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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
Acts 19 Bible Study Questions
« on: January 13, 2019, 12:54:01 AM »
Acts 19 Bible Study Questions
19:1-7: Paul encounters some disciples. Describe their interaction and what instruction Paul gives them.
Describe the importance of Christian baptism. (There would be a public confession of the inward transformation that took place when they decided to become followers of Christ.)
Paul took the time to find out about these new believers, and in the process, he was able to help them to a deeper relationship with God. It’s been said that “ministry flows best through relationships.”
Have you ever been helped in your faith when someone took the time to find out about your relationship with God?
Have you ever helped someone else grow in their relationship with God by pointing out a truth to them that they didn’t know yet?

19:11-12: Does God still do miracles similar to those described in these verses? If not, why do you think it does not occur?

19:13-16: What methods did some of the Jews try to use to defeat evil spirits?
19:17-20: How did God use their tactics to bring others to faith in Jesus? What good came about in verse 20?
What are some prominent false religions? As Christians, how are we supposed to react to those with differing beliefs than our own?

How do we respond with the idea that “all roads lead to God”?
