If anyone is unfamiliar with UTXO staking, you can earn up to double per year on your hybrid stake-- if you combine your BBP with another supported currency.
For example, we support DOGE, BTC, LTC, and DASH currently.
The reward on the amount of the stake is dynamically determined according to the actual participants in the leaderboard. So right now for example, the DWU for BBP by itself is approx. 14.5%. The DWU for a hybrid position is currently 29.45%.
I just got around to staking my DOGE and Im posting the result so you can see the difference between a BBP only stake and a DOGE-BBP stake:
"BBP UTXO": "393d1db2c05381d3bd5b88b448b70cb0e5324785c4108d57ea673edea971793f-26",
"BBP Address": "BQXj5kV9LVUZGF4ipFCRmkzBbZu366grJt",
"BBP Amount": 5000000.001,
"Foreign Symbol": "DOGE",
"Foreign Amount": 20000.90663,
"Foreign UTXO": "c4eb9869dfc9c5ea18cb7aa6c154c103fc79bc03f4bce9356b2273af6c18e65f",
"Foreign Value USD": 1009.921827750845,
"BBP Value USD": 906.2990181150097,
"DWU": 29.45432133446527,
"Foreign Ticker": "DOGE"
So you can see above, since the DOGE is worth $1009 and the BBP is worth $906, this stake is worth $906 * 2, with a DWU of 29.45%.
Note that our DWU will be increasing soon, as PODC will be retired in approx. 7 more days, giving people even more reason to use BBP for their long crypto portfolio. Help hedge your fiat risks for your family with a hybrid crypto position.
Currently, our sanctuaries receive 41% of the block reward, and I feel now that we have UTXO staking, we no longer need to pay the sanctuaries such a high percentage (although realize our sanctuaries are required to sponsor one orphan each, so we do not want to decrease it dramatically). Im thinking we will vote on a decrease for sanctuary % down to approx 20%, moving the extra 21% into the UTXO daily rewards. We will also vote on decreasing the monthly superblock governance budget down from 8.75% to 5%, giving this extra amount over to UTXO staking also. I feel this will make us more efficient and competetive. When our price rises, I feel there will still be enough in the 20% sanctuary reward to easily afford an orphan and make a profit (for the sancs, and it will still allow us to proclaim that we give more than 10% of our coin emission to orphan-charity).