Bible Pay

Read 4348 times

BLOOM Christmas Giving for Sierra Leone Orphans
« on: November 18, 2018, 10:02:08 AM »
Hello BBP Community,

Each year BLOOM strives to raise funds for Christmas gifts for the orphans we support in Sierra Leone. We would like to invite the BBP community to contribute to these Christmas gifts this year. I will be sending the wire for Christmas gifts to Sierra Leone on December 3rd, so I'd like to start the fundraising now so there's time for them to purchase gifts.

We support 51 kids, and Christmas gifts cost approximately $20 (this includes the wire transfer fees, fuel and truck rental for them to go into town about 2 hours away and shop for the children).

The children receive a new outfit, a toy and a new pair of shoes! This is HUGE for these children, who have only 1-2 changes of clothes total, 1-2 toys total, and only receive about 2 pairs of shoes per year, one pair which is for their school uniform. 

I'm proposing $1020 (3,044,776 BBP) so the Bible Pay community may be the hands and feet of Jesus, and help provide some joy to these children this Christmas.

Thank you so much,

Executive Director