Bible Pay

Read 751439 times

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
** State of the Stakes Report **

I will start to provide these reports periodically so we can monitor our growth.

We had an amazing go-live with this version, Tribulation, and we made leaps and bounds in progress in two areas this quarter:  Hybrid UTXO stakes being locked as 'self directed retirement accounts' for our users which will eventually be part of our Christian Dashboard, user (rebound) growth in general, and less of a liability in the sell order book on SX.

Our current SOS report:
  "Total BBP": "600641483.57999996",
  "Total BTC": "2.00074121",
  "Total DASH": "33.34649736",
  "Total LTC": "39.40525533",
  "Total Foreign": "74.75249390",
  "Total Hybrid BBP": "722724505.82999994"

Side Note:  We have 25 sanctuaries that are not being paid and that are not sponsoring orphans but have locked coins- hopefully those sancs will learn about UTXO staking.

This report shows that we have 722MM total BBP locked up in UTXO stakes already (this is 600MM lone bbp + 122MM hybrid bbp).  That is an amazing amount of progress, and obviously due to people transitioning from podc, and existing users to utxo staking.  However we did see an increase in leaderboard participation from 40 to 51 in one week.  Hopefully we will see a growth of at least 1-5 new users per day in the leaderboard and that will show natural word of mouth and expansaion in utxo staking.

We see 2 BTC, 33 Dash, 39 LTC, and a total of 74 foreign coins staked!  No DOGE is staked.

On the very positive side, this means a very high percentage of BBP is already locked (making us rarer).  We have about 225MM locked in sancs + 722MM stakes = 947MM out of 2.5B circulating, meaning we have about 40% of our coins already locked.  (See gettxoutsetinfo for circulating coin information).

As far as the sell side order book in SX, we improved from 100MM outstanding in sell side to 89MM, a very positive trend.

Our DWU is stabilizing at 18.9% for single BBP stakes and 36% for hybrid-foreign stakes with 722MM stakes locked.  This is really positive, because in 30 days when we increase our UTXO payout (during the time we retire PODC), this means even if our locked coins increases by 30%, the DWU will remain very high potentially attracting more users (of the 450MM distinct users available currently).  This is also positive in that there is ample room to add Ethereum.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2021, 09:23:46 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • earlzmoade
  • Super Developer

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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Good idea, maybe MIP has the keys.  MIP can you see if you have them or if Togo can give them to you?

Maybe Earl would be interested in moderating it or being a comod.

I could sign up for being a comod atleast.
I have also seen sun lurking around there, maybe could be a moderator aswell.
Anyway the stakes report looks nice, lets hope we get more and more users.
Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I could sign up for being a comod atleast.
I have also seen sun lurking around there, maybe could be a moderator aswell.
Anyway the stakes report looks nice, lets hope we get more and more users.

Yes that would be awesome my friend.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
** Legacy Dynamic Whale Stake Notice for old outstanding unpaid stakes **

Although we don't allow any new 'exec dws' type dynamic whale stakes (because we moved to UTXO staking), we still have a list of outstanding old stakes to be paid.

I want to make everyone aware that for some reason, the sanctuaries are currently limiting the daily Legacy whale stakes to 2MM total (Its not entirely clear why they are doing this). 

So please if you have any Legacy whale stakes just keep an eye on them until they are all paid and if anyone is shortpaid please let me know.

The new UTXO stakes use an entirely different model and should pay daily the exact amount shown in the leaderboard.

  • MIP
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Good idea, maybe MIP has the keys.  MIP can you see if you have them or if Togo can give them to you?

Maybe Earl would be interested in moderating it or being a comod.

I will search in the inbox. If not I will ask Togo, in case I can contact him.

  • togoshigekata
  • Hero Member

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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA
Writing out the words for an article, covering the upgrade and October 2020 to now,
any and all feedback welcome! also anyone is welcome to use it!


v1.5.4.5 Mandatory Upgrade

Download Wallet:

- UTXO Mining (Stake BBP, BTC, LTC, DOGE or DASH coins and gain interest!)
- RandomX Mining Charity Fee Removed
- Decentralized Encrypted Email and Chat
- BiblePay University (Free Theology Courses)
- Decentralized Autonomous Charity
- Phasing out of Proof of Distributed Computing, Dynamic Whale Staking and Dash Stakes


UTXO Mining

Get paid to hold BPP, and other cryptocurrencies!

[Sanctuaries now act as UTXO oracles, meaning they have the capability to assess another chain's UTXO status]


Easy staking: Hold BBP

Hybrid staking: Hold BBP **and** Hold BTC, LTC, DOGE or DASH

NOTE: 722 million BBP, 2 BTC, 33 DASH, and 39 LTC is already staked!


State of the Stakes Report


UTXO Mining Guide

How to Stake (Video)

How to Stake (Descriptions)

Vote on adding Ethereum


RandomX Mining (BBP+XMR)

Orphan-charity fee removed from pool:

With this change the BiblePay client will no longer require a special pool,
we can become more compatible with DOGE and LTC's standard, so we can be mined in other pools

NOTE: Each sanctuary must sponsor a real orphan, so BiblePay still gives more than 10% to charity!


Decentralized Encrypted Email and Chat!
[The BiblePay network is used to transmit the data (not the Internet)]


BiblePay University
Take college level theological courses in BiblePay desktop client, for free!


Decentralized Autonomous Charity


Dash Easter Egg Reward Program
375 million BBP available for 73 million DASH addresses,
Randomized rewards between 5000, 10000, and 1 million BBP!
DASH addresses are eligible if they received DASH between block 1 (inception) and block 1,395,000 (Dec 2020).


Features Phasing Out / Removed:

- Proof of Distributed Computing (PODC)

- Dynamic Whale Staking (DWS)

- Dash Stake (DS)


BiblePay Lightning

BiblePay TV

Self Directed Portfolios

Air Wallet


13 Water Wells Donated to Pakistan Villages


Robs Thoughts:


My Previous BiblePay Update (July, August 2020)


How to get BiblePay (BBP) coins?


- what is current and future block reward breakdown?
- what is the status of automatic price mooning?

- add "listutxostakes" command to UTXO mining guide?
- accountability link in wallet needs to use foundation. instead of web.?


Thank you for all of your hard work Rob! Thank you everyone!

  • earlzmoade
  • Super Developer

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    • 48
    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Hello Togo.
Nice to see you again.
Yeah i think the update you put together looks all good.

I suppose at the download wallet section could add the official biblepay github aswell.
Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • satoshi0x
  • Jr. Member

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    • September 22, 2020, 11:04:40 PM

In awe of this projects potential thank you Rob!

  • sunk818
  • Developer

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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
Hello Togo.
Nice to see you again.
Yeah i think the update you put together looks all good.

I suppose at the download wallet section could add the official biblepay github aswell.

Is a gitHub release page with Windows & MacOS binaries download difficult to setup? I think it would add more legitimacy to the project, although I have no idea how much work this involves. And would it improve the burden of having to update the biblepay web site?

@Togo - nice to see you. Was about to message you about reddit but here you pop up again.

@ Rob - We can stake Doge with BBP? I have some and wouldn't mind testing it out. I unfortunately sold all my BTC, DASH, and LTC on this latest bull run to pay for some educational expenses.

Peace brothers & sisters. May the Lord's shine on your souls brightly.

  • Radar_Dude7
  • Jr. Member

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    • April 16, 2020, 08:52:42 AM
We're not tied to any other assets (like a stablecoin is), so thats one point, but let me give my opinion on this and note that this is just my opinion:

- A year or so ago, some Russian firm, I cant recall the name offered to provide 'liquidity' for BBP and we didnt reply because it was very expensive.  But I find it odd that around that same time, an algo kicked in that buys below market and whatever coins they get cheap, they sell 1 millisat higher.  This imho, has been a curse for us!  Because it means we now have this sell wall people need to buy to get back out of.  I dont know who is behind it, but I know it exists because Ive tested in many times on SX even as recently as two days ago.  My hope is we have a whale that buys into BBP soon that blows through all those sitting sell orders and maybe this entity leaves us alone.  (The key to breaking out of it is having enough buyers that want to hold BBP and not just sell it again at a higher price).
- Coins in the 1500+ range on coinmarketcap (IE the very small coins) dont usually get institution level attention.  I believe those instituational buyers are afraid there is not enough liquidity to unwind a position.  I believe they want to see the coin break out with high volume, IE up the ranks from # 1750 to #1100 for example, and if we get lucky some institutions will then put us on their buy list.  Once we are on its a lot easier to stay in because then they have skin in the game.
- Were stuck simply because it takes 1btc for us to break out of the 1 satoshi area (IE there are a lot of sells from .01 - .09) and that keeps the price stable, unfortunately.
- Coins that are on tens of widespread exchanges tend to respond to standard market sentiment.  IE, money is flowing in, BTC is going UP, so XYZ is going up.  We are of course on a tiny niche of only two exchanges in a corner so were not very responsive to inflows.
- Arbs.  Arbs drag a currency one way or another based on their 'mother'.  We are supposed to be being dragged up right now from DASH.  But the big dogs cant see us today.

So my hope is the new UTXO mining might attract a wider base, as it appeals to over 500 million existing users who can earn a return on their non-bbp crypto positions as long as they hold a hybrid utxo stake.

Well, I just realized that I stuck my foot in my mouth - as it were. I have been "watching" crypto prices on my mobile app - CoinCap. BBP has not changed the entire time I've had the app. I think that's because it is not represented on it. I was able to secure 300 BBP on SXchange from the faucet and realized its worth WAY more than what my app was saying.

Just for reference, the app states that BBP is $0.00016427, and has never been different. I just thought that the price had suddenly become VERY stable. Oh well - glad to find that the price has gone up! ($0.0004072 today!)

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Well, I just realized that I stuck my foot in my mouth - as it were. I have been "watching" crypto prices on my mobile app - CoinCap. BBP has not changed the entire time I've had the app. I think that's because it is not represented on it. I was able to secure 300 BBP on SXchange from the faucet and realized its worth WAY more than what my app was saying.

Just for reference, the app states that BBP is $0.00016427, and has never been different. I just thought that the price had suddenly become VERY stable. Oh well - glad to find that the price has gone up! ($0.0004072 today!)

Well I think you were still correct though (even if we were not listed there), as we were stuck for a long time at 3 millisatoshi ever since I sold the BBP for the Pakistan Well project.  There was a 40MM or so sell wall right around that level that we finally broke loose of!  Its very nice to see BBP freely floating again, with some institutional interest, praise God.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of

Is a gitHub release page with Windows & MacOS binaries download difficult to setup? I think it would add more legitimacy to the project, although I have no idea how much work this involves. And would it improve the burden of having to update the biblepay web site?

@Togo - nice to see you. Was about to message you about reddit but here you pop up again.

@ Rob - We can stake Doge with BBP? I have some and wouldn't mind testing it out. I unfortunately sold all my BTC, DASH, and LTC on this latest bull run to pay for some educational expenses.

Peace brothers & sisters. May the Lord's shine on your souls brightly.

Yes, you can stake DOGE, and I believe we will also have ETHereum within 30 days, if all testing goes well.  To stake DOGE plz watch the video at the bottom of this page:

On github releases, Ill look into that -- I think we can add a release step for that:

EDIT: Sun-- are you referring to having these two binaries added to each mandatory release:
(I added windows to  I will check with MIP on the dmg.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2021, 09:43:17 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4184

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Writing out the words for an article, covering the upgrade and October 2020 to now,
any and all feedback welcome! also anyone is welcome to use it!


v1.5.4.5 Mandatory Upgrade

Download Wallet:

- UTXO Mining (Stake BBP, BTC, LTC, DOGE or DASH coins and gain interest!)
- RandomX Mining Charity Fee Removed
- Decentralized Encrypted Email and Chat
- BiblePay University (Free Theology Courses)
- Decentralized Autonomous Charity
- Phasing out of Proof of Distributed Computing, Dynamic Whale Staking and Dash Stakes


UTXO Mining

Get paid to hold BPP, and other cryptocurrencies!

[Sanctuaries now act as UTXO oracles, meaning they have the capability to assess another chain's UTXO status]

13 Water Wells Donated to Pakistan Villages


My Previous BiblePay Update (July, August 2020)

- what is current and future block reward breakdown?
- what is the status of automatic price mooning?

- add "listutxostakes" command to UTXO mining guide?
- accountability link in wallet needs to use foundation. instead of web.?


Thank you for all of your hard work Rob! Thank you everyone!

Hello Togo!  May your family and new baby be blessed with rich blessings.

"- accountability link in wallet needs to use foundation. instead of web.?":
-> Adding to the list right now

"- add "listutxostakes" command to UTXO mining guide?"
-> Definitely needs done as its essential!  I added this command to our wiki "".

"- what is the status of automatic price mooning?"
-> APM is enabled in prod, but its got a new rule in it as of this last mandatory:
Our price suppression only kicks in (for 24 hours) If our price goes down from the last day.  If our price goes sideways or up, we emit coins.
Note to new users:  This means biblepay emits 90%~ less coins (to the randomx side) if our price decreases day-over-day (remember we are merged mined also, so you still receive XMR).

"- what is current and future block reward breakdown?"
->I edited the front page to reflect the UTXO/PODC percentages for this month. 

« Last Edit: March 10, 2021, 07:57:55 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • earlzmoade
  • Super Developer

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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Hello Rob.
I was thinking same as Sun on the github releases.
Atleast for the major operative systems and releases.  windows , linux x86,  mac.
simplifying for new users is nice even though i suppose most would download from but yeah.
Also would be sweet with the SHA-filehash so we can make sure its your legit uploads, like you have on homepage.
Have a good one.
Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Hello Rob.
I was thinking same as Sun on the github releases.
Atleast for the major operative systems and releases.  windows , linux x86,  mac.
simplifying for new users is nice even though i suppose most would download from but yeah.
Also would be sweet with the SHA-filehash so we can make sure its your legit uploads, like you have on homepage.
Have a good one.

Yes thats a good idea too.  For mandatory releases, we can upload the mac dmg, the windows binary, and the linux binary, and the 'hash.txt' files into the release 'binaries' section.

Sure.    I uploaded the last set of binaries for into the release.  On the next release lets add the hash files.