Bible Pay

Read 6867 times

  • togoshigekata
  • Hero Member

    • 527

    • 31
    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA
6/14 - 2hr testnet, 1h social, 1hr misc
6/15 - 2hr testnet, 1 hr social
6/16 - 2hr advertising, 1hr forum signature, 1hr misc, 1hr social
6/17 - 4hr advertising, 2hr testnet, 1hr social
6/18 - 1hr social, 1hr testnet
6/19 - 1hr social, 1hr testnet, 1hr advertising, 1hr misc
6/20 - 2hr misc, 1hr social, 1hr forum, 1hr Chinese
6/21 - 1hr social, 1hr misc
6/22 - 1hr misc
6/23 - 1hr misc
6/24 - 1hr social
6/25 - 1hr social, 1hr misc, 2hr advertising/pr
6/26 - 3hr advertising, 1hr doc, 2hr testnet
6/27 - 2hr advertising, 2hr misc
6/28 - 2hr advertising, 3hr misc, 1hr doc
6/29 - 2hr facebook, 1hr social
6/30 - 1hr social, 1hr misc, 1hr advertising

61 hours at $20/hour rate = $1,220 / $0.001861 per BBP = 655,561 BBP

I am requesting 655,561 BBP from PR


Some of what Ive been up to:
- Communicating Updates and Crypto News/Research on Twitter, Reddit and Bitcointalk
- Bitcointalk Advertising
- Testnet Testing
- Support
- Advertising Research of Top 100 Crypto Websites
- QIEX Weekly Progress Updates
- Google Adwords
- Forum Signature
- CoinMarketCap Explorer Fix
- Facebook Page


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Togoshige Reddit Profile:

BiblePay Twitter:


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