Test Case #4 - Add a Portfolio Builder Position
Q1. Indeed i see it verified
Q2. Verify more than one PB position correctly adds in Summary and Details show each detail?
I have sent 2 stakes but the details summary just show as a single big one. Good news is atleast the amount is spot on.
I saw talisman had the same experience.
Q3. Wait 24 hours, and look for the next superblock (you can get the height by typing getgovernanceinfo). Verify that you received the correct daily reward?
will check back 09-08 and see if the daily reward is correct.
Test Case #5
Q1. What is the name of your NFT so we can buy it?
Its called: Footprints in the sand
Q2. Did you buy the NFT successfully, and you can see the NFT in your nft list?
I believe i bought the NFT successfully but i dont see it in "my nfts" section. Just my original nft.
Q3. Were you able to Edit your NFT and can you see that your NFT is now visible in the NFT marketplace?
Its in marketplace and also edited the description and the buy it now price and it worked.
Test Case # 7
Q1. Did your transaction turn into a lightning bolt?
After around 3 seconds after i clicked the send button the lightning bolt appeared.
Q2. Was the chainlock = true?
On #4, Q2, regarding the Details view of the portfolio builder, the details actually shows the SUM(of each Ticker) for the Participant (it does not show the individual stake amounts of each ticker). This way, you can add to your position and it will combine them-- but, you can also see your position, like DOGE , BTC, BBP etc from the details view. This is actually how the current system works in the prod wallet. I basically ported it to be as close as possible (although we dont have a double click drill in YET, but we will get there I believe). So anyway if some of us can throw on some small non-costly Foreign tickers we can test it (I had a DOGE on in there and it worked, but it was spent). On a side note: a person can find the details by pasting their staking address in the portfolio builder and click Query UTXO and it should show the details rows that end up matching the sum for that ticker.
Good On #4.
Note, on the superblock payment, wait about one more day then you can type 'exec nextcontract' in the rpc and you should see the height and your estimated payment (note that the RECEIVE address will be your biblepaycore staking address).
Great on Test case #7.
Moving on to Test Case #5, NFTs:
So yeah, I found a few new bugs (apparently introduced by adding ajax): The buys and bids were not working right. Required a new unchained release (done).
Now I went ahead and bought a few NFTs, and they bought, now they appear in my NFTs, so I edited them and put them back in the marketplace so you guys can try this again.
Please once you own them edit them and put them back so they can be available.
Also check "My invoices" to ensure you can see you were charged for them.
So yeah, I bought footprints and put it back so you should have at least one payment for it in My Receipts.
I tipped your video (the Earlz video) 11111 btw also, plz see if you got it.
Guys, do we need to re-test tipping videos?
Note, there is a new test case for Orphan NFTs also.