Bible Pay

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  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Also just wanted to alert you that I think sorting by amount in the leaderboard of the wallet is slightly broken, as it does not sort from highest down or lowest down, but rather a weird jumble of them. However, the "points" section right next to it works just fine, and is basically representative of the same thing, so not really too big of a deal.
May God bless you,

1000 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Also just wanted to alert you that I think sorting by amount in the leaderboard of the wallet is slightly broken, as it does not sort from highest down or lowest down, but rather a weird jumble of them. However, the "points" section right next to it works just fine, and is basically representative of the same thing, so not really too big of a deal.
May God bless you,

Yeah, Im sort of aware of that for the most part; its a QT issue with the datagrid.  However in this Harvest version, we cast the numeric columns as floats, so that sorting by Points or Amount should sort descending properly - sorting by the nickname should sort alphanumerically.  If you find a specific column that is broken could you please open a github issue?

8000 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
1) Wonderful!

2) Sorry if I misunderstood since I did not see the number with anything that said estimate. I shutdown the wallet and deleted the file you mentioned. The transaction details says 100bbp fee, both on my wallet and the biblepay explorer. I will send you a PM with the transaction ID.

3) Good to make sure everyone knows that it is not necessary for portfolio builder. I did know, I only ran it to see if it still worked since someone else on discord said it was not working for them.

I do see you PMed me a txid, although I havent clicked in it yet, I was doing some expirimenting with my larger tx's (to myself).  I do see an issue with the fee calculation in Harvest; it is higher than expected.  I believe we are going to be able to resolve this without a major network problem (luckily, the cap that is on the amount, 100bbp should give us the ability to fix the problem and make a leisure that allows blocks to be mined with 'acceptable' transactions). 

Let me do some thorough testing with the actual byte length of the transaction, and the underlying fee amounts and see what kind of detailed calculation we have here.

The intent was to charge about 1 bbp for relatively small transactions, about 50 bbp for transactions that have 100~ inputs (IE 90K long in size), and 100 bbp for super large transactions.
Note that this means that for features like exec bankroll, and normal sends, the fees would be like ~5 bbp or less.
This was not done to 'gouge' people; this was done because of the Unchained product allows people to store data in the chain.  Im trying to make it so long data strings of 100K cost 100 bbp...  And, people who consolidate a lot of coins (Ive seen a 150K tx for example) should cost 100 bbp; that was the intent.

Ill check it out...

8000 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Hi there!

I went to that page, which says :

"Now you can create a Portfolio Builder position from the UI. Navigate to Misc | Portfolio Builder. Realize there are two types of positions: BBP, called native, and non-bbp (called foreign).

To create a biblepay only position, simply choose BBP from the drop down and enter the amount you would like to allocate. This is an internal transfer and the BBP will not actually be spent, it will just be moved to your "UTXO-RETIREMENT-ACCOUNT" internally, and locked."

I did exactly that, and does not work for me.

Hi Talisman,

I believe the issue you are running into is probably something very simple disguised by a confusing error message.

First ensure that the wallet is unlocked, and that your unspent coins are between 1000 and 10MM bbp each.  If they arent, try the 'bankroll 10 100000' for example, just to ensure thats not the problem.

Im leaning towards the wallet being locked.  It should be that simple; technically we auto-allocate the amount from PM now not requiring the bankroll.
If it does not work, please check the debug.log for a strange error message and let us know.

8000 BBP

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
1) Yes, in the portfoliobuilder "Query UTXO" feature, we show what is in your address in order to show the user what we see (for debugging purposes).
2) But you still need to use your PIN in order to get in the leaderboard.  Your UTXO is .20 even (without the 5 pin suffix).   So the sancs refuse to include it.

Whooops my bad, I hadn’t come across the issue with my ltc and dash stakes because they already had the PIN from the previous easystake stage, and forgot that the BTC stake was new and without the PIN.

Thanks for pointing out.

8000 BBP

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
I definitely am having an issue seeing the referral code working for me. On one hand, as of today, I have yet to get my UTXO payment, but, on the other, the DWU doesn't see to have been going up for my stakes, and, in my leaderboard position, it says I have not claimed any referral BBP, and that my stake is the same weight as before (84500 or something in quantity). I have tried to attach it twice yesterday and once today. I will also let you know if anything changes, if I get a larger UTXO payment, or if I see my leaderboard position change throughout today.
I also am about to post a Github issue on the sorting problems in the leaderboard by way of quantity, as, once again, the "Points" tab works fine to sort them by, but quantity assembles them roughly by the first number in the amount, not the actual total (ie: 9mil 8000 7.5mil, 52000, 30mil). Not an issue really, but just to keep track of it and let it be put out there as a potential issue that can be fixed.
May God bless you,

1000 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I definitely am having an issue seeing the referral code working for me. On one hand, as of today, I have yet to get my UTXO payment, but, on the other, the DWU doesn't see to have been going up for my stakes, and, in my leaderboard position, it says I have not claimed any referral BBP, and that my stake is the same weight as before (84500 or something in quantity). I have tried to attach it twice yesterday and once today. I will also let you know if anything changes, if I get a larger UTXO payment, or if I see my leaderboard position change throughout today.
I also am about to post a Github issue on the sorting problems in the leaderboard by way of quantity, as, once again, the "Points" tab works fine to sort them by, but quantity assembles them roughly by the first number in the amount, not the actual total (ie: 9mil 8000 7.5mil, 52000, 30mil). Not an issue really, but just to keep track of it and let it be put out there as a potential issue that can be fixed.
May God bless you,

God bless you also Twinkle:

1) On the column sort, I took a look at it and the two numeric columns sort as expected but as you point out the Amount col sorts weird; but thats because we include the "MM" suffix on Milions for BBP (which I think is really nice, because it keeps the width correct); so technically this is not really a bug its by design;  So if you didnt already add the github issue I would just skip it.  (We can explain this to users in regards to the MM).

2) First of all on the Payout of the DWS position, we only pay these Once per day based on Yesterdays Sanctuary assessment.  The next payout height is 279230 (you can get this from exec health).  So I wouldnt worry too much about the daily payout or the amount until you see a few incoming payments; they are delayed by two days due to the pipelining issue (sancs assess these 48 hours ago, payments are approved, then they take til the daily height to get paid).   The main thing to know about this process is the "Owed" column in the leaderboard is what you will receive in 48 hours at the gsc height.

3) Regarding the coupon itself, I see you are receiving it because in the leaderboard your position doubled from 86.5K to 170K, (see the native amount column).  This biggest issue is that we don't update your DWU based on 'coupons' (as dwu is not affected by Size.  Its 30% dwu wether your size is 85K or 170K).  On a side note however I see that our Displayed DWU % is incorrect (this is just a cosmetic issue!).  Its supposed to be about 31% right now!  Im fixing this bug along with the transaction charge bug (both leisure fixes) right now.  You can type listattachedreferralcodes to see that you attached the code also.  If you double click on "Twinkle" in the leaderboard, you can see the Gift amount of 84500 etc.  That amount gets added on to your leaderboard native bbp amount and subtracted from my native bbp amount in the leaderboard.

8000 BBP
« Last Edit: June 29, 2021, 10:50:54 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Alright, thanks! I did add the Github issue, but obviously just disregard it, as I had done it before seeing this back. Also, the NFT should be ready soon, as there was another error message, this time for the length of the description that I did, that kind of has me jammed up for a bit, but I did it again with a modified description length, and I think it should work out just fine.
May God bless you all,

1000 BBP

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Furthermore, Rob, whom should I contact about a possible issue in the app wallet for BBP? I was using it earlier, and, whenever I clicked on the "?" mark whenever it first asked me to connect my wallet, I was given a link that did not actually show anything, and the app gave me an error code that basically said the same thing. While I am on that topic, also, how do you generate a paper wallet for a desktop wallet? Or, how do I link my main wallet on PC to the mobile app?
Thanks for your help, and may God bless you all,

1000 BBP

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
I am having a bit of trouble with the NFT editing process, as, whenever I try to edit it to make the description shorter, it takes 100bbp, but then doesn't actually make any changes to the NFT or the listing in the browser, even after I definitely edited the text length and submitted the changes. I am so for sure that I did this because of the transactions that occur every time I submit the changes. Anyway, do you all have any better ideas about how to change up the description of an NFT so that it actually changes it? I even tried to delete it, but it didn't change the listing at all, and has been well over an hour since I attempted that. I am on the right edition and everything too, I think.
May God bless you all,

1000 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Furthermore, Rob, whom should I contact about a possible issue in the app wallet for BBP? I was using it earlier, and, whenever I clicked on the "?" mark whenever it first asked me to connect my wallet, I was given a link that did not actually show anything, and the app gave me an error code that basically said the same thing. While I am on that topic, also, how do you generate a paper wallet for a desktop wallet? Or, how do I link my main wallet on PC to the mobile app?
Thanks for your help, and may God bless you all,
10-4 on the github, and leaderboard, etc, sweet.

So on the mobile wallet could you send this to MIP, he was just on this forum a couple posts back:

Or you can email him at [email protected].

8000 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I am having a bit of trouble with the NFT editing process, as, whenever I try to edit it to make the description shorter, it takes 100bbp, but then doesn't actually make any changes to the NFT or the listing in the browser, even after I definitely edited the text length and submitted the changes. I am so for sure that I did this because of the transactions that occur every time I submit the changes. Anyway, do you all have any better ideas about how to change up the description of an NFT so that it actually changes it? I even tried to delete it, but it didn't change the listing at all, and has been well over an hour since I attempted that. I am on the right edition and everything too, I think.
May God bless you all,

It takes 3 blocks before the changes go into effect network wide.
Please ensure the checkbox for 'marketable' is set also.
Could you please give me the txid of the change (you can find it in your txlist by double clicking), and I can look into the latest edit and tell you if it was updated or not etc.

8000 BBP

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Here are the 4 txids





1000 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
And btw, on the gift referral code, I can see 5 people have consumed the 1MM code; so what happens is we split that gift amount up by each of the consumers (ie 5) people, so that each person gets about 200K of the reward.  And if more people consume it, it will automatically split further etc.

You can see others who latch(ed) on to a code by double clicking their position in the leaderboard.

Ill try to add another promo code later.  My goal is to bring new users in from SX with these codes.

I'll explain the other type of referral code that we have as soon as things quiet down.

8000 BBP

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Sounds good on the promo codes, certainly very neat idea, and one that I certainly think could attract some more users. One quick note, if someone did make an offer of an NFT, how does the seller see and/or accept that offer? Thanks for your help,
May God bless you all,

1000 BBP