*** BiblePay Pizza Delivery is LIVE - How do I order PIZZA with BIBLEPAY for Instant Delivery ? ***
1. Navigate to
https://www.bitrefill.com/buy/dominos-usa/?hl=en2. Click Buy a gift card (I used the $20 option which was enough for a large pizza with one topping + delivery charges (total=$17))
3. Click Add to Cart | Cart | Pay with DashPay
4. When the screen refreshes you will see the Dash address (waiting for payment)
5. Copy the Dash address to the clipboard
6. From biblepay, click Tools | Console. Type:
dashpay dash_pizza_address dash_pizza_amount 1
(The address and amount are quoted on the web page, you should copy those values)
7. Once the command succeeds you will have the TXID
8. At this time the bitrefill website will be displaying your Dominos gift card credit card number and PIN
9. Navigate to '
10. Order a pizza | Check Out | During Check out select GIFT CARD | Type in the Gift card # you can see in step 8 | Check Out | Deliver to Address
Congratulations! You just bought a dominos pizza in less than 7 minutes!
In my case, not only did I buy the pizza with BiblePay (for the first time), but the delivery ETA is only 25 minutes (TOTAL).
I'll let you know how the pizza was later. In my case they are delivery with contactless delivery (meaning they will leave it on the porch).
EDIT: One cool bonus you get from this: They have a real time map showing where the driver is etc when you refresh to check on the order.
EDIT II: I made a wiki page for this so this can be a permanent feature: