First we need to test a high risk stake as compared to a regular conservative stake.
The old conservative stake for BBP alone is the one where you type:
easybbpstake 1000000 1
(For example to stake 1MM)
Now we have this High risk staking, where we lock up your coins for the duration You specify (from 31 days to 365 days currently).
Please read this page about High-risk including the End FAQ: go ahead and create a high risk stake with "highriskbbpstake" command.
If you are savvy and have some extra foreign coins you can also run a "highriskstake" hybrid stake as well.
Ill explain how we can report on the listutxostakes in a little while. Right now we have a field called "elapsed" vs. "commitment". The commitment is the number of days you locked up your stake for (IE 365 equals one year). If you have a commitment of 365, and 7 days has elapsed since you staked the high risk stake, listutxostakes says : e7/365 (this means elapsed 7, out of 365 days committed). Note in testnet, we tweaked the clock to be 24* faster so we can test faster. So days fly by 24* faster here (for utxostakes).
Why is this all relevant? We need to test brute unlocking of the high risk stake to make sure the penalty is correct. You can try to unlock and spend one of your high risk stakes early. You should be penalized between ~30-99% (depending on market conditions) according to the wiki guide. You will receive a warning in the UI detailing the network fees.
Let me know if you guys have any questions on all this.
In the mean time I will modify listutxostakes to have a better 'utxotype' column and cleaner elapsed etc, its kind of hard to know the difference between all your stakes right now.
Btw, you can double click on your position in the leaderboard and see the % of high risk stakes you have etc.
EDIT: Id also like us to stake at least 50MM tBBP in test, because Id like to see the DWU drop down below 99% so we can see the differences in the next version which will have fields for high risk DWU vs conservative etc (so we are not hitting the cap). Please create extra big stakes.