Bible Pay

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Messages - noxpost

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That's awesome news! Personally, my fingers are crossed that we aren't all here for 2 more votes - I would so love to see us raptured this week (if it is really God's timing, which I can't say for sure, although there are many encouraging signs). But if we're here, the mission remains clear, doing what's possible to bring Christ to the world, and in return, lead the world to Christ.

Let's keep it up.

Great!  If anyone needs the original source files for the whitepaper don't hesitate to reach out.

Also thanks for the well-wishes. I have had a doozy of a few months but am trying to get back into some things, and am excited to catch up with the latest in biblepay.

As always, the team's devotion is much appreciated.

Hey Rob, thanks for the study on Enoch. I noticed one thing that seemed odd here:

"Enoch was the great grandson of Noah, writing about events that had not occurred yet (IE the flood of the world), 1400 years before they occurred."

Shouldn't that have read "great grandfather" ?  Seemed like a quick typo, but I thought i would let you know.

Archived Proposals / Re: August 2018 IT and Payroll
« on: September 12, 2018, 07:55:15 PM »
Thanks for all you do, Rob. It's great to see such dedication on the part of all of our core team members.  Way to live Acts 20:35 !

Thanks to everyone for their diligence in investigating this opportunity, and to Jaap and Rob in particular for their financing efforts. Excited to see this develop.

Quick comment/note about the new proposal view (which is really nice to see!) - it would be great if the spacing on the amounts was done the same way as in the rest of the wallet.

For instance, instead of:

It read:
8 000 000

Not a major thing by any means, but something to consider for a later leisure.

Archived Proposals / Re: MacOS compiles - iOS version support machine
« on: June 10, 2018, 02:44:38 PM »
Finally part 2 was also solved.

I had to create and sign the executable into a MacOS bundle which was sort of complicated stuff (docs only refer to XCode IDE projects) and there is little or none info on manual bundling.

So we will have the MacOS wallet DMG uploaded to shortly.

Congrats MIP! That's awesome.

Archived Proposals / Re: Whitepaper update
« on: May 30, 2018, 07:22:06 PM »
QIEX has requested for the original source of the white paper, so they can convert it to Chinese,
Could you share the original source? (Im a noob, I assume the pdf file started as a word doc?) Thanks!

(This would also help us be able to convert it to all the other languages as well)

I've linked here both versions of the document in .docx (the blue/silver and the red/gold). The content should match...anyone who wants to make further amendments, please feel free. This belongs to the community, not me!

Archived Proposals / Re: Whitepaper update
« on: May 25, 2018, 09:12:11 AM »
So I have completed what I believe is a "final for now" version of the whitepaper. I've added in a page on PODC and one on security details.

The link to the PDF is still here:

I think we should get this moved over to our official website sooner rather than later though. We can always make subsequent changes as necessary.

Archived Proposals / Re: Crypto Bridge Exchange Listing
« on: May 17, 2018, 07:42:04 AM »
I'm all for listing. The proposal bank is pretty light this month - perhaps we should consider putting some extra towards the "new exchange fund" and then we can still do this PLUS one more if a good one becomes available.

While I wouldn't call this a definitive update, I talked to some people on the Cryptobridge discord, and their advice was that since we have submitted the form a few times and it has been quite a while, for someone to reach out directly to @shews or @CoinMan and inquire how we send payment, that it might kick things into gear a little bit.

Not sure if that would work or not, but I didn't want to "go rogue" and start offering our funds on my own :) so I thought I would pass it on.

I contacted/applied to all of these exchanges a month ago, still no reply from any of them  :-\

I believe Rob also applied to Bittrex again a month ago as well.

Just FYI, I  contacted Mercatox today, and filled out the form on CryptoBridge. We'll see if getting an additional request changes anything.

Archived Proposals / Re: Revamping BiblePay university (P2P)
« on: May 07, 2018, 07:21:28 AM »
So nobody explicitly told me NOT to investigate this further :)

I did some digging, and the bad news is that RightNow currently don't have an API library, so direct integration would be very difficult - we wouldn't be able to manage accounts/users, or track the materials watched for proper crediting.

So it sounds like they are out. However, I'm still a fan of this kind of idea. I'll check out GodTube and see what other options are out there. If there's nothing, so be it.

Archived Proposals / Revamping BiblePay university (P2P)
« on: May 02, 2018, 11:16:03 AM »
I mentioned this in the bitcointalk forum, but didn't get any responses...

What would people think about BiblePay becoming integrated with RightNowMedia (

There is a huge library of videos and study resources, leadership/mission training, etc. - the kinds of things that BiblePay U is doing, and a good P2P activity, in my mind.
Pricing is by user/attendee (basically, by church size), and I am not sure how they'd view us, or what kind of options they would give, but I'm happy to be the point guy exploring it if people are interested.

While I'm not affiliated with them in any way, I will say that my church (which is very large) uses this, and my whole family finds it a great resource.

Thanks for your work on it - I love the theme, and it's (as the others said), an easy "Yes"

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