Hi, I just started using Bible Pay. How come I don't have access to create a new topic in this forum?
I transferred 900,000 BBP from SouthXchange to my wallet app. The wallet app doesn't show anything and it's been more than 8 hours. Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you.
We don't give the right to create new topics until you have a few posts and we get to know you. This has been "spoiled by the dirty hackers", sorry but they attack every day, lol.
Thats why I had to even approve your first post, lol.
Anyway you have 1 good post now, welcome aboard!
Anyway on this SX thing, Im sorry but you will have to ask them why your transfer is not going out of their wallet.
If you paste the TXID here, I will track it for you.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
EDIT: I am working with SX now! The issue is that biblepay is using a function that is not working on their new architecture. We are working on an emergency fix right now.
I expect this to be resolved before the end of the day. Sorry about the inconvenience.