Bible Pay

Read 758320 times

  • Christblood
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    • April 20, 2022, 11:30:44 AM
Re: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)
« Reply #1485 on: February 20, 2024, 12:36:54 PM »
Hi CB,
I hope you are doing good!

Next, try restarting the wallet with:
./biblepay-qt -zapwallettxes=1

That will clear out any orphaned tx's that might be in your wallet, keeping it from trying to send invalid coins.


"On Windows, you need to start the command line prompt (cmd.exe), go to your window search and enter "cmd" and start cmd.exe. Start bitcoin-qt with --zapwallettxes=1

C:\Program Files (x86)\Bitcoin\bitcoin-qt.exe --zapwallettxes=1"


Newbie ponderings that don't work:

I have never used this to start a wallet.  I am wondering how to do it.

All I see are shortcuts on my machine.   When I try to edit them they launch.  Also, I tried running the command in the directory that came up and it launched Edge. 

When I go to command line with wallet running I get:


Method not found (code -32601)
« Last Edit: February 20, 2024, 12:46:34 PM by Christblood »

  • Christblood
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    • April 20, 2022, 11:30:44 AM
Re: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)
« Reply #1486 on: February 20, 2024, 12:57:58 PM »
OK, I get the same result when I run

biblepay-qt -zapwallettxes=1

The amount exceeds your balance.

These are all coins I bought with about two months of profit from trading on SouthExchange. 

I also just resynced the wallet from scratch on Windows.

I found:
BBP Address BRYiUxjY6B1XM6d26sLGN9gsHnFDhntcWT Copy address to clipboard
Balance   Balance   
23,837.62 BBP
with 69444 confirmations 10 months 9 days

I'm not sure how I ended up with that little balance.

I locked away most of my coins in staking.  Then all the problems started happening and I noticed I wasn't getting any more stakes. 

My balance on my wallet shows 635 837 BBP.

Will I ever get those coins back left in staking?

Version:   Biblepay Core version v0.17.5.4-Red-Sea-Parting (64-bit)

It's the most recent version from the website, but why does it say:

Copyright (C) 2014-2021 The Biblepay Core developers
Copyright (C) 2009-2021 The Bitcoin Core developers

« Last Edit: February 20, 2024, 01:02:43 PM by Christblood »

  • Christblood
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    • April 20, 2022, 11:30:44 AM
Re: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)
« Reply #1487 on: February 20, 2024, 01:07:19 PM »
My wallet is on the same block as the exploer.

Here is a copy of all my deposites into my wallet.   I can post the whole log but it should be on the chain. 

I selected attach file but it's not displaying in preview.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2024, 05:10:51 PM by Christblood »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)
« Reply #1488 on: February 20, 2024, 07:00:59 PM »
OK, I get the same result when I run

biblepay-qt -zapwallettxes=1

The amount exceeds your balance.

These are all coins I bought with about two months of profit from trading on SouthExchange. 

I also just resynced the wallet from scratch on Windows.

I found:
BBP Address BRYiUxjY6B1XM6d26sLGN9gsHnFDhntcWT Copy address to clipboard
Balance   Balance   
23,837.62 BBP
with 69444 confirmations 10 months 9 days

I'm not sure how I ended up with that little balance.

I locked away most of my coins in staking.  Then all the problems started happening and I noticed I wasn't getting any more stakes. 

My balance on my wallet shows 635 837 BBP.

Will I ever get those coins back left in staking?

Version:   Biblepay Core version v0.17.5.4-Red-Sea-Parting (64-bit)

It's the most recent version from the website, but why does it say:

Copyright (C) 2014-2021 The Biblepay Core developers
Copyright (C) 2009-2021 The Bitcoin Core developers

Hi CB,

1) Rest easy man, in 7 years Ive never encountered a scenario where we were not able to restore the legitimate balance.  It could be anything.  Probably saw about 10 cases of things like this but they were always resolved as long as the user has the wallet.dat file.
2) That BRY* address you posted just has 23K in it according to the BX.  But with BBP and similar dash coins, your balance is not stored just in one key, its across many keys.
3) We moved away from the whale stakes and internal staking model a long time ago, and moved to Sanc mining.  So no you would not get back coins that were earned by Staking on a fork after a mandatory upgrade, but, zapwallettxes=1 should have cleared those out of the wallet.  Thats probably only 60K or less anyway on 690K.
4) Try going to Coin Control (you may have to enable it in settings, then go to Send then click Coin Control) and just make sure all your coins are unlocked.  Sometimes coins can be locked.  Then unlock the coin and send those to yourself (to one of your wallet addresses which you get by clicking File | Addresses, copy to clipboard).
5) If you are synced to the chainz block Im sure you are on the correct wallet version (red-sea-parting is right).

So try all that first and let me know what your total balance is when done and if you still cant send a Small amount to yourself, then a bigger amount (you need to isolate things and get some tx sent out just to ensure you dong have a lot of dust in the wallet - dust are hundreds of mini transactions- those get consolidated when you send small amounts, like 1000BBP to yourself).

If all else fails I can check your wallet out at the very end of the exercises but lets exhaust all tries back and forth first.
When you are about ready to post the results, also include a screenshot of your coin control page so I can see all those after the coins are consolidated (they are consolidated after you send yourself a few 1000BBP tx successfully and the new resulting tx's stay in the chain  -  you can see if those stay in the chain when looking at the tx list, they confirm and become checkmarks).

« Last Edit: February 20, 2024, 07:04:13 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • Christblood
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    • April 20, 2022, 11:30:44 AM
Re: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)
« Reply #1489 on: February 20, 2024, 08:12:47 PM »
I am only able to uncheck those boxes.  I am not able to put a check in an empty square box. 

I can hit unselect all and they are all unselected.  I can then select one at a time that once had a check in it, but not the original empty ones.

Most of these that I can select only have a small amount of coins.  I've encluded an image.  It says 27 locked and those are the ones with most of my balance. 

I was only able to send 500 to an exchange, thus far.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)
« Reply #1490 on: February 20, 2024, 08:18:06 PM »
I am only able to uncheck those boxes.  I am not able to put a check in an empty square box. 

I can hit unselect all and they are all unselected.  I can then select one at a time that once had a check in it, but not the original empty ones.

Most of these that I can select only have a small amount of coins.  I've encluded an image.  It says 27 locked and those are the ones with most of my balance. 

I was only able to send 500 to an exchange, thus far.

So to summarize the problem:  You just have 25 wallet tx's locked in coin control and they just need unlocked.  Nothing complicated.
Just right click on the first 5 or so and click unlock, and whatever the balance is of those "selected" just send yourself (to your own address) that amount minus 1000.
Then repeat for the other 20.

Then you can spend it all once you have your own coins back that are unlocked.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)
« Reply #1491 on: February 20, 2024, 09:08:05 PM »
If anyone would like to help test the new version of Unchained Web from your Desktop PC, the URL is here:

To read about it and comment about it please use this thread:

  • Christblood
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    • April 20, 2022, 11:30:44 AM
Re: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)
« Reply #1492 on: February 21, 2024, 09:43:26 AM »
So to summarize the problem:  You just have 25 wallet tx's locked in coin control and they just need unlocked.  Nothing complicated.
Just right click on the first 5 or so and click unlock, and whatever the balance is of those "selected" just send yourself (to your own address) that amount minus 1000.
Then repeat for the other 20.

Thanks.  I was able to get it to work.

  • Christblood
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    • April 20, 2022, 11:30:44 AM
Re: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)
« Reply #1493 on: February 21, 2024, 11:23:37 AM »
I was unable to follow why the staking stopped about a year ago, and what is the current stake of distributing the block chain.

Is there staking now and was it used as in traditional POS wallets?

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)
« Reply #1494 on: February 21, 2024, 11:58:04 AM »
I was unable to follow why the staking stopped about a year ago, and what is the current stake of distributing the block chain.

Is there staking now and was it used as in traditional POS wallets?

Can someone else please answer this for Christblood and explain how Sanc mining works?

In the mean time you can go back a few pages and look at Temple, Sanctuary, and Altar and simply create a few Altar's to earn rewards.

  • Christblood
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    • April 20, 2022, 11:30:44 AM
Re: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)
« Reply #1495 on: February 27, 2024, 07:04:27 AM »
Can someone else please answer this for Christblood and explain how Sanc mining works?

In the mean time you can go back a few pages and look at Temple, Sanctuary, and Altar and simply create a few Altar's to earn rewards.

Hi Rob,
I read back several threads but clearly none of this is intended as a beginners guide to what these concepts even mean.
I'm not trying to be nor do I feel antagonistic, but it's very important to have some kind of introductory pages about what you guys are talking about, lol.

  • MR.A
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    • April 13, 2022, 01:24:27 PM
Re: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)
« Reply #1496 on: February 28, 2024, 09:05:23 AM »
If anyone funds me then I can work with the team to make a details article and video material to describe the meanings.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Hi Rob,
I read back several threads but clearly none of this is intended as a beginners guide to what these concepts even mean.
I'm not trying to be nor do I feel antagonistic, but it's very important to have some kind of introductory pages about what you guys are talking about, lol.
No, thats cool, I dont mind going into more detail where need be.  We also do have some wiki guides on some of these concepts and when one is discovered that is really necessary to document we do make an end-to-end tutorial as a wiki.

First of the reason there are 3 flavors of Sancs now is because some people cant afford 4.55MM bbp for a sanctuary; so now we offer one flavor of sanc for 455,001 bbp and also a Temple for 45MM bbp.  They each have really the same reward (IE the altar pays 10%, the Sanc 100% and the Temple 1000%).

With a sanc you get a bigger reward because its doing the randomx mining in the pool, and you end up with the entire block reward every time your deterministic sanctuary is scheduled for payment. 

If you are an investor you will get 50% of the reward, but an active hosted sanc on a VM, you get 100%.

I would suggest to go back to the release where we ask you to create a deterministic sanctuary, and simply ask questions on any area that is confusing and I can try to help.
Most of this documentation was already established dash; so any terminology on the basics, you can get that from googling that term and Dash Masternode.

Weve simply enhanced and extended those Masternodes to become deterministic sancs with different sizes, and we ported the block miner into the sanc.  And we added the 50% active/passive rules.

Here is the guide to set up a sanc:

Just let me know what you need help with.  If you simply want to set up one without renting an actual VM (IE as a passive investor) you just follow the guide, but you point it to your own IP address.

Substitute the 4,500,001 with 450001 to create an altar.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2024, 07:55:09 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • HazeBBP
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    • September 07, 2021, 05:11:06 AM
Hello and still love BBP after all these years! God Bless!

Usually the BBP Core Wallet runs smoothly.  However, I'm having a BBP Core Wallet Sync Issue.  I am using the latest version. Wallet is locked.  Previous version results the same. I have Wallet backup (dat). Device is Desktop PC on Windows 10 64 bit (all updated).
After many hours, It would seem the BBP Core wallet is hanging at:

"Syncing Headers" 98.8%
"Number of Blocks Left"  479699 blocks of transaction history
"Progress" 98.57%
"2 Active connections to BBP Network"

So, I see the "Wallet Repair" option "Rescan blockchain Files" 1 and 2.  Should I run those? Or reinstall the program itself?
TYIA and God Bless the team, community and this project!

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Something very interesting going on at AXELAR:  (AXL):

Programmable cross chain atomic transactions by a proof-of-stake network of decentralized nodes.