Bible Pay

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Restarting BLOOM Sponsorships - Uganda
« on: May 16, 2019, 01:20:06 PM »
Hello all,

As our partners in Uganda have begged us to restart the BBP kids' sponsorships, I'm stepping out in faith and praying we can still cover them. I'm requesting 2.19m BBP to start covering 10 of them again in June. It's approximately $88/month per child once we help the team in Uganda cover the bank wire fees and conversion rate deductions.

As a reminder about our program:
Side by Side Christian boarding school rescues children from child slavery, potential witchcraft child sacrifice and abusive situations and places them in a Christian boarding school where 100% of their needs are met, from school fees and uniforms to food and medical care. This is truly a life-saving program guys! Sarah, our partner there, approached Rob out of desperation for a few of the kids to get picked back up, but I would like to keep all of them in the program if possible, which is why I'm requesting for all 10  kids. Each life matters equally.

If you think it's not sustainable, we could drop it down to 6 or 7 kids, and I can resubmit the proposal, but I worry about the 3-4 that we can't cover if this is the case. They will have nowhere to go in most cases.

Thanks for your consideration and for all you do to support orphans.

God Bless you all,
April Wareham
Executive Director
Be Love Orphan Outreach Missions (BLOOM)

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: Restarting BLOOM Sponsorships - Uganda
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2019, 01:46:28 PM »
My opinion is that the funding originally ran out at the end of 2018 because we shrank to such a small level at that time - with that new size  (as of Jan 1 2019) we probably would have proposed to scale down to 4.  But since then we have decreased in price even more (and we are currently sponsoring those 4:  Favor, Praise, Isaac and Musigale) for 3 months currently (we are prepaid with Sarah).

Imho, I think we could talk about renewing the same 4 (or maybe 2) of the kids we currently sponsor with SXS in July when they expire (through BLOOM), or asking BLOOM if you have any cheaper programs that we can afford (IE without boarding).

Also I would like to ensure that we have the names of the children being proposed in any proposal here, and the URL links to their bio's so we can be in compliance with the BiblePay system. 

Re: Restarting BLOOM Sponsorships - Uganda
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2019, 05:37:52 PM »
Thanks for the feedback. Since those 4 are covered until July (I think I must have misunderstood something in regards to them being covered until then), and there are still ample charity funds available for June, could we add about 5 kids kids to be covered in June, and then pick the most needy 2-4 in July depending on budget for an ongoing monthly sponsorship?

We still need urgently need sponsors for Sharon, Sylvia, Edrine and then 2 others who lost their most recent sponsor. They are Paul and Sarah.

As of now, we don't have any non-boarding sponsorships as we reunified all of our Sierra Leone orphans with foster or extended families. I could see if there are some kids in need in Haiti, our most recent country program we have added.

I believe all these kids in Uganda need boarding, but I'll double check with Sarah in case there are other kids who don't need boarding. If they don't, their sponsorship is $55/month.

Please let me know your thoughts tonight if you can, as I'm heading out of the country in the morning for 2 weeks and won't be able to submit a proposal.


  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: Restarting BLOOM Sponsorships - Uganda
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2019, 09:53:59 AM »
Thanks for the feedback. Since those 4 are covered until July (I think I must have misunderstood something in regards to them being covered until then), and there are still ample charity funds available for June, could we add about 5 kids kids to be covered in June, and then pick the most needy 2-4 in July depending on budget for an ongoing monthly sponsorship?

We still need urgently need sponsors for Sharon, Sylvia, Edrine and then 2 others who lost their most recent sponsor. They are Paul and Sarah.

As of now, we don't have any non-boarding sponsorships as we reunified all of our Sierra Leone orphans with foster or extended families. I could see if there are some kids in need in Haiti, our most recent country program we have added.

I believe all these kids in Uganda need boarding, but I'll double check with Sarah in case there are other kids who don't need boarding. If they don't, their sponsorship is $55/month.

Please let me know your thoughts tonight if you can, as I'm heading out of the country in the morning for 2 weeks and won't be able to submit a proposal.


Ok, thanks.
The primary issue we have in this environment is we have 79 total kids at about $40 per month average, and each month we bring in about 70% of our required funds (IE we are still shrinking) - so any child we add with boarding will mean we must cancel 2 of our compassion children to pay for that child (because we do not have the monthly funds currently to meet our *current* needs).

So I would really ask the community, should we sponsor a child with boarding needs and cancel two of our current children, or should we keep the kids we have?

Re: Restarting BLOOM Sponsorships - Uganda
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2019, 07:35:47 PM »
Do we have any response elsewhere from the community?