Hello everyone.
It's been a couple of weeks since I checked my biblepay wallet and I saw, that there was another Mandatory (and my Sanc didn't pay since then).
I updated my Windows wallet and also my sanc wallet, but I have no idea how to create the sanctuary again. It's been a Deterministic Sanc for months now, but the new wallet didn't even recognize it to be any sanc.
I completely rebuilt the blockchains, but now the sanc wallet doesn't know the simplest things like "masternode genkey".
Is there a new guide to creating a sanc from scratch? The old ones (including the EasySanc one) don't really help.
Thanks and God bless.
Hi Dave,
Good to hear from you. Yeah its a little bit of a pain right now and hopefully the surprises are over quarter to quarter now that LLMQ and chainlocks are actually working praise God!
So, get this, easysanc should have worked for you, because it should be as easy as running a couple extra commands (in addition to creating the sanc the old way).
If you go step by step, let me know where you get hung up on in the easysanc guide.
You basically send the collateral, add the entry to your home node 'masternode.conf' file like we used to, you no longer need to do the masternode genkey (so you just leave that as 'mnp' like I noted in the easysanc guide, you dont populate it), then you get your sanc up and running remotely, and the Only additional step you really need to do is after typing the 'exec upgradesanc sancname' you must copy the masternodeblsprivkey over to the sanc... Thats the main work effort, that step.
(Another words, just follow it literally, it should not be broken).
Then you just do the last thing in the guide and its up and running...
Give it a couple hours to update its status as I noticed the remote node sits there with an incorrect status for a little while...
8200 BBP