Ok, Im up to 1133 on my two sancs now.
Have you guys been getting paid daily superblock rewards? I got one while my sanc was off.
So btw, an update on the proposal filter feature: Its in this version, but as you can see in proposals list, both are still there even though the Groundbreaking one was paid. I took a look at this in depth, and what it is is that since the supermajority of the sancs went down (Or were not running watchman), they lost the trigger that links the proposal to the trigger to the superblock. Another words the chain cant see that it was paid. I was taking a look at this in prod, and I dont think this particular thing can happen with 100+ sancs on line. So I wrote some debug info for the feature and what I think Ill do is when we deem proposals safe to enable in prod (IE the next leisure release), we can log in on the prod side and test it. But from what I see from the debug info, it should work in prod as-is and filter paid proposals in prod.
I have been getting daily superblock rewards, but looking at my boincinfo it says something strange:

exec getboincinfo

"Command": "getboincinfo",
"CPID": "d9b22fccfae5582d4ee7838883aaa3cf",
"Address": "yYri6dXZEXtN5j6UhTduL1GSEHSDCW1Pif",
"CPIDS": "d9b22fccfae5582d4ee7838883aaa3cf;",
"CPID-Age (hours)": 424912,
"NextSuperblockHeight": 36244,
"NextSuperblockBudget": 575962,
"d9b22fccfae5582d4ee7838883aaa3cf_ADDRESS": "yYri6dXZEXtN5j6UhTduL1GSEHSDCW1Pif",
"d9b22fccfae5582d4ee7838883aaa3cf_RAC": 4034.31,
"d9b22fccfae5582d4ee7838883aaa3cf_TEAM": 15044,
"d9b22fccfae5582d4ee7838883aaa3cf_WCGRAC": 0,
"d9b22fccfae5582d4ee7838883aaa3cf_TaskWeight": 100,
"d9b22fccfae5582d4ee7838883aaa3cf_UTXOWeight": 8814,
"Total_RAC": 4034.31,
"Total Payments (One Day)": 281920,
"Total Payments (One Week)": 636046,
"Total Budget (One Day)": 1151924,
"Total Budget (One Week)": 4991675,
"Superblock Count (One Week)": 199,
"Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 6,
"Superblock List": "35650,35551,34264,33472,31591,16533",
"Last Superblock Height": 36145,
"Last Superblock Budget": 575962,
"Last Superblock Payment": -1,
"Magnitude (One-Day)": 244.7383681562325,
"Magnitude (One-Week)": 127.4213565586702

exec getboincinfo

"Command": "getboincinfo",
"CPID": "8791a036b545f35e9ebd9333922738ac",
"Address": "yfSRwqLaiKac2vNtXAaasuLyunCCzfCurW",
"CPIDS": "8791a036b545f35e9ebd9333922738ac;",
"CPID-Age (hours)": 424913,
"NextSuperblockHeight": 36244,
"NextSuperblockBudget": 575962,
"8791a036b545f35e9ebd9333922738ac_ADDRESS": "yfSRwqLaiKac2vNtXAaasuLyunCCzfCurW",
"8791a036b545f35e9ebd9333922738ac_RAC": 141.73,
"8791a036b545f35e9ebd9333922738ac_TEAM": 15044,
"8791a036b545f35e9ebd9333922738ac_WCGRAC": 0,
"8791a036b545f35e9ebd9333922738ac_TaskWeight": 100,
"8791a036b545f35e9ebd9333922738ac_UTXOWeight": 353,
"Total_RAC": 141.73,
"Total Payments (One Day)": 25262,
"Total Payments (One Week)": 1372885,
"Total Budget (One Day)": 1151924,
"Total Budget (One Week)": 4991675,
"Superblock Count (One Week)": 199,
"Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 6,
"Superblock List": "35650,35551,34264,33472,31591,16533",
"Last Superblock Height": 36145,
"Last Superblock Budget": 575962,
"Last Superblock Payment": -1,
"Magnitude (One-Day)": 21.93026623284175,
"Magnitude (One-Week)": 275.0349331637176
Both my rigs have been paid in the same daily superblocks it appears, but it says:
" "Superblock Count (One Week)": 199,
"Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 6,"
The superblock count seems weird. Anyway, PODC-payments seem to be working. Are we still on one minute blocktimes? Because then there should me more like seven 'daily superblocks' each day, right?