This is the testnet thread for :
- Testing Block Chain News (Add an article, View an article)
- Possibly: Viewing a Gui list of articles, Deleting an article, Editing an article
- Fixing Nanaminers double free or corruption mining error
- Baby steps for pre-testing of sanctuaries (primarily as since we will have many testnet nodes online this gives the dev a chance to verify governance proposal creation works, and create the web interface for proposal lists, and proposal voting)
To get started, please download or later from (or build
Launch in testnet mode like this:
cd c:\program files\biblepaycore
biblepay-qt -testnet
Read this wiki page on Block Chain News: by creating a sample blockchain news article to get the feel of how this is done, and optionally publish one.
Note, that the first time you view an article, the images do not load quick enough and you may have to close the preview window and re-open it. Solutions are welcome.
When you click Read Block Chain News, and enter the TXID, you should see this: