I tried to use my current Rosetta Account in the Distributed Computing tab, but it popped up "ALREADY_IN_CHAIN",
So I used a 2nd Rosetta account, forgot to join Team BiblePay, got error message in "exec getboincinfo"
Installed BOINC Manager, and attached project using Account Key
Now I am waiting to have positive RAC, so I just need 1 task completed
UPDATE: There wasnt enough RAM for the task, had to:
swapoff -a
and make swap file bigger:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.img bs=1024k count=3000
mkswap /var/swap.img
swapon /var/swap.img
Ill check up on things in 4+ hours when I have some RAC
UPDATE: Task is taking 10 hours to complete, Im at 9 hours complete so far