Bible Pay

Read 758800 times

  • Rob Andrews
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    • 4187

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of


Language Translations

RandomX merge mining provides miners with two revenue streams, while preventing GPUs and ASICs

Launched July 23rd 2017 by Rob Andrews, with no premine and no ICO, BiblePay describes itself as a decentralized autonomous cryptocurrency that gives 10% to orphan-charity (using Sanctuary (Masternode) governance).  The project is passionate about spreading the gospel of Jesus, having the entire KJV bible compiled in its core wallet.   BiblePay (BBP) is deflationary, decreasing its emissions by 19.5% per year.

The project views itself as a utility that provides an alternative method for giving to charity. With Generic Smart Contracts, the project seeks to become the go-to wallet for Christians. In the future, the team intends to lease file space on its Sanctuaries and release corporate integration features, such as C# access to the blockchain. The BiblePay platform is a derivative of Dash-Evolution. Located in Dallas, TX, the team seeks to help orphans globally. The roadmap can be viewed at:

Interview | Podcast | Youtube | Medium | Steemit | Newsletter


- $220,000+ donated to Charity!

- 30,000+ years CPU time donated to Cancer Research!

- Sponsoring 100+ Orphans every month!


Nutrition Information     


BiblePay Evolution

New Features:

Generic Smart Contracts (GSC)

Proof of Orphan Sponsorship (POOS)


DashPay - Instantly Buy Gift Cards with BiblePay (using Dash, InstantSend and Bitrefill)


Left Behind Letter (for those that missed the rapture): 

Download Wallet:

(How to update and clean wallet?)


(How to verify Hash)

Windows 64 bit - (Hash)

Mac OSX -

Linux GUI 64 bit - biblepay-qt-evo-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz  (Hash)

Linux CLI 64 bit - biblepayd-evo-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz  (Hash)

Source Code -

Paper -

Mobile Wallet:

Android -

iOS -

Mining Guides:

Proof of BibleHash

Mining Pools:


Earn Coins:

SouthXchange Faucet:

Healing Campaign (Diary Entries):

Bug Bounty Program:

Request Funds from Monthly Budget Proposal System for your work:






Launched: July 23, 2017
Algorithm: Proof of BibleHash (POBH)
Mining Strategy: CPU only (GPU/ASIC Resistant)

No Premine / No ICO

Block Target: 7 Minutes
Blocks Per Day: 205
Transaction Speed: Supports InstantSend

Max Supply: 5.2 billion BBP by year 2050

Circulation Characteristic: Deflationary
Emission Rate: -1.5% every month (19% per year compounded deflation)

Emission Schedule:


Block Reward:

Sanctuaries (Masternodes):

To reduce sell pressure on our currency, our sanctuaries now sponsor one orphan each (provably), in accordance with our POOS (proof-of-orphan-sponsorship) algorithm.

Additionally, we now liquidate raised XMR (raised through XMR-BBP merge mining) for our remaining charity expenses.

Governance & Budget System:
- Understanding Governance
Collateral Requirement:
4,500,001 BBP


- Masternodes.Online
- Masternodes.Pro
- MasterNodeCap
- Masternode.Live
- Masternodes Buzz
- Step by Step Guide
- One Click Install Script
- Upgrade Deterministic


**  We only partner with charities over 75% efficient, meaning over 75% reaches the beneficiary. **


- Public Investigation


Forum      -
Twitter     -
Reddit      -
Discord    -
Facebook  -
Telegram  -


CAUTION: "Although BiblePay has a deflationary emission schedule, there is no guarantee of positive investment returns against other major inflating currencies. Past returns are not indicative of future results. We are a utility and not a security. Please do not invest in BiblePay unless you know all of the risks of cryptocurrencies"

Original Announcement

2nd Announcement

White Paper Links:

Chinese White Paper -

Forum Rules:

1. Do not make assumptions or false statements - For example, if you are not 100% sure of a statement being fact, you must state "in my opinion... " or "I believe...", especially with technical posts that could mislead investors. 

2. Talk in a nice tone and manner, be polite and appreciative.  Avoid swearing.

3. Be willing to do work/research/experience, or Find someone who can, and assume other community members are busy.  This is a group effort.

4. Moderators may delete your post if you are argumentative or make mean spirited posts.

5. If you have a problem with the mod team or an official member of the dev team, you must post with an innocent until proven guilty attitude.  The devs aren't out to get you. If you do not receive a response, break the problem up into a simpler problem and post the question again with a positive attitude.

6.  Your primary purpose on this forum is to help others and make constructive posts.  If you are a net negative to the community we reserve the right to delete or report the posts to bitcointalk mods.

7.  Do not post anything that misleads investors.  Proofread your post before posting as it cannot be deleted for 24 hours.  If you are not sure, ask someone else first.

8.  Your posts may be deleted or you may be banned from this thread if you have a history of making offensive posts.

9.  After 3 offensive posts your future posts and/or your account may be banned at the sole discretion of one of our forum administrators.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 06:30:48 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • 4187

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Welcome back everyone!

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of

About Easter:

While we solemnly mourn over Jesus agonizing crucifixion this Easter, and rejoice over our salvation that he provided by providing atonement for our sins and making a path of salvation for us, remember that the Jews are celebrating Passover at the same time (during the 8 days of April 8th through April 16th).   

It is no coincidence that Passover for the Jews falls on Easter for the Christians; because Jesus is our passover lamb, the final sacrifice for our sins (meaning there is no reason for further sacrifices on the altar).  Nevertheless ultra-orthodox-Jews who still have not accepted the Messiah will celebrate passover.  The reason it is of no coincidence is because Father God planned that Jesus ministry would end at the exact moment (on the calendar) that Exodus occurred.  After the 10 plagues of Egypt, when Pharoah finally gave in, the children of Israel escaped bondage.  However, on the night that the Angel of Death passed over (this was the 10th plague, death of firstborn Children Exodus 11:1), that was the true Jewish first passover.  The children were told by Moses to put the lambs blood on their doorposts and that the death angel would pass over.  And so this affliction only killed the Egyptian babies, but not the Hebrew babies.  God knows this date was to be between April 8th and April 16th on our calendar.  Thats why he sent his son to die for us on the same date, because he is our passover lamb.

So, I've been researching Exodus I, II, and what I call III (the final exodus, or the rapture), and piecing together fascinating connections between the three.  When something repeats in the bible, its called a "Type".  Meaning that what was before will be again.  I believe the Rapture will be a "Type" of Exodus.  Therefore I am creating a wiki page with the connections that I show between this current Passover and the historic two exodus'.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • 4187

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
** Reward of 14,100 BIBLEPAY  -  for new Monero or XMR - RandomX Miners is available as of this morning **


Please join us in sponsoring ORPHANS IN THEIR DISTRESS by HEAT MINING.

10% of the HEAT MINED REWARD goes directly to orphan charity.  This is also something novel, that is not being done with bitcoin or dash.

By the way all,  we still sponsor over 50 orphans per month through our existing POOM/Governance system.

See our orphan collage here:

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
 8) 8)     Fractional Sanctuaries are being Released this Weekend!    8) 8)

According to MNO:

Our sanctuaries (another name for Masternodes, except Sanctuaries can be used for 'physical processes' in addition to 'computer processes' in the future:
Currently earn 42% ROI.

? Won't it be nice to have a feature where we offer turnkey fractional sanctuary slicing ?

We will be one of the few to gain this feature also.  (As after GIN went out of business, most coins lost this ability).

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
** Letters written back to the BIBLEPAY community by Kairos, in reference to our Community Hosted Kairos Easter Party  **

Kairos thanked us today and also sent these:

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4187

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of

Example Left Behind Letter (for those that missed the rapture): 

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of

We have a new feature coming this weekend, that allows you to make deposits and withdrawals at :

But only if you set up a 2FA pin.

Please feel free to test this with smaller amounts to make sure its ready for prime time.

You can create an account by making a ""  account first, then logging in, then setting your 2fa pin.

Then you want to send a deposit to the foundation, and check your balance.

Then later you can withdraw the money and lose zero.

Ill explain how to test fractional sancs over the weekend.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Quote from: sunk818 on Today at 03:50:56 PM
Miners want to know if BiblePay can only mine BBP and XMR. Could BiblePay mine other altcoins that use RandomX so BBP, XMR, and this other altcoin? I think the term "merged-mining" gets thrown around a lot like DogeCoin with LiteCoin. You seem to have specifically used dual mining which I feel is a different technology than merged-mining. Am I correct in this assumption?

Please see this wiki page first:

While implementing dual hash mining, I encountered the Preimage attack vector, and decided to use our equation for dual hash mining instead of classic merged mining (they are almost the same, but a couple small differences exist on the pool side and in the wallet).

Yes, the good news is the underlying wallet does support every RandomX coin (not just XMR).
Our block solution requires a RandomX header (from any RX based coin), proof that you are mining at the right height, and, the dual-hash (blake) solution.

However, there are a couple practical things stopping us from simply starting a second line of pools for coins other than XMR:
1) Accountability - sporks.  The spork allows us to enforce solutions that only come from pools we trust (pools that promise to pay each months orphanage liquidation).  We initially chose XMR so we can easily liquidate the earnings.
2) A new branch of Nomp or Pool specifically branched and code tailored for that other coin.  This is a minor change, to nomp for example, but - it is a real change requiring developer hours and testing.

So my actual view on the matter is I wanted to see the viability of XMR + BBP for a few months, and know that it will certainly generate orphan revenue, and be a success or not a success.  Then rerelease a pool with a little more orphan security  (one that prevents people from circumventing the tithe completely).  The biblepay core wallet has all the code necessary for security already in production.  The only rules that we really need in baby step 2 is enforcement of the 10% tithe on the miners.  This can certainly be done on the pool side.

So to make end-to-end security I think we will need to :  monitor the pool liquidations of each address, add the sporks before the end of this month for the known pools, and enable the enforcement of hashpower for the 10% tithe over the monitored span  (on the pool side).

Now in the future, if we grow signifigcantly I dont see why we cant focus on a second pool type (for another coin).  If anyone is very zealous about this you can start now; you wont really need me to run the other pool.  I would be open to working with that person and enabling the spork for that pool, if they promise to give the 10% for orphan charity back to the designated orphans, etc.   

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of



-- Updating the English whitepaper

EDIT:  Sun has provided me with the original docx in English, so the job would entail:  (editing the word docx file) and updating the paper to be current (for a new English version) so we can update our OP post (it says "being updated" currently).

EDIT II:  Here is the original docx that needs updated:

Original Link:


« Last Edit: July 20, 2020, 04:25:50 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • sunk818
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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM

Looks like we need a bounty offers page, and Ill create one asap.

In the mean time Id like to offer a bounty of 2MM BBP to anyone who would like to modify our whitepaper to be current.
Current whitepaper:

It needs updated to have our latest info about RandomX and PODC, etc.   And anything in it that is inaccurate should be corrected.

Note I only have the original Chinese version in Word, so the job would entail (editing the word docx file) and changing the Chinese characters to English, and updating the paper to be current (for a new English version) so we can update our OP post (it says "being updated" currently).

I sent you an editable Word doc from the PDF by e-mail.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of

I sent you an editable Word doc from the PDF by e-mail.

Thanks, I just edited the post!

  • sunk818
  • Developer

    • 521

    • 36
    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
Thanks, I just edited the post!

The original white paper for v1.1 is here for anyone wanting to take on the bounty.


  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Fractional sancs are now ready to test at

Note that I plan on making a cool dashboard that shows a gauge of the ROI (kind of like GIN had), and the current daily ROI and stuff, but have not gotten a chance to do it yet.
But the basics should work now - and the rewards are live.  (We have one sanctuary in the farm - that I am lending to the foundation for this project, and of course we support unlimited scalability as we grow).

So here is how you test it:
- Log In
- Ensure you have a credit balance
- Navigate to Fractional Sancs
- Populate the amount you want to invest, and click Add fractional sanc.
- Wait 24 hours
- Then you should see a daily reward appear in the list, and your Foundation balance should increase.

So the main point of this is to not only let the small investor buy a fraction of a sanc and earn rewards, but also for someone on southexchange to easily create an account and a position in 5 minutes and hold it in biblepay to get the 40% ROI, etc. 

« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 01:38:23 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of

I have updated the registration page to not ask for the Popes name; your right that was sort of confusing.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Regarding why we have a new forum:
- The bitcointalk moderators banned me, for posting Christian posts repeatedly (or posts about BiblePay gaining traction); Im not exactly sure which content I was banned for.
- I was not warned that I would be banned if I reposted the Christian content.  I did it 3 consecutive times, by rephrasing it (because I was under the impression it had to be original and thats why it was deleted).  Again, no explanation was given to me as to why the 2nd and 3rd unique content was not then allowed to stay.   All I can say is it appears to be "Christian" content that got me flagged, because when our old users who used to swear at me, and make profanity laced posts, those posts never got flagged or deleted by mods.  Only my Christian posts got flagged and deleted by them.
- The mods rarely (10% or less) listened to me when I asked them to ban a user for N days who broke a forum rule (I would have been happy with a 3 day ban for example at the time).  But they banned me from my own forum for re-posting Christian content that is related to BiblePay (because our wallet has in wallet prayers, and we are trying to save people).
- Mprep swore at me 5 months ago, with the 4 letter word, repeatedly and told me off, for asking him to ban a user who swore in the post repeatedly.  Then he blocked me when I tried to reply in a politically correct way.  So I am actually unable to reply to moderators deletion requests.
- I vented my concern with Theymos, who deleted my PMs and has never replied (in a year). 
- I believe the mods there are secretly nice to bitcoin based whales on the public side, but on the private side they appear to be malicious and probably joke about altcoins and like to swear to each other etc.  I base this on one of the public forums where they reply in a politically correct way but the way I was spoken to was "Your a piece of trash, you  4 letter word, and What do I care about your problems ****, Get lost  *********!  ."  Then when I questioned the service he was providing he banned me from PMs.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2020, 01:34:23 PM by Rob Andrews »