB funds in using "programmable money", something we have not experienced yet on our L1 chain.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2024, 08:34:30 PM by Rob Andrews »