Bible Pay

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  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #105 on: April 17, 2021, 06:57:01 AM »
I created a NFT yesterday and bought it myself and i saw in transactions it was success.
Code: [Select]
Status: 210 confirmations, locked via ChainLocks
Date: 2021-04-16 21:30
From: unknown
To: yhFqES1X7kY4nSxnLgieZTE3ytCBL3yWrx (own address, label: CHRISTIAN-PUBLIC-KEY)
Credit: 15 000.00000000 tBBP
Net amount: +15 000.00000000 tBBP
Transaction ID: e3f2dd502a9640d8ad3cfbf1480f5afbc97303c8ba6c1be4189a905e010fb3bf
Output index: 1
Transaction total size: 1519 bytes

Today i edited same nft , it worked, confirmation window and all and it should be up in Marketplace again. All this was on windows 10, core wallet version
Also i bought Pats  p1,p2,p3 about depression, but i dont think i "payed" anything for them..Atleast i dont see any transactions in core wallet for them.

Hi Earlz,
10-4 on the NFT add and edit working sweet; so looking at listnfts 1 1, I see your deer NFT lo qual url has a '\n' in it, could you try to edit it and repaste the url without the \n and see if the preview works from the pool (the inner frame of the nftbrowse?) ; and I added this to my todo list to cleanse those two fields.
EDIT: Btw, here is how you EDIT an NFT:  From the NFTs menu, click List.  From the List, double click one of your NFTs and it puts you in EDIT mode. Then you can change the fields.  To see the fields, use 'listnfts' and you will see the values more closely etc.

Thats great you could buy the depression; I have it where it doesnt actually debit your pool balance for the buy yet; but it does do a real purchase using the tBBP funds from the pool.  So it should be minor for me to enable the actual spend.  You can also buy an NFT outside of the pool with 'buynft' from the command line.

Does Pats NFTs show up in your Owned NFT list now?  If so you can edit them to make them remarketable if you want (IE to resale them to us) so we see them again.

Do you have the full (hi-quality) magnet link you can post in reply on the forum?  I am not familiar with those; I wouldnt mind clicking it to see if we can make nfts support those.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 07:07:46 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #106 on: April 17, 2021, 07:00:50 AM »
I noticed download windows link for testnet  still

For sure will try and send a new gift card once i have new version installed.
btw Rob, if i want to check the status of the masternode to for example see if block height same as the other masternodes in testnet, any useful commands  that i could use?

currently i have diffrent commands i have tried out  for various diffrent outputs
like: ./biblepay-cli masternode status , ./biblepay-cli -getinfo , ./mnsync status

Hi Earlz!
From the sanc you can do a 'getblockchaininfo' and see if the height (and optionally hash) match the home node (since we dont have a testnet bx right now that would be cool someday to have I suppose), but anyway yeah you can also be fairly certain your node is fine if you go to "Sanctuaries" from your home QT wallet and monitor your sanc - if its down to 700 poos level, it must be in sync because these quorums are very strict.  I see right now you are back down to 700 so you are up!  You did see the Sanc list in the home wallet right?  Cause I would like you to right click and click on Show Orphan too.  Thats the orphan you are sponsoring (none).  Thats why you get paid 1 bbp right now (POOS ban).  When you sponsor an orphan, the payment jumps to 20% of the block etc.

Yes, let me check this deploy.  Im adding NFT auctions now, so let me get the next release done first then I will check the deploy.


  • earlzmoade
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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #107 on: April 17, 2021, 08:06:24 AM »

Yeah i see the sanctuary list on the home qt wallet , your 3 plus mine, no problems.
Thats great you could buy the depression; I have it where it doesnt actually debit your pool balance for the buy yet; but it does do a real purchase using the tBBP funds from the pool.

Aha yeah then thers no problem i suppose.

Does Pats NFTs show up in your Owned NFT list now?  If so you can edit them to make them remarketable if you want (IE to resale them to us) so we see them again.

Yeah  i see all my nfts in the NFTs>List My NFTs i also checked in the terminal/Console : listnfts 1 1   and i see them there aswell.

Aye will edit and enable them in the Marketplace again.

Heres the magnet link for the picture, but i suppose you need a torrent program for the p2p sharing from me to you.

Code: [Select]
its just a normal jpg picture but just figure would be cool to see if it worked to create a magnet link in the nfts section.
I believe Ubuntu has Transmission as standard torrent p2p program and its lightweight and no stupid ads in it either.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 08:12:13 AM by earlzmoade »
Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #108 on: April 17, 2021, 11:24:39 AM » Upgrade for TestNet

- NFT:  Restrict orphans from being Edited after Creation
- Add orphan sponsorship duration to 'listnfts'

Earlz-- There was a problem with the last deploy -- should be OK to download now and retry our cards and test cases now.

Btw, could everyone who created NFTs also Edit them and populate the "Buy it now" price?  It is a new field.

Ill explain Auctions asap.

  • earlzmoade
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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #109 on: April 17, 2021, 02:21:12 PM »
Test case for Christmas Card:

First read this:

1.  From the command line, save your home address information using the "Setup Environment" instructions (exec setmyaddress).
2.  Create a card with "exec testmail" with dry run set to 0 and biblepay gift card amount set to 0.
3.  Verify you receive the "PDF" link. 
4.  Open the link in a browser and verify all the info in the From, all the info in the To, and the extra paragraph added in step 2.

Separate test case for BiblePay gift cards:

1.  Re-do another dry run for a new Christmas card, but set the USD amount to be above 0 (IE 5.00 for example).
2.  Verify the wallet sent out the correct amount of BBP by comparing it to the actual gift card and our value.
3.  Note the passphrase that biblepay core included in the Proof PDF. 
4.  For this test, lets not unlock the passphrase for yourself, lets do one to each other.  Can one of you paste your passphrase in testnet and Ill try to claim it?
Then I will do a test too and send you my passphrase and see if you can open it.

EDIT: To get to the biblepay rpc console, click Tools | Console.  Then you can enter these advanced commands from there.

Okay, warming up with the gift card test case.
In core wallet top menue, navigated to : Misc>Send Greeting Card
Then i populated the fields and set out test christmas card, link below:

Heres transaction details:
Code: [Select]
Status: 17 confirmations, locked via ChainLocks
Date: 2021-04-17 20:09
Total debit: 0.00000000 tBBP
Total credit: 0.00000000 tBBP
Transaction fee: -0.06425000 tBBP
Net amount: -0.06425000 tBBP
Transaction ID: 61e3d66e7764e0a9e34a7ec3bd6732b00281d90d9788f78092e8f83ea73017c4
Output index: 0
Transaction total size: 256 bytes

Height: 79856
Difficulty: 0.00
Time: 04-17-2021 18:16:13
Subsidy: 7806.1137

Debit: -15 000.00000000 tBBP
Credit: 4652.78205000 tBBP
To: yWxHrHhJE5bNyk5y8quCErNrxcsH7Gf7Jx 4652.0000 BIBLEPAY
Credit: 10 347.15370000 tBBP
To: yMYadWmegDUzwQnHpGRcFpoEcT3JGBpc1J 10347.0000 BIBLEPAY

Went smooth as far as i can tell.

Next test case i figure i do the NFTs one :

NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) Test cases:

NFT Add:
- Create a brand new NFT by going to "NFTs | NFT Add".  Fill in the fields.  For the type be sure to select digital good.  For the URL, choose the final URL of the product-good-service you are selling a copy of (or the original of).  Side Note we will need to address copyright laws - most likely with a process to blacklist non-verified owners or plagiarizers etc.  Also on another side note, I would like to add a 'private encrypted URL' that can be deciphered when the item is purchased - this would be useful for us to render a low quality version of a product and/or a demo URL (for binaries), but when purchased, the user receives the high-quality asset URL.  Save the new NFT.  (We hash the NFT by its distinct URL so no two can exist that are the same).
- After a few blocks verify you can see the NFT in the NFT list (NFTs | List NFTs).
Also, verify you can see the NFT in the marketplace:

- Edit the NFT.  Verify you can change the marketable status, and the minimum offer price.
- View the NFT in the marketplace.  Verify you can see it.
- Buy the NFT in the marketplace.  Verify you receive the NFT in your NFT list.  For this test, buy one that you did NOT create, and let us buy one that you created so we can cross check the buy operation from each other.

Let us know if we have any serious considerations to fix, etc.

EDIT:  I think one way we can establish the 'private encrypted URL for a high-quality deliverable' is to add the HQ URL (or final deliverable URL) field to NFT create, and what we can do is RSA-encrypt it with the public key of the marketplace.  This means that the marketplace can decrypt the HQ url for the buyer upon a buy.  Yet, all other BBP users cannot decrypt it.

Btw, could everyone who created NFTs also Edit them and populate the "Buy it now" price?  It is a new field.

I edited the old NFTs  so they all now have buy-it now price set.
Also created a new one that has all of them set.
Can also say that i deleted 1 nft and i dont see it in the list anymore so.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 02:33:36 PM by earlzmoade »
Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #110 on: April 17, 2021, 03:08:22 PM »

NFT of Deer in back field from imgur

Hi Earlz,

Covering this one first, I was looking at the issue why the NFT in NFTBrowse won't show the imgur image even if we display it in an iframe - its because imgur apparently has javascript code that prevents third party sites from hosting their web page in another container (I dont think it will work even in a div), but obviously we are going to discourage that anyway and ask users to host the URL on a public accessible link,   and I see you did edit out the <enter> so that isolated that problem out of the way,  I see from their source this link, can you try this link next:

(Its inside your imgur page).  Then Ill test jpg next.

Regarding magnet download, I suppose that might be OK for the final download because a user may want to sell torrents.  From a trusted source (obviously a user could try to sell a virus).  I guess we eventually need reputation scores like ebay.  This may become as big as ebay.

Also I dont see your buy it now on the winterland deer yet, was that one already edited?
10-4 on the deleted one.

I will have to add a more specific case for us to test a Buy it now vs an auction. 

« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 03:10:36 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • earlzmoade
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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #111 on: April 17, 2021, 03:40:29 PM »
Evenin Brother Rob.

I just used imgur because was just first hosting site i could think of,  im back home from workshop so i cant check statuses but i was sure i edited the winter deer ones to have buyout price aswell.

Cant say for certain i might have missed that one. But i believe i edited Pats p1, p2, p3  best prayer for depression  to have buyout aswell.
Ill check tomorrow morning and get back to you.
Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #112 on: April 17, 2021, 04:41:33 PM »
Evenin Brother Rob.

I just used imgur because was just first hosting site i could think of,  im back home from workshop so i cant check statuses but i was sure i edited the winter deer ones to have buyout price aswell.

Cant say for certain i might have missed that one. But i believe i edited Pats p1, p2, p3  best prayer for depression  to have buyout aswell.
Ill check tomorrow morning and get back to you.

Good evening Earlz,

Yeah I waited a few blocks on this one :
Code: [Select]
e15f5c0f4fdfc2dbecd1e2d446468a8025f40863622a707eba07e3284abd7e97": {
    "Type": "Digital Good (MP3, PNG, GIF, JPEG, PDF)",
    "CPK": "yhFqES1X7kY4nSxnLgieZTE3ytCBL3yWrx",
    "Name": "winterland.deer",
    "Description": "picture of deers in northern sweden outside my homestead.\nThe URL magnet link is for  torrent download, for example deluge or tixati. Original so to say.",
    "Lo Quality URL": "",
    "Hi Quality URL": "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:cl4bsk54ys2hyihfp2k5s7ksusj357n3&dn=winterland.Deer.jpg&xl=3128938&fc=1",
    "TXID": "bc6e2c1755712aed72868a4950aba83d73a487f4c1b66ce126edea5e7b735676",
    "Hash": "e15f5c0f4fdfc2dbecd1e2d446468a8025f40863622a707eba07e3284abd7e97",
    "MinimumBidAmount": 25,
    "ReserveAmount": 2500,
    "BuyItNowAmount": 0,
    "LowestAcceptableAmount": 2500,
    "Marketable": true,
    "Deleted": false,
    "Time": 1618687940
See how the BuyItNow amount is still 0, plz see if you can edit that one;

Next on the Card, yeah, Unfortunately we have one more problem (on my end).
I finally found that we need to rescan the entire wallet while the gui is locked or the Gift wont 'slip in' the qt tx list.

So we need another release to test this again--

Plz wait for the next release and lets do it again!

You guys can still test non greeting card stuff of course.


  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #113 on: April 17, 2021, 06:39:56 PM » - Mandatory Upgrade for TestNet (Leisure Upgrade for Sancs)

- Ensure a full rescan occurs after using the acceptgift command

Ok guys, hopefully this is the last ripple in the water for Gift cards.  Please upgrade if you are an end user.  Lets try new gift cards again with dollar values and paste them here then I will (God willing) reply with new cards back to you.

  • earlzmoade
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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #114 on: April 18, 2021, 04:08:26 AM »

Yeah i see what you ment about bouyout price was not populated, checked NFTs>edit and yeah i said 0   on buyout price so seems i missed that one.
Should now be updated.
Code: [Select]
Status: 1 confirmations, locked via ChainLocks
Date: 2021-04-18 10:45
To: yLKSrCjLQFsfVgX8RjdctZ797d54atPjnV
Debit: -100.00000000 tBBP
Transaction fee: -0.31500000 tBBP
Net amount: -100.31500000 tBBP
Transaction ID: 648941b866bf6e5ab1542ea2ac40d74b18ea4d3516921b2024033dce48dac3c3
Output index: 0
Transaction total size: 1260 bytes

Height: 80065
Difficulty: 0.00
Time: 04-18-2021 08:45:15
Subsidy: 7611.1882

Debit: -637.49818176 tBBP
Credit: 537.18318176 tBBP
To: yi5c1NGPCVSDogzGzWyQ5TZe8B1ewU9BHE 537.0000 BIBLEPAY

Lookin at the NFT Browser i discovered something intresting.
I changed the buyout price to 1125 tBBP  but i see now when look at the NFT browser that there already was a bid for 2222 tBBP  , perhaps could add like Warning popup in NFT edits "Warning: You are trying to set lower buyout price then current highbid etc etc" 

Just a idea i had.

Ok let me update BBP core wallet  and send you a new postcard.

As Before Went into  core wallet top menue>Misc.>Send Greeting Card

Populated the fields and link  below:

Transaction details below:
Code: [Select]
Status: 2 confirmations, locked via ChainLocks
Date: 2021-04-18 11:01
Total debit: -18 578.15369999 tBBP
Total credit: 18 578.15369999 tBBP
Transaction fee: -0.13825000 tBBP
Net amount: -0.13825000 tBBP
Transaction ID: cedf9ad0991f8a69f8d19cd44c1ce78a15510b4ce326159f3b71e87488ca297e
Output index: 0
Transaction total size: 552 bytes

Height: 80069
Difficulty: 0.00
Time: 04-18-2021 09:02:34
Subsidy: 7611.0114

Debit: -7605.38215503 tBBP
Debit: -4552.43905000 tBBP
Debit: -7605.35265503 tBBP
Credit: 1184.88191007 tBBP
To: yZg81G9f45xyuVwgS4PthuZ2QQBZZDmEAC 1184.0000 BIBLEPAY
Credit: 18 578.15369999 tBBP
To: yZp18xG7c4jjndmSRDDLuN8DJGMupihXAR 18578.0000 BIBLEPAY

CTransaction(hash=cedf9ad099, ver=2, type=0, vin.size=3, vout.size=2, nLockTime=80067, vExtraPayload.size=0)
    CTxIn(COutPoint(002466087a7a97992fec2122301f8e0b56a81f8c5d88c6cf0c124bd7bbb89347, 1), scriptSig=483045022100daae6890512b, nSequence=4294967294)
    CTxIn(COutPoint(5f43649cc1b3eb16542d4144cfcedb8d92d576ef79fd0b8167c2ffe418d84eee, 1), scriptSig=47304402200bb2d41899b6c3, nSequence=4294967294)
    CTxIn(COutPoint(750dd8e8f671d97509c38605876dd46e0dbd78aefa6887d439802959949db5ff, 1), scriptSig=4830450221009bd288411c9b, nSequence=4294967294)
    CTxOut(nValue=1184.88191007, scriptPubKey=76a9149282a3eefb0ca37b55cacd4f)
    CTxOut(nValue=18578.15369999, scriptPubKey=76a91494003c46b5ad9a89f6f73b6e)
Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #115 on: April 18, 2021, 08:38:51 AM »

Yeah i see what you ment about bouyout price was not populated, checked NFTs>edit and yeah i said 0   on buyout price so seems i missed that one.
Should now be updated.
Code: [Select]
Status: 1 confirmations, locked via ChainLocks
Date: 2021-04-18 10:45
To: yLKSrCjLQFsfVgX8RjdctZ797d54atPjnV
Debit: -100.00000000 tBBP
Transaction fee: -0.31500000 tBBP
Net amount: -100.31500000 tBBP
Transaction ID: 648941b866bf6e5ab1542ea2ac40d74b18ea4d3516921b2024033dce48dac3c3
Output index: 0
Transaction total size: 1260 bytes

Height: 80065
Difficulty: 0.00
Time: 04-18-2021 08:45:15
Subsidy: 7611.1882

Debit: -637.49818176 tBBP
Credit: 537.18318176 tBBP
To: yi5c1NGPCVSDogzGzWyQ5TZe8B1ewU9BHE 537.0000 BIBLEPAY

Lookin at the NFT Browser i discovered something intresting.
I changed the buyout price to 1125 tBBP  but i see now when look at the NFT browser that there already was a bid for 2222 tBBP  , perhaps could add like Warning popup in NFT edits "Warning: You are trying to set lower buyout price then current highbid etc etc" 

Just a idea i had.

Ok let me update BBP core wallet  and send you a new postcard.

As Before Went into  core wallet top menue>Misc.>Send Greeting Card

Populated the fields and link  below:

Transaction details below:
Code: [Select]
Status: 2 confirmations, locked via ChainLocks
Date: 2021-04-18 11:01
Total debit: -18 578.15369999 tBBP
Total credit: 18 578.15369999 tBBP
Transaction fee: -0.13825000 tBBP
Net amount: -0.13825000 tBBP
Transaction ID: cedf9ad0991f8a69f8d19cd44c1ce78a15510b4ce326159f3b71e87488ca297e
Output index: 0
Transaction total size: 552 bytes

Height: 80069
Difficulty: 0.00
Time: 04-18-2021 09:02:34
Subsidy: 7611.0114

Debit: -7605.38215503 tBBP
Debit: -4552.43905000 tBBP
Debit: -7605.35265503 tBBP
Credit: 1184.88191007 tBBP
To: yZg81G9f45xyuVwgS4PthuZ2QQBZZDmEAC 1184.0000 BIBLEPAY
Credit: 18 578.15369999 tBBP
To: yZp18xG7c4jjndmSRDDLuN8DJGMupihXAR 18578.0000 BIBLEPAY

CTransaction(hash=cedf9ad099, ver=2, type=0, vin.size=3, vout.size=2, nLockTime=80067, vExtraPayload.size=0)
    CTxIn(COutPoint(002466087a7a97992fec2122301f8e0b56a81f8c5d88c6cf0c124bd7bbb89347, 1), scriptSig=483045022100daae6890512b, nSequence=4294967294)
    CTxIn(COutPoint(5f43649cc1b3eb16542d4144cfcedb8d92d576ef79fd0b8167c2ffe418d84eee, 1), scriptSig=47304402200bb2d41899b6c3, nSequence=4294967294)
    CTxIn(COutPoint(750dd8e8f671d97509c38605876dd46e0dbd78aefa6887d439802959949db5ff, 1), scriptSig=4830450221009bd288411c9b, nSequence=4294967294)
    CTxOut(nValue=1184.88191007, scriptPubKey=76a9149282a3eefb0ca37b55cacd4f)
    CTxOut(nValue=18578.15369999, scriptPubKey=76a91494003c46b5ad9a89f6f73b6e)

GMorning Bro Earlz,

Yes good catch on the bidding lower than someones high bid.  I do have it to where it displays of course the high bid, but no sense in accepting a lower bid lol, yes, added to my todo.

I will check this gift card next.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #116 on: April 18, 2021, 08:58:46 AM »

Ok let me update BBP core wallet  and send you a new postcard.

As Before Went into  core wallet top menue>Misc.>Send Greeting Card

Populated the fields and link  below:

Hi Earlz!

We finally had a good test yay.  I received your card, thanks.  I was able to cash it in with :
Code: [Select]
acceptgift "gift_card_code"

So now I am sending one back to you:

Please do this before you cash it in :
Write your wallet balance down, then run the above acceptgift command with the passphrase, then check your balance again.
You should also see in the recent tx list the same amount that was sent to you.

Note that we now also label your address book (both sender and recipient) with the Gift card phrase (so you remember which is which).
Also can you go into coin control, and you can see a Gift icon next to the received funds.  For the recipient, its unlocked.
For the sender its locked.

I think this is pretty cool isnt it?

Anyway I will look into adding Thanksgiving, Birthday, and Easter cards too.  I was thinking the user can just pick the theme, and optionally even change the wording template as they send their card (making it useful for much more).  Id also like to add csv list support before Christmas so we can actually send out Christmas card lists!

On a side note, one other unintended feature we can use this for is storage of offchain funds, sending and receiving to Guids for example (for microtransactions).  Something that does not matter if its stolen for example.  Like funding a guid of a set top box (in biblepay tv for example).  Its also good for sending from system to system when you dont know an address - you could type 'exec testnewkey emailaddress' for example and send some funds there and receive it from the other machine (by email address) etc.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2021, 09:31:48 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • earlzmoade
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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #117 on: April 18, 2021, 01:54:25 PM »
Evenin Brother Rob.

Yeah the giftcard is a pretty sweet feature, like you say, potentially more usecases.
I like it alot.

On to the test case:

So i wrote in terminal :
Code: [Select]
acceptgift 1009 Swiss Cheese Ave.
it worked, got up a new window saying something like "rescanning"  , then disaster followed. My biblepay-qt wallet crashed so i restarted qt wallet  and i dont see any new funds in my accout, so i figure it was probably crash Before rescan complete and all. 

Here is information from debug.log

Code: [Select]
UnlockGift::VecSz 129
UnlockGift1::AmtGift 10347.153700 for yMYadWmegDUzwQnHpGRcFpoEcT3JGBpc1J
AcquireWallets::GetWallets size=1, acquired=1RescanFromTime: Rescanning last 80203 blocks
2021-04-18 18:38:05 CalculateAPM::Result==1.000000::LastHeight 80175 Price 0.010000000000, Current Price 0.010000000000Windows Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
No debug information available for stacktrace. You should add debug information and then run:
biblepay-qt.exe -printcrashinfo=cfbgsytmmvigc6kdojqxg2cjnztg6aiab5rgsytmmvygc6jnof2c4zlymuwvo2lomrxxo4zaiv4ggzlqoruw63r2ebcvqq2fkbkest2ol5augq2fknjv6vsjj5gecvcjj5hbbjh35yaaaaaaadp2b2aaaaaaaagz3jeaaaaaaaacawcmaaaaaaaa5opucaiaaaaabf2ljqaaaaaaabwk4qibaaaaaagrbl7aaaaaaaapu576aaaaaaaadu5egaiaaaaaammgimaqaaaaabg2hgqbaaaaaac3yjmacaaaaaab2xcbaaaaaaaacjlecaaaaaaaa252laaqaaaaaaaa====
2021-04-18 18:38:53

Btw my tnet sanctuary  is offline because my VPN provider are doing something on my dedicated ip again, lets hope they get it together and fix my connection issues once and for all.
Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #118 on: April 18, 2021, 07:29:16 PM »
Evenin Brother Rob.

Yeah the giftcard is a pretty sweet feature, like you say, potentially more usecases.
I like it alot.

On to the test case:

So i wrote in terminal :
Code: [Select]
acceptgift 1009 Swiss Cheese Ave.
it worked, got up a new window saying something like "rescanning"  , then disaster followed. My biblepay-qt wallet crashed so i restarted qt wallet  and i dont see any new funds in my accout, so i figure it was probably crash Before rescan complete and all. 

Here is information from debug.log

Code: [Select]
UnlockGift::VecSz 129
UnlockGift1::AmtGift 10347.153700 for yMYadWmegDUzwQnHpGRcFpoEcT3JGBpc1J
AcquireWallets::GetWallets size=1, acquired=1RescanFromTime: Rescanning last 80203 blocks
2021-04-18 18:38:05 CalculateAPM::Result==1.000000::LastHeight 80175 Price 0.010000000000, Current Price 0.010000000000Windows Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
No debug information available for stacktrace. You should add debug information and then run:
biblepay-qt.exe -printcrashinfo=cfbgsytmmvigc6kdojqxg2cjnztg6aiab5rgsytmmvygc6jnof2c4zlymuwvo2lomrxxo4zaiv4ggzlqoruw63r2ebcvqq2fkbkest2ol5augq2fknjv6vsjj5gecvcjj5hbbjh35yaaaaaaadp2b2aaaaaaaagz3jeaaaaaaaacawcmaaaaaaaa5opucaiaaaaabf2ljqaaaaaaabwk4qibaaaaaagrbl7aaaaaaaapu576aaaaaaaadu5egaiaaaaaammgimaqaaaaabg2hgqbaaaaaac3yjmacaaaaaab2xcbaaaaaaaacjlecaaaaaaaa252laaqaaaaaaaa====
2021-04-18 18:38:53

Btw my tnet sanctuary  is offline because my VPN provider are doing something on my dedicated ip again, lets hope they get it together and fix my connection issues once and for all.

Hi Bro Earlz,

Yeah I see your sanc is @ 800- you can do an 'exec revivesanc sancname' once its back;

Yeah on this crash, first of all I did try to reproduce it on windows 7 with the same info and mine didnt crash (that always makes it fun when we have no idea what actually happened without the debug symbols) the log is a little helpful; but its hard to say; anyway on the acceptgift it actually has to be in Quotes - because the RPC command line is separated by spaces (another words, each space ends up being a parameter), so when in quotes, the phrase becomes the parameter.

Could you try again with quotes as I didnt cash in the gift, and see if it works and/or crashes again?

  • earlzmoade
  • Super Developer

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    • 48
    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #119 on: April 19, 2021, 04:20:16 AM »

Aye  will try this time with the quotes still there and see what happends.

Opened console window and ran :
Code: [Select]
acceptgift  "1009 Swiss Cheese Ave."

  "Address": "ydXRG5gwcx3518UeF372omZBEhmgpNxLpd",
  "Note": "Your wallet will now rescan to reflect the gift balance!"

Wallet did not crash this time , but i didnt receive any funds either.
Should i try a rescan blockchain files?

Pretty strange, i rebooted qt-wallet  and now i see the missing transaction. Also its dated from yesterday , well i send with transaction details for you.

Code: [Select]
Status: 273 confirmations
Date: 2021-04-18 15:54
From: unknown
To: ydXRG5gwcx3518UeF372omZBEhmgpNxLpd (own address, label: 1009SwissCheeseAve.)
Credit: 42 847.00000001 tBBP
Net amount: +42 847.00000001 tBBP
Transaction ID: 0553b0da464d07ee273189449554e318d07094efaff3fa25585f317bde470511
Output index: 1
Transaction total size: 972 bytes

Height: 80140
Difficulty: 0.00
Time: 04-18-2021 13:54:55
Subsidy: 7611.1169

Debit: -18 578.15369999 tBBP
Credit: 61 425.15370000 tBBP
To: ydXRG5gwcx3518UeF372omZBEhmgpNxLpd 61425.0000 BIBLEPAY

Anyways im thinking im gonna try do one of these high return long utxo stake that i saw you wrote about earlier, i will keep you posted on that aswell.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2021, 04:30:29 AM by earlzmoade »
Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.