Bible Pay

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  • dfleming55
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    • June 29, 2020, 03:24:19 PM
biblepayd compatibility
« on: September 15, 2020, 02:44:38 PM »
I'm going to tackle some bbp coding.  Will existing Perl/Python/PHP/Ruby bitcoin libraries work with biblepayd?

  • Rob Andrews
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Re: biblepayd compatibility
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2021, 07:29:39 PM »
I'm going to tackle some bbp coding.  Will existing Perl/Python/PHP/Ruby bitcoin libraries work with biblepayd?
Sorry for the long delay (I didnt have this thread on notify).
So you have a couple choices here with biblepayd: 
1) You can use the rpc to speak to biblepayd.  This option requires you to use either NBitcoin for example (or wrap your own http library if you are crazy) to make calls back and forth with JSON replies.
This is the most common way people talk to the daemon.
2) You could just script to the console and issue 'biblepay-cli' commands.

With both of these, all these languages should support either going through an rpc lib or console scripting, yes.

You might need to find a different alternative to NBitcoin if you go through certain languages.  I use NBitcoin in c# to talk to biblepay-qt for example.