One more 'on the radar post'. If things go as expected (and this is an assumption), that means if POG goes over well for 90 days, and if we attempt to replace PODC with POG in the future, I'm thinking that we might keep a form of PODC superblocks (and repurpose them) to be something like 'Christian economy superblocks' (with a much lower value - IE based on our P2P budget, or P2P budget * 3 ~ whatever the discussion and vote bears).
The idea is that by then, we will have certain objects in the wallet that can be voted on. I envision Outbound orphan letters, Gospel Links (or uploaded Christian videos into IPFS), Christian testimonies (in Christian spaces). I dont want to discuss all of these individual objects quite yet - as I plan on creating dedicated threads for these once pog is running.
I just wanted to mention that we could utilize the Sanc superblock to renumerate an upvoted letter writer a reward. As this would eliminate the pools entire letter writing system and upvote/downvote system. Putting the reward in the daily POG superblock could cause problems (IE it ruins the POG consensus), but putting the letter reward in the repurposed Christian Economy superblock would most likely work very well.
This would of course require us to keep "some" of the rpcpodc.cpp code, but it would still allow us to retire the lions share of it and move to a simpler contract - one that calls out for hard transaction summaries (IE sum of votes per object).
Some other rewards might be IPFS hosting rewards (for IPFS supporter nodes), Christian video review rewards, etc.
I envision the user to have lists of objects to review each day, the Christian User will enter the list (of videos, or letters) and be able to right click and vote an object up or down.
Later the contract would call out for summaries of things that are not paid on a daily basis and set up a contract for payment for those items.
User A:
In the Rapture room: watched Rapture Video 1,2,3: 100 bbp * 3
Upvoted Outbound Letter #5: 100 bbp
Wrote an outbound letter 1 week ago: 5000 bbp
Watched Jesus Testimony in the "Jesus Testimony room": 100 bbp
All objects are stored in IPFS - our txid pointers point to these object ids.