Bible Pay

Read 59310 times

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
December 2021 Release - Barley

Welcome to TestNet - Barley!

This is BiblePays Q4 release for 2021!

Also, we will be testing a lot of unchained features to ensure full integration.

1) We still need 7 more testers:
     Please reply to this thread if you are willing to execute all of our test cases, and these will be explained in more detail to make it easier.
     We are offering a bounty of approx. $30 per hour to the FIRST 10 TESTERS.
     NOTE:  The Payment to you will be done at the end of the testing round, summed by the average time per test case for a grand total figure.
      We do not pay for Research, but, we will pay a padded time per testcase to give you more than enough time (rounded up to the next 15 minutes) to perform all cases easily.

Testing is Starting: Aug 31st, 2021
The expected End of TestNet for this version is:  December 4th, 2021
Expected go-live date for Barley:  December 25th, 2021

In this thread we will be testing:

- Dash changes:
   We have rebased to dash 0.17.3. 

- Legacy features:
   Our biblepay custom code has been migrated to
We will be releasing and testing those custom features from unchained, and we need to test the core wallet to ensure it works correctly without the features, and still achieves our mission critical goals.

- Known issues:
   Portfolio Builder needs rigorously tested.
   POOS needs ported and tested.

- NFT's:
  Test non fungible tokens from Unchained.

- Major sanctuary coverage:
   LLMQ Chainlocks in 17.3

- Mining:
   Verify RandomX mining works

- Sanctuary Governance:
   Ensure the monthly governance superblock works, voting works, and watchman on the wall works.
   Ensure the payments are correct for sanctuaries, and for POOS banned sancs.

Primary Test Cases:

- Ensure POOS (proof of orphan sponsorship) for sanctuaries works:

- Verify exec price works from unchained:
- Verify we have the ability to see Sanctuaries with orphan URLs (POOS) and the POOS status from either unchained or the wallet *TBD:
- Create a sanc:
(What do we do with Diary entries, unchained?) *TBD:
- Verify leaderboard for UTXO positions has been moved to unchained:
- Verify upgradesanc and revivesanc :
- Verify watchman on the wall (new proposal), vote for proposal, proposal trigger and proposal payment in monthly governance block :
- Verify gettxoutsetinfo:

- Test Chainlocks

Explain Important Changes to Entire BiblePay Network:

- Rebase to and ramifications
   I would like to explain the benefits in more detail of making our core wallet 99% compatible with Dash.

   This should allow us to be listed on bigger exchanges (little custom code, standard wallet), give the user more security and trust from the core wallet side (IE the code is now mostly pristine),  and easier for us to maintain from an IT perspective (merges, security commits, etc), and prevent rebase emergencies.

   The custom features will now run on our sidechain from   .  Our NFTs, portfolio builder, BBP Univ, memorize scriptures, everything from the top level menu will run over there. 

   Our code 'playground' will be in Unchained TESTNET going forward, preventing any possibilities of releasing dangerous code to MainNet.

   Our returning users seeking our features will theoretically gravitate and concentrate at unchained, for social media features and tipping and interaction. 
   (Technically making more sense, as the full wallet does not run on small devices anyway, and requires a full chain with full resources. )

Starting Version:

(Please ensure your version is greater than this, otherwise your testnet branch will not sync.   See wiki page for height and hash).

Testnet Download Links:

     Windows 64-bit:
     Linux 64 bits II (QT/biblepayd/biblepay-cli) zip:
     MacOS QT:

To self compile:
git pull origin develop



Create a biblepaytest.conf file with the following contents:
(optional:  debug=1)

Place the file in ~/.biblepay

Start testnet by typing:
./biblepay-qt -conf=biblepaytest.conf

(Note the blocks and chainstate will sync into the ./biblepay/testnet3 folder.

NOTE: This version will also work side-by-side our production nodes,
so, you also have the option if you are short on machines, to run TestNet side by side a prod node!

To run a TestNet Sanctuary:

How to create a deterministic sanc from scratch:


                                                                   OUR BIBLEPAY CORE TESTERS

#1 - Earlz 

#2 - AndrewScribner-Kairos Childrens Fund

#3 - Talisman


« Last Edit: September 14, 2021, 07:15:23 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • earlzmoade
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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Re: December 2021 Release - Barley - TestNet - BiblePayCore - Next Release
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2021, 07:13:42 AM »
Signing up for testing as usual, lets get this on! :)
Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: December 2021 Release - Barley - TestNet - BiblePayCore - Next Release
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2021, 10:46:36 AM »
Signing up for testing as usual, lets get this on! :)

Welcome aboard, Earlz!

I'm going to [edit and] sign up the testers in order in the OP post so there is no confusion as to what tester #s we have on the list.

Testnet ETA is about 1 or 2 more days; I have the new version working on Windows and Linux now; working on a couple issues I found on the mac right now.


  • AndrewScribner
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    • June 21, 2018, 07:17:43 PM
Re: December 2021 Release - Barley - TestNet - BiblePayCore - Next Release
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2021, 11:35:16 AM »
I would love to be a tester so I can help Biblepay grow! Let me know what I can do!

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: December 2021 Release - Barley - TestNet - BiblePayCore - Next Release
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2021, 01:19:15 PM »
I would love to be a tester so I can help Biblepay grow! Let me know what I can do!

Welcome aboard, Andy!

I will start creating test cases either tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest!


  • talisman
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    • March 26, 2018, 07:42:24 AM
Re: December 2021 Release - Barley - TestNet - BiblePayCore - Next Release
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2021, 11:24:22 AM »
Hi Rob,

You can count me in as well; I have some free time coming up (esp. after September 7th).

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: December 2021 Release - Barley - TestNet - BiblePayCore - Next Release
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2021, 12:03:59 PM »
Hi Rob,

You can count me in as well; I have some free time coming up (esp. after September 7th).

Sweet, I added you to the OP post, thanks!

The wallet is very close - the mac issues are fixed - I'm now testing sanctuaries on my local LAN.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: December 2021 Release - Barley - TestNet - BiblePayCore - Next Release
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2021, 09:38:19 AM »
Ok all, TestNet has officially opened!

Let the testing begin!

I have Updated the OP Post with a WIKI document (see the middle of the OP post for the document "TEST CASES"), please open that.

I will be appending all the new test cases to this document to make it easier to track.

Feel free to start testing.  As you finish each test case, could you please paste your Test Case # and responses as a reply to this thread.

Let me know Who needs tBBP after you sync, and let us all know if there are any problems.
Afaik, Windows is ready and Linux is ready.

Let me know if you are on mac, and Ill double check the mac deploy.

  • AndrewScribner
  • Developer

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    • June 21, 2018, 07:17:43 PM
Re: December 2021 Release - Barley - TestNet - BiblePayCore - Next Release
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2021, 10:32:15 AM »
The link for downloading the Windows 64 is broken

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: December 2021 Release - Barley - TestNet - BiblePayCore - Next Release
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2021, 10:41:35 AM »
The link for downloading the Windows 64 is broken

Yeah, when I was releasing it there was some security issue, but it should be good now, please try again.

(Note the link changed also).

  • talisman
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    • March 26, 2018, 07:42:24 AM
Re: December 2021 Release - Barley - TestNet - BiblePayCore - Next Release
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2021, 03:28:38 PM »
Test Case #1:

Installed on Windows.
Found 3 peers, synced in 14 minutes (117 MB downloaded).
Block: 117061 (blockhash of 117037 verified)
Network name: test
Build version: v0.17.0.5-Barley-Harvest

- GUI refuses to maximize (to cover entire screen). Icon is greyed out. Resolutions of 1920 X 1080 and 1024 X 768 tried, no luck.
- Traditional theme made it difficult to read responses in the console; I had to use light theme.

  • talisman
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    • March 26, 2018, 07:42:24 AM
Re: December 2021 Release - Barley - TestNet - BiblePayCore - Next Release
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2021, 03:36:50 PM »
Curious thing: testnet wallet receiving address is not listed when you click file>receiving addresses. Are we going to have to create addresses through the console?

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: December 2021 Release - Barley - TestNet - BiblePayCore - Next Release
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2021, 08:04:46 PM »
Test Case #1:

Installed on Windows.
Found 3 peers, synced in 14 minutes (117 MB downloaded).
Block: 117061 (blockhash of 117037 verified)
Network name: test
Build version: v0.17.0.5-Barley-Harvest

- GUI refuses to maximize (to cover entire screen). Icon is greyed out. Resolutions of 1920 X 1080 and 1024 X 768 tried, no luck.
- Traditional theme made it difficult to read responses in the console; I had to use light theme.

Curious thing: testnet wallet receiving address is not listed when you click file>receiving addresses. Are we going to have to create addresses through the console?

So on the width x height of the overview page main frame, the CSS didn't carry over entirely, so I enabled the expansion of the width up to *2, and the height up to the vertical limit (although height doesnt scale as well as width so it leaves some black space when maximized, but I think it looks relatively OK maximized now, main thing is the horizontal stretch has to work in case someone is viewing an extra wide grid (like sanctuaries tab).  So in the next version, see if its good now.

On the debug console, I really like our dark theme more than the Dash blue theme, so I want to fix any bugs in it.  I changed the blue to a little brighter (I think that stuck not entirely sure), and changed the text-color to silver.  For me it looks good now, please check it.  Note: You might have to change your theme once then restart if it still looks dark to you (as I saw that happen once but not on my last session).

On the receiving addresses, I have no idea why dash took that out; I googled it and dont see any conversation.  All I can think of is they must be trying to keep users from overloading the book or maybe trying to oversimplify the UI.  Anyway, I think we need that feature, so I added "New" (on a side note I compiled Dash and its definitely not there), now you can add an address.

Plz look out for the next version - will be out in 15 mins.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: December 2021 Release - Barley - TestNet - BiblePayCore - Next Release
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2021, 08:36:06 PM » - Leisure Upgrade
- Allow width to be expanded, and height to be expanded of main window (CSS)
- Add ability to create a new Receive Address (it labels it with 6 random hex chars)
- Change font-color of Debug Console

  • talisman
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    • March 26, 2018, 07:42:24 AM
Re: December 2021 Release - Barley - TestNet - BiblePayCore - Next Release
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2021, 12:25:01 AM » - Leisure Upgrade
- Allow width to be expanded, and height to be expanded of main window (CSS)
- Add ability to create a new Receive Address (it labels it with 6 random hex chars)
- Change font-color of Debug Console

Changes worked fine. May I have some tBBP sent to address yfjk71zdJCaNg3AWNcUSTkXCNr7qsm3ja8 ?