Before I draft an upgrade plan to transition to Evo I thought I would share my idea here first.
Please comment if you have any questions concerns or possible enhancements.
Also, I haven't heard any negative comments on POG/Healing or the payment system, and I assume everyone is happy with the payments compared to the coin age and the tithe levels.
Upgrade to Evo Plan of Action:
Around June 2nd 2019 (this is after our May monthly superblock pays out in biblepay-classic): (Height approx 124000):
At this height, all Sanctuaries must upgrade to Evo, and re-lock 4.5MM in Legacy Sanc mode.
Notify entire network to upgrade to Evo (also at 124,000). Note: The entire network will be running in classic mode in Evo, with non-deterministic sancs.
Notify exchanges to upgrade at height 124,000 (this is Optional, but I think for best practices, we will ask them to upgrade along with us at 124,000).
Pools upgrade at 124,000 also.
The goal from blocks 124,000 through blocks 131,000 will be to finish upgrading all sancs to non-deterministic sancs, and through this entire period we will be in POBH (classic mode) - this will also give a little extra time for late upgraders who are running classic. This plan also ensures that we do not break biblepay classics block structure while we upgrade to non-deterministic. (Note that sanctuary payments will start as soon as approx 10 sancs upgrade (this will most likely happen the first day - IE June 2nd).
At block 131,000 (after the June superblock budget is paid in Evo with non-deterministic sancs), we start upgrading to deterministic sancs (this should be a transparent change as we will not flip dip15 until block 138,000).
At approx block 132,000, we will also enable GSCs, and QT. ABN & Anti-GPU will be enabled around block 134,000 if the network is healthy in small phases.
After the July superblock (height 139,000) - we enable dip15 (which makes deterministic sancs permanent).