Bible Pay

Read 624015 times

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
So we are going relatively good now, but I found an issue.  Im looking at the exec testvote output on my sanc, and on the bright side, its generally good and 3 people already voted for it (it needs 5 votes minimum in prod which Im sure it would get eventually), but anyway, the other good news is most of the cpids look like they will have the correct magnitude (we can see the upcoming magnitude by looking in the /SAN directory at the magnitude file), (this is created by our sanc btw), anyway there is a problem with Togo.

Togos magnitude = 0.  It looks like its because his tasks are showing as "tampered" with.  I will look into this issue now.  Oh we were on a roll! LOL.  We'll figure it out before tomorrow gets here.

This might mean a system wide update is required.  Let me debug...

  • Ichthus220
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    • December 11, 2017, 10:09:35 PM
Just updated to 1104. Can someone tell me if all is correct?

Code: [Select]



  "blocks": 33386,
  "currentblocksize": 1000,
  "currentblocktx": 0,
  "difficulty_podc": 0,
  "difficulty_pow": 0.889502687442315,
  "difficulty": 0,
  "errors": "",
  "genproclimit": 1,
  "networkhashps": 73878209.24980666,
  "hashps": 57.82132996155136,
  "minerstarttime": "03-08-2018 01:26:25",
  "hashcounter": 8963,
  "pooledtx": 0,
  "testnet": false,
  "chain": "main",
  "biblepay-generate": true,
  "poolinfo1": "",
  "poolinfo2": "",
  "poolinfo3": "",
  "miningpulse": 24,
  "poolmining": true,
  "pool_url": "",
  "poolmining_use_ssl": false

exec getboincinfo
Code: [Select]

exec getboincinfo


  "Command": "getboincinfo",
  "CPID": "e6ce50042187d4b285568d86ef458f32",
  "Address": "BHT42KnVpQpAzYgnVJuVEqBz2pp1JfTGYk",
  "CPIDS": "e6ce50042187d4b285568d86ef458f32;",
  "CPID-Age (hours)": 422353,
  "NextSuperblockHeight": 33620,
  "NextSuperblockBudget": 2660579,
  "e6ce50042187d4b285568d86ef458f32_ADDRESS": "BHT42KnVpQpAzYgnVJuVEqBz2pp1JfTGYk",
  "e6ce50042187d4b285568d86ef458f32_RAC": 2726.94,
  "e6ce50042187d4b285568d86ef458f32_TEAM": 15044,
  "e6ce50042187d4b285568d86ef458f32_TaskWeight": 100,
  "e6ce50042187d4b285568d86ef458f32_UTXOWeight": 75,
  "Total_RAC": 2726.94,
  "Total Payments (One Day)": 0,
  "Total Payments (One Week)": 0,
  "Total Budget (One Day)": 0,
  "Total Budget (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock Count (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock List": "",
  "Last Superblock Height": 0,
  "Last Superblock Budget": 0,
  "Last Superblock Payment": -1,
  "Magnitude (One-Day)": 0,
  "Magnitude (One-Week)": 0

  • togoshigekata
  • Hero Member

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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA
Togos magnitude = 0.  It looks like its because his tasks are showing as "tampered" with.  I will look into this issue now.

Uh oh!
a few days ago
I overclocked one machine and caused cpu to become unstable, and got a computation error in BOINC, so I aborted that task,
That same machine was also not running for a few days and I had to abort some tasks that were past due

Only thing I can think of recently in the past day
is that I have "merged" some aws machines in BOINC website (because the old ones got terminated)
hope that is not causing issues

I basically just run 4 linux commands and never touch these machines again LOL

So far today I:
1. Sent coins for CPID Burn and Staking
2. Performed CPID Burn through GUI
3. Added polpercentage to config

Were there any commands I needed to run?

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Uh oh!
a few days ago
I overclocked one machine and caused cpu to become unstable, and got a computation error in BOINC, so I aborted that task,
That same machine was also not running for a few days and I had to abort some tasks that were past due

Only thing I can think of recently in the past day
is that I have "merged" some aws machines in BOINC website (because the old ones got terminated)
hope that is not causing issues

I basically just run 4 linux commands and never touch these machines again LOL

So far today I:
1. Sent coins for CPID Burn and Staking
2. Performed CPID Burn through GUI
3. Added polpercentage to config

Were there any commands I needed to run?
Thats cool, the system needs to be resilient enough to handle that anyway.  Its supposed to look at the total picture, and if it finds 3 errors out of 100, keep you in the top bracket, etc, so there is something obviously wrong with it, I am writing a command to pull the data now, right now no commands exist.

I would have expected you to be at 95% or something even if there were errors, Ill get to the bottom of it.

  • znffal
  • Full Member

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    • October 02, 2017, 04:01:47 PM
Yeah, your receive address on file matches the boinc address, so that means you can sign for that CPID.

So it must be a matter of the wallet picking the wrong spending account, please try sending the money into the top address then resending the podcupdate, lets see if that works.

Hi Rob,

before I saw you posted this I had already sent a transaction to myself to my CPID address.

After 6 confirmations:

Code: [Select]
"Command": "podcupdate",
  "PODCUpdate": "true"


Code: [Select]
"Command": "stakebalance",
  "StakeBalance": 109919

looking good

Code: [Select]
"8f273b30f8e0a298ed26e242762df701_RAC": 41662.59,
  "8f273b30f8e0a298ed26e242762df701_TEAM": 15044,
  "8f273b30f8e0a298ed26e242762df701_TaskWeight": 100,
  "8f273b30f8e0a298ed26e242762df701_UTXOWeight": 25,
  "Total_RAC": 41662.59,

Oh so close!
So UTXO is still 25. Should I just give it a bit of time, or should I try sending to the other address?


  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4141

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Thats cool, the system needs to be resilient enough to handle that anyway.  Its supposed to look at the total picture, and if it finds 3 errors out of 100, keep you in the top bracket, etc, so there is something obviously wrong with it, I am writing a command to pull the data now, right now no commands exist.

I would have expected you to be at 95% or something even if there were errors, Ill get to the bottom of it.

The problem is the current sanctuary magnitude system can only handle up to 512 task verifications per CPID before it causes an internal calculation error.  I have fixed the problem by chunking it.   

This is going to require a mandatory for all sancs.

Im going to take advantage of this mandatory upgrade and insert a checkpoint, and also do a hard check on the client version in each block.

Ill announce the new version in 30 mins on the main thread.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Hi Rob,

before I saw you posted this I had already sent a transaction to myself to my CPID address.

After 6 confirmations:

Code: [Select]
"Command": "podcupdate",
  "PODCUpdate": "true"


Code: [Select]
"Command": "stakebalance",
  "StakeBalance": 109919

looking good

Code: [Select]
"8f273b30f8e0a298ed26e242762df701_RAC": 41662.59,
  "8f273b30f8e0a298ed26e242762df701_TEAM": 15044,
  "8f273b30f8e0a298ed26e242762df701_TaskWeight": 100,
  "8f273b30f8e0a298ed26e242762df701_UTXOWeight": 25,
  "Total_RAC": 41662.59,

Oh so close!
So UTXO is still 25. Should I just give it a bit of time, or should I try sending to the other address?


There is a secret command, this is only good for internal use not network use, try this:
'exec memorizeprayers', 'exec datalist utxoweight'.  The memorizeprayers forces the client to load any unconfirmed tx into memory (as if 6 went by), let me know if it goes up to 100 after that.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4141

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of

Mandatory Upgrade for Sanctuaries
Leisure Upgrade for Users

- Add checkpoint at 33460 to prevent forking and lock in PODC consensus system
- Add checkblock to verify all 33460+ PODC blocks were generated by v1.1.0.0+
- Fix Task Verification Error in Sanctuary Quorum affecting Magnitude Calculation for Large CPIDs

** Windows is still building, this is a notification for all linux nodes **

  • znffal
  • Full Member

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    • October 02, 2017, 04:01:47 PM
There is a secret command, this is only good for internal use not network use, try this:
'exec memorizeprayers', 'exec datalist utxoweight'.  The memorizeprayers forces the client to load any unconfirmed tx into memory (as if 6 went by), let me know if it goes up to 100 after that.

Hi Rob.
Unfortunately I am still on 25 for UTXO weight.
Is there a way to delete the other wallet receiving address?

EDIT: just for clarity, I did the memorizeprayers command
« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 08:36:24 PM by znffal »

  • T-Mike
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
Rob, not sure if I am having the same problem but here it goes:

Code: [Select]
exec dcc
  "Command": "dcc",
  "Success": true,
  "Error": ""

exec datalist utxoweight
  "DataList": "UTXOWEIGHT",
  "E94C1704C75F731F8BFDE303F08408EE (03-08-2018 00:43:05)": "60",


exec datalist taskweight
  "DataList": "TASKWEIGHT",
  "E94C1704C75F731F8BFDE303F08408EE (03-08-2018 02:20:23)": "0",

But getboincinfo is still showing:

exec getboincinfo
  "Command": "getboincinfo",
  "CPID": "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee",
  "Address": "BTTa9qDMsX6zEQcYJPNu1KptscotKMbPfN",
  "CPIDS": "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee;",
  "CPID-Age (hours)": 422354,
  "NextSuperblockHeight": 33620,
  "NextSuperblockBudget": 2660579,
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_ADDRESS": "BTTa9qDMsX6zEQcYJPNu1KptscotKMbPfN",
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_RAC": 42216.08,
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_TEAM": 15044,
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_TaskWeight": 100,
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_UTXOWeight": 60,
  "Total_RAC": 42216.08,
  "Total Payments (One Day)": 0,
  "Total Payments (One Week)": 0,
  "Total Budget (One Day)": 0,
  "Total Budget (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock Count (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock List": "",
  "Last Superblock Height": 0,
  "Last Superblock Budget": 0,
  "Last Superblock Payment": -1,
  "Magnitude (One-Day)": 0,
  "Magnitude (One-Week)": 0

So I did:

exec stakebalance
  "Command": "stakebalance",
  "StakeBalance": 147918

exec podcupdate true
  "Command": "podcupdate",
  "PODCUpdate": ""

Transaction details:
Status: 1/unconfirmed, broadcast through 6 nodes
Date: 3/7/2018 21:24
Source: PODC-Update
Total debit: -16 904.96785832 Biblepay
Total credit: 16 904.96785832 Biblepay
Transaction fee: -0.00517320 Biblepay
Net amount: -0.00517320 Biblepay

I have polpercentage=50

My task weight was 100% a few hours ago but now its 0 and my UTXO weight has been decreasing. The staking amount doesn't seem to be enough.

p.s. I just mined a block, reward 556 BBP.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 08:37:35 PM by T-Mike »

  • T-Mike
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 08:42:58 PM by T-Mike »

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Wow, #1.
He could probably weld a bridge together or fly a 737 with that much power (in watts), wow.
I hope he doesnt find out about BBP too fast, unless he buys some Sancs from the open market.
I wonder what team he is on.

  • T-Mike
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
He could probably weld a bridge together or fly a 737 with that much power (in watts), wow.
I hope he doesnt find out about BBP too fast, unless he buys some Sancs from the open market.
I wonder what team he is on.

No team apparently. I wonder if it's owned by some school but I wonder why they don't advertise it.

Updated linux Sanctuary just now.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4141

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Rob, not sure if I am having the same problem but here it goes:

Code: [Select]
exec dcc
  "Command": "dcc",
  "Success": true,
  "Error": ""

exec datalist utxoweight
  "DataList": "UTXOWEIGHT",
  "E94C1704C75F731F8BFDE303F08408EE (03-08-2018 00:43:05)": "60",


exec datalist taskweight
  "DataList": "TASKWEIGHT",
  "E94C1704C75F731F8BFDE303F08408EE (03-08-2018 02:20:23)": "0",

But getboincinfo is still showing:

exec getboincinfo
  "Command": "getboincinfo",
  "CPID": "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee",
  "Address": "BTTa9qDMsX6zEQcYJPNu1KptscotKMbPfN",
  "CPIDS": "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee;",
  "CPID-Age (hours)": 422354,
  "NextSuperblockHeight": 33620,
  "NextSuperblockBudget": 2660579,
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_ADDRESS": "BTTa9qDMsX6zEQcYJPNu1KptscotKMbPfN",
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_RAC": 42216.08,
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_TEAM": 15044,
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_TaskWeight": 100,
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_UTXOWeight": 60,
  "Total_RAC": 42216.08,
  "Total Payments (One Day)": 0,
  "Total Payments (One Week)": 0,
  "Total Budget (One Day)": 0,
  "Total Budget (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock Count (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock List": "",
  "Last Superblock Height": 0,
  "Last Superblock Budget": 0,
  "Last Superblock Payment": -1,
  "Magnitude (One-Day)": 0,
  "Magnitude (One-Week)": 0

So I did:

exec stakebalance
  "Command": "stakebalance",
  "StakeBalance": 147918

exec podcupdate true
  "Command": "podcupdate",
  "PODCUpdate": ""

Transaction details:
Status: 1/unconfirmed, broadcast through 6 nodes
Date: 3/7/2018 21:24
Source: PODC-Update
Total debit: -16 904.96785832 Biblepay
Total credit: 16 904.96785832 Biblepay
Transaction fee: -0.00517320 Biblepay
Net amount: -0.00517320 Biblepay

I have polpercentage=50

My task weight was 100% a few hours ago but now its 0 and my UTXO weight has been decreasing. The staking amount doesn't seem to be enough.

p.s. I just mined a block, reward 556 BBP.

I think in this case its best to go into coin control, and wait til you have 6+ confirms available for the whole 100K of UTXO's,   then set polpercentage=90, and do it again, im guessing when you sent it the last time, at least one of your inputs didnt have 6 depth in the chain (you can see the depth in coin control).

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4141

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
No team apparently. I wonder if it's owned by some school but I wonder why they don't advertise it.

Updated linux Sanctuary just now.

If you want to test your Sancs health with Togos cpid his cpid is 9313, you can type 'exec dcc', and when its done go to bash, cd /SAN, then 
cat filtered | grep 9313 -A10 -B10 and take a look at Togo's <taskweight> and it should be up to 100.