Hey, sorry TheSnat, I finally accidentally encountered the long load time for the block index on one of my windows machines (IE > 5 mins, compared to normally 20 seconds).
I think this has something to do with the loading of the prayers in the background... It makes me nervous; will need to look into it today.
At the worst, I feel its safer if we let the prayers load serially like we used to-and delay the start by 10 seconds... Ill take a look. I hate to delay the release much longer.
I appreciate the apology, I tend to run things harder than most
I posted separately I think I understand why my clients were acting up, (mining slowed to 1/4 the speed with the large mem usage as well)
I don't know if it has been resolved, but there was an issue in the older clients if you delete the block data, and let the client re-sync it won't pick up the CPID for mining until you restart. Easy workaround i'll see if it still happens here. (Edit: still there i'll throw it as an issue on the github later)
I started working on the UI notifications,