Ok now suddenly it seems to be working, maybe i was doing something wrong thanks rob.
Ok, glad you got it working.
Just an FYI, both the colored DOGE and the Trading balance (but NOT the native DOGE), those two addresses are internal and should never be out of sync with coin control (as they are regular chain addresses). If you see an amount in coin control, it must match what is on the RPC.
Unless wallet is syncing or out of sync. Also, these two addresses use instantsend, so as long as you see a lightning bolt after releasing money to yourself, it is instantly available in the rpc and in the trading room.
The getassetbalance DOGE however, is your private key, but we make a DOGE rpc call to count your UTXOs in real time so that balance can be off for a few minutes if a DOGE block is being mined (for example if you recently spent a DOGE txid, you would see the last balance until the block is mined). But nevertheless there cannot be a double spend because at the time of spending we spend the confirmed UTXO.