Bible Pay

Read 2717 times

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
« on: January 06, 2025, 01:08:46 PM »
This is our TestNet thread for our new BBP - DOGE Decentralized Exchange!


Please sign up here if you can help us test the feature.

Wallet download:


Self Build:


Direct link to win64:
« Last Edit: January 17, 2025, 04:39:25 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • talisman
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« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2025, 07:11:06 AM »
Count me in, great idea !

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2025, 04:57:23 PM »
Alright, biblepay-doge atomic transactions 1.0 are being released now:

First question: Why don't we have a separate wallet for TestNet:
This build runs in the latest Production wallet (0.22.4-HamansHanging).
I chose to release this into the prod version rather than the testnet version because the AtomicTx uses real DOGE and real BBP.
(I did not want the feature to work with TBBP).

So please download the latest version with the link in the OP post and we can do testing with real coins.

Up to this point there are 3 primary architectures that we can use to accomplish these atomic tx's:
1) Coins are sent directly from user to user, Doge tx's are not mined into the chain unless the UTXO is confirmed by 6 sanctuaries, requires buyers and sellers to be online to trade, and requires a hard fork.  I originally wrote the whole system this way, but decided to remove that code and make method 1 dormant, because I didnt like the hard fork nor the fact the users have to be online constantly to trade. 
2) Escrow Tx's are sent to a sanc, the sanc holds on to the Tx and does the atomic swap if a match occurs, however, if a match does not occur or if the user Cancels the trade, the coins are returned.  <-- This is actually how the AtomicTx works right now.
3) Colored Coins are used to send WDOGE back and forth.  A user can Wrap a doge using a Wrapping Tx, or Redeem DOGE using an unwrapping tx against a sanc.  This will allow frictionless trading whether online or offline and almost fee-free trading for fractional quantities, and some other exciting things.  Im actually working on this proof-of-concept in the background and this may be the best method of all, but more on that later.

Now moving to my mini instructions (will make a Wiki for this page asap):
Assume that you must go the RPC console to do any of these.

How do I list the orders?

exec listorderbook buy
exec listorderbook sell

How do I place a trace?

exec placetrade buy NNNN pppp
Where NNNN is the Qty and pppp is the price.
You can also place a trade to SELL bbp for DOGE using:
exec placetrade sell NNNN_bbp pppp

How do I cancel a trade and get my collateral back?
Take note of the order id by either 'listorderbook buy-sell and find it' or the ID that was printed when you placed the trade.
You can see your orders in the orderbook by looking for a FLAG="M".  You can also find your ID in the trading_log.  You can also find your id in the
BBP transactionlist, double click it and read the advanced information (IE <atomictransaction>ID: nnnn</atomictransaction>).
Once you know the ID of the trade type:
exec canceltrade ID

How do I see my integrated DOGE wallet balance?

exec getdogebalance
This command also shows your DOGE public key, and your doge balance, and your BX link.

How do I send DOGE from my BBP wallet?

exec senddoge destination_address amount

NOTE:  The BBP wallet will not spend any of your funds from your normal keys.
To start trading you will have to go to receiving addresses, and find your TRADING-PUBLIC-KEY, and send funds to it.
Also your wallet must be unlocked to trade.
All atomic tx funds are spent from the TRADING-PUBLIC-KEY, and all canceled transactions and filled transactions from other users are sent to your TRADING-PUBLIC-KEY.  All inbound DOGE comes to your 'exec getdogebalance' key.  All outbound doge comes out of your 'exec getdogebalance' key.

In version 1.0, this atomic trading system is only capable of matching Exact trades (meaning that the buyer and seller are selling the same quantity of coins) and the price must be at or better than the sellers price.

If I am selling 1000 BBP for .0001 doge, the buyer must be buying 1000 BBP for .0001 or .00011 or .00015 (IE at that price or higher) to get the coins.

In v1.1, we will attempt to introduce fractional fills.


« Last Edit: January 17, 2025, 05:04:18 PM by Rob Andrews »

« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2025, 01:57:21 PM »
its probably right in front of my face but how do i get my trading public key

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2025, 07:41:27 PM »
its probably right in front of my face but how do i get my trading public key

Hey bro,
Thank you for testing.  Glad we can at least get started.
Also with Bololex being down again, we need it even more.

Let me give you a quick fake set of commands to get you started:

1) Funding your trading-public-key with BBP first:
Go to Receive addresses, find Trading*, copy the key.  Send some funds to it.  The wallet will only spend the amount of the trade into escrow and of course you get it back if you cancel an order.
2) To send DOGE to your bbp wallet:
exec getdogebalance

I have some trades in there but feel free to tell me what you placed and ill place some opposing orders for you.

Because in this version they only match on a full quantity match.

« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2025, 10:06:03 PM »
i placed a few sells at 5000-5003 bbp @0.0001 and one buy for 15000 bbp @0.000007

i noticed you can't make a buy for less than 0.10 doge but some of the sells are less than that so i couldn't match their order exactly

i think i messed up my first sell order and i don't see an id beside it its "0          0"?

sometimes i would do a command and then nothing happens  ie


exec placetrade sell 5002 0.0001

  "Command": "placetrade",
  "id": "0",
  "Tx": "{\"SymbolBuy\":\"\",\"SymbolSell\":\"\",\"Action\":\"\",\"id\":\"0\",\"Version\":1,\"Quantity\":0,\"Price\":0,\"Status\":\"NA\",\"Signer\":\"\",\"Signature\":\"\",\"CollateralBBPAddress\":\"\",\"CollateralDOGEAddress\":\"\",\"CollateralTXID\":\"\",\"ReturnTXID\":\"\",\"BlockExplorerURL\":\"\",\"Message\":\"\",\"AltAddress\":\"\",\"TXID\":\"\",\"MatchedTo\":\"\",\"FilledQuantity\":0,\"Time\":1737517756,\"Height\":0,\"Error\":\"\"}\n",
  "block_explorer": "",
  "Error": ""

is that to do with confirmations on my previous txs or something like that?
« Last Edit: January 21, 2025, 10:09:34 PM by AIDS_SKRILLEX »

« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2025, 10:29:17 PM »
i just successfully bought 9000 bbp

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2025, 06:18:47 AM »

i think i messed up my first sell order and i don't see an id beside it its "0          0"?
sometimes i would do a command and then nothing happens  ie
is that to do with confirmations on my previous txs or something like that?

Let me just address this one by itself, because I see two problems in there.
I think the first one is harmless, when you did the exec placetrade sell 5002 0.0001, the command syntax was correct.
It was supposed to generate a collateral tx, and a tradeID, and I see that didnt happen on the one that returned 0 on the screen, as the whole transaction is empty (no txid, no collateral address), so that one we can either chalk up as network error, or race condition. If you want to check something, go to your bbp data directory, (the same place where debug.log is) and you can go back to that timestamp and check the trading_log.  see if anything is weird in there at that particular timestamp?  Maybe a wallet error or something.  Now usually we handle all the known ones, like not enough balance, or wallet locked, or, in the case of DOGE if you just spent some to buy some BBP, the UTXO is spent and we have to wait 1 more block before successfuly placing another trade.  But that is a known condition so you will see an error saying Unable to create transaction::No utxos - something to that effect.

But moving on to this one:
There was one you placed to buy 1000000 bbp at .00000010.  What I find strange about that one is if you look at the BX, your collateral of 1DOGE was sent here:
(Thats the 'collateral address' of the sanc that accepted it).  So its locked in there where no one can touch it unless the trade goes through, but, it has an id of "0" - which is not right.  That should have an ID > current unix timestamp.
So something mostly worked on that and failed to give you good id.
Can you please try a 'exec canceltrade 0' and tell me if it gives you your 1 doge back?  If it doesnt ill cover it.  But yeah I have to find the debug log and fix that one.
Obviously you can place it again once you get it back.

Moving on to normal trading:
I bought the 5001,5002,5003 trades and got the BBP, so that looks like it worked correctly, yay.

(On that first issue with the completely failed tx, you should not have lost any collateral, btw, otherwise you would have seen "collateralAddressDOGE" or "BBP" populated on that output etc).

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2025, 06:24:09 AM »
i just successfully bought 9000 bbp
And on the issue about not being able to buy with DOGE unless > .10, I had to add that to deter people from creating dust transactions.  The issue is, we have to pay doge about .008 tx fee each way, so i wanted to avoid a situation where we send say .008 collateral then with the tx fee round trip, we would get back less than zero (IE the tx would fail), so with the .10 rule, you basically see this : .108 out, .10 back (something like that) so the tx fee is a small part of it). 

But your right -- I will add a rule to increase the sell minimum in the next version to prevent unbalanced trades. 

« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2025, 09:04:05 AM »

exec canceltrade 0

  "Command": "canceltrade",
  "Tx": "{\"SymbolBuy\":\"bbp\",\"SymbolSell\":\"doge\",\"Action\":\"buy\",\"id\":\"0\",\"Version\":1,\"Quantity\":10000000,\"Price\":1e-07,\"Status\":\"open\",\"Signer\":\"BG39CtdNTZHRt2tcQ83Qqdkv6EE2Q3Xm8v\",\"Signature\":\"IE0i95DAOBvWkgo7A/W8NZaxOvarMu+UaGxPreFDyVKqZ1uPNiRiGxF8k162RNtH4OjVlOkEzd/PHDWECc0b8Y4=\",\"CollateralBBPAddress\":\"BN3sLhLvhKi3GS331eVXi65xadQtndL5Ef\",\"CollateralDOGEAddress\":\"DNjtGEqNFE2RMbjU8kA88iStj9hcRBd9cs\",\"CollateralTXID\":\"05c9033f695093c5142b5f78cf8bc236a9449654dab3f25ef44fbaa2aa1639ab\",\"ReturnTXID\":\"\",\"BlockExplorerURL\":\"\",\"Message\":\"authorize-1737521645\",\"AltAddress\":\"\",\"TXID\":\"\",\"MatchedTo\":\"\",\"FilledQuantity\":0,\"Time\":1737521645,\"Height\":560265,\"Error\":\"Invalid checked base 58 string\"}\n",
  "block_explorer": "",
  "Error": "Invalid checked base 58 string"

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2025, 04:24:25 PM »
exec canceltrade 0

  "Command": "canceltrade",
  "Tx": "{\"SymbolBuy\":\"bbp\",\"SymbolSell\":\"doge\",\"Action\":\"buy\",\"id\":\"0\",\"Version\":1,\"Quantity\":10000000,\"Price\":1e-07,\"Status\":\"open\",\"Signer\":\"BG39CtdNTZHRt2tcQ83Qqdkv6EE2Q3Xm8v\",\"Signature\":\"IE0i95DAOBvWkgo7A/W8NZaxOvarMu+UaGxPreFDyVKqZ1uPNiRiGxF8k162RNtH4OjVlOkEzd/PHDWECc0b8Y4=\",\"CollateralBBPAddress\":\"BN3sLhLvhKi3GS331eVXi65xadQtndL5Ef\",\"CollateralDOGEAddress\":\"DNjtGEqNFE2RMbjU8kA88iStj9hcRBd9cs\",\"CollateralTXID\":\"05c9033f695093c5142b5f78cf8bc236a9449654dab3f25ef44fbaa2aa1639ab\",\"ReturnTXID\":\"\",\"BlockExplorerURL\":\"\",\"Message\":\"authorize-1737521645\",\"AltAddress\":\"\",\"TXID\":\"\",\"MatchedTo\":\"\",\"FilledQuantity\":0,\"Time\":1737521645,\"Height\":560265,\"Error\":\"Invalid checked base 58 string\"}\n",
  "block_explorer": "",
  "Error": "Invalid checked base 58 string"
Hmm, ok, i took a look at the tx and one thing i noticed it didnt have the AltAddress on the first version of it, and of course it wasnt even the right ID (> 0), so I dont think I can find the root cause, but I can put in rules to prevent this issue in the future.  We can validate the tx a little better, before sending the DOGE and committing it, so I will work on that next.

In the mean time I refunded your DOGE from my wallet:

exec senddoge DA6ALPEJQ3DqYvrbFdRHsZKVFDWNJRE9u1 2

  "Command": "senddoge",
  "to_address": "DA6ALPEJQ3DqYvrbFdRHsZKVFDWNJRE9u1",
  "amount": 2,
  "TXID": "ca1ac72dd7376062791a79df7783aa74fff4a0cc3695427e0f459a092c469d8b",
  "Error": ""

Did I get the address right?  I got it off the one I sold to you (IE one of the other tx Doge AltAddress).

It should be in your BBP wallet.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2025, 04:47:44 PM »
Just want to point out my background conscience with God on all this.
I had similar ideas of integrating an exchange into BBP a couple years ago and when I prayed about it I always got a "No, dont do it" from the Holy Spirit - and I think the reason was--  the SEC started to go after many US exchanges and launched strict rules and threw people in jail for violating anti money transmitter laws.  However I did pray about this more and got a green light for programming this inside the wallet.  I feel the reason for the change is Trump is in and all the pro crypto laws are about to take effect.  Im not interested in creating a centralized exchange that holds funds and is hosted on a US domain.  Im only interested in writing one in wallet, because I feel that is what God approved.

Expanding on this idea a little more, I have worked out the technical requirements to improve this idea way more than we have now imho.  And I also did a little research on existing DEXs.  Almost every existing DEX, if not every one, is based on non BTC (ETH or Solana or smart contract compatible chains).  There is one called BISQ that works with BTC, but, it is not really what we are doing, its a P2P where the order must match exactly and it clears a multisig tx.

So thats exciting because it means if we do this in a way that may be multi-coin-compatible, this could really be useful.

Heres what I plan on doing next:

- There will be 3 major places the crypto goes: "INGATE", "TRADING", "OUTGATE".
- To standardize this idea, we will support more than one crypto by symbol.  The symbol must be listed on a BTC style chain (IE btc,doge,dash etc) to work with this DEX.  (Future state we look at XRP XLM ETH etc).
- A community hosts a node, and a BX, and gives us the BX URL, the Node RPC, the symbol and PNG graphics file, and a blurb about the coin.
- Our wallet will start locking foreign currencies on the chain by adding a new standard: a new type of colored coin.
A colored coin has a special address that ends in the foreign ticker and ZZ. 
There will be new rules where colored coins can only be sent from a colored address to a colored address.  Example:
If you own 100 WDOGE (Wrapped BBP DOGE), you can only send it from a WDOGE address to a WDOGE address.
- The ingate will provide a receive address, so you type something like
wrap WDOGE 2.25
The wallet gives you an address to send the DOGE to, once you send it, your atomic tx will receive WDOGE for the same amount.
We will make it so the block CANNOT BE MINED, unless the DOGE is received and signed by the receiving sanc.
- Once you have these colored assets in your wallet, we can make them trade in a trading room, with high liquidity.
Because then we can do fractional fills.  Also, you will get the strong deterministic BBP transactions on those when they are filled.
Meaning that if you had 2.25 WDOGE, and you send those to another BBP wallet each wallet is adjusted with a standard colored tx immediately.
- The Outgate will allow you to perform a BURN of the tx to our BURN address, and this tx will not be mined unless you receive back your exit collateral.
This will be for withdrawals.
- The security will be increased on the Sanc to store the collateral on the chain this way:
We will make a new transaction Type that will only unlock the foreign funds when the colored recipient signs plus a sanc signs.  This will prevent any security issues for every transaction as if a rogue temple comes online and tries to steal a collateral tx that is live in the trades, they wont have the sig of the person with the colored coin.  Also, we will store the collateral in individual deterministic addresses that relate to the original deposit.  Another words, no big hot wallet building up, but instead hundreds of little cold wallets that can only be liquidated using this special type of liquidation transaction.
- The users can trade 24-7 because of the liquidity of the wrapped funds.
- People can go in and out of the funds at any time  - they can trade for a couple hours and withdraw etc.
- UI:  We can make a trading room that will have the ticker banner, a buy order book and a sell orderbook, volume and totals.  A buy and sell button.
This would probably increase the usage of the feature so I'm willing to do it, God willing.

Would this be cool to do?

« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2025, 09:14:18 PM »
Hmm, ok, i took a look at the tx and one thing i noticed it didnt have the AltAddress on the first version of it, and of course it wasnt even the right ID (> 0), so I dont think I can find the root cause, but I can put in rules to prevent this issue in the future.  We can validate the tx a little better, before sending the DOGE and committing it, so I will work on that next.

In the mean time I refunded your DOGE from my wallet:

exec senddoge DA6ALPEJQ3DqYvrbFdRHsZKVFDWNJRE9u1 2

  "Command": "senddoge",
  "to_address": "DA6ALPEJQ3DqYvrbFdRHsZKVFDWNJRE9u1",
  "amount": 2,
  "TXID": "ca1ac72dd7376062791a79df7783aa74fff4a0cc3695427e0f459a092c469d8b",
  "Error": ""

Did I get the address right?  I got it off the one I sold to you (IE one of the other tx Doge AltAddress).

It should be in your BBP wallet.

No, my address is DGjA8S7p1TboyCb3XDi1GG7rEkWjvNAaSg, but don't worry about sending me anything. It's all good.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2025, 06:45:49 AM »
No, my address is DGjA8S7p1TboyCb3XDi1GG7rEkWjvNAaSg, but don't worry about sending me anything. It's all good.
Np, sent 775540452d61be65d9da3c95ee1f5d26e45a016bbee4a8a351f3463af5a46ca3.

« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2025, 10:20:21 PM »
Just want to point out my background conscience with God on all this.
I had similar ideas of integrating an exchange into BBP a couple years ago and when I prayed about it I always got a "No, dont do it" from the Holy Spirit - and I think the reason was--  the SEC started to go after many US exchanges and launched strict rules and threw people in jail for violating anti money transmitter laws.  However I did pray about this more and got a green light for programming this inside the wallet.  I feel the reason for the change is Trump is in and all the pro crypto laws are about to take effect.  Im not interested in creating a centralized exchange that holds funds and is hosted on a US domain.  Im only interested in writing one in wallet, because I feel that is what God approved.

Expanding on this idea a little more, I have worked out the technical requirements to improve this idea way more than we have now imho.  And I also did a little research on existing DEXs.  Almost every existing DEX, if not every one, is based on non BTC (ETH or Solana or smart contract compatible chains).  There is one called BISQ that works with BTC, but, it is not really what we are doing, its a P2P where the order must match exactly and it clears a multisig tx.

So thats exciting because it means if we do this in a way that may be multi-coin-compatible, this could really be useful.

Heres what I plan on doing next:

- There will be 3 major places the crypto goes: "INGATE", "TRADING", "OUTGATE".
- To standardize this idea, we will support more than one crypto by symbol.  The symbol must be listed on a BTC style chain (IE btc,doge,dash etc) to work with this DEX.  (Future state we look at XRP XLM ETH etc).
- A community hosts a node, and a BX, and gives us the BX URL, the Node RPC, the symbol and PNG graphics file, and a blurb about the coin.
- Our wallet will start locking foreign currencies on the chain by adding a new standard: a new type of colored coin.
A colored coin has a special address that ends in the foreign ticker and ZZ. 
There will be new rules where colored coins can only be sent from a colored address to a colored address.  Example:
If you own 100 WDOGE (Wrapped BBP DOGE), you can only send it from a WDOGE address to a WDOGE address.
- The ingate will provide a receive address, so you type something like
wrap WDOGE 2.25
The wallet gives you an address to send the DOGE to, once you send it, your atomic tx will receive WDOGE for the same amount.
We will make it so the block CANNOT BE MINED, unless the DOGE is received and signed by the receiving sanc.
- Once you have these colored assets in your wallet, we can make them trade in a trading room, with high liquidity.
Because then we can do fractional fills.  Also, you will get the strong deterministic BBP transactions on those when they are filled.
Meaning that if you had 2.25 WDOGE, and you send those to another BBP wallet each wallet is adjusted with a standard colored tx immediately.
- The Outgate will allow you to perform a BURN of the tx to our BURN address, and this tx will not be mined unless you receive back your exit collateral.
This will be for withdrawals.
- The security will be increased on the Sanc to store the collateral on the chain this way:
We will make a new transaction Type that will only unlock the foreign funds when the colored recipient signs plus a sanc signs.  This will prevent any security issues for every transaction as if a rogue temple comes online and tries to steal a collateral tx that is live in the trades, they wont have the sig of the person with the colored coin.  Also, we will store the collateral in individual deterministic addresses that relate to the original deposit.  Another words, no big hot wallet building up, but instead hundreds of little cold wallets that can only be liquidated using this special type of liquidation transaction.
- The users can trade 24-7 because of the liquidity of the wrapped funds.
- People can go in and out of the funds at any time  - they can trade for a couple hours and withdraw etc.
- UI:  We can make a trading room that will have the ticker banner, a buy order book and a sell orderbook, volume and totals.  A buy and sell button.
This would probably increase the usage of the feature so I'm willing to do it, God willing.

Would this be cool to do?

Sounds good!

So, does it drive demand for BBP by requiring a sanctuary to be hosted by each currency that will be listed?