So now let us take a step back, and think of a cryptographically hard way to homogenize these upcoming features to be useful to BiblePay and God.
If we provide the ability to Upload a Christian Video into IPFS and into a block, with resulting IPFS hash, that is considered a "Video" object. We provide the ability to save a "Prayer" object into IPFS. We provide the ability to add a Letter into IPFS written to a certain orphanid.
Now what we need is the ability to Vote from the wallet, as a user, not as a Sanctuary, on an objects hash, to upvote it or downvote it or abstain. Abstain is useful if you have no opinion on a reviewed object. I think what we need to do, not-subject to creating a new integrity system, is have Vote-Weight be determined by a given wallets UTXO weight. As people with higher balances tend to have more integrity. So a vote object will contain utxo weight, and its target an IPFS hash. This will allow a USER to vote with their UTXOWeight on an IPFSHash.
Then we can take a look at a list of Videos, and corresponding vote levels. A user like Jaap, if he had 1 mil balance would have 10* the weight on his vote than a user with 100,000 balance.
Later on we can use this idea to expand our economy - to potentially pay community members for rating BiblePay objects. This will be useful for rewarding Letters, Viewers(Voters) and content uploaders.
Then we modify the block to share payment with the reviewers if it contains a Letter, a Video or a Prayer. So I suppose if we had an escrow, we would need a 'review window' - a period of time - where Votes are compensatable (IE 30 days from the date of the block). So if a letter is written on 10-1-2018, it could be voted on from 10-1 through 10-31. On 11-1 the payment is released based on quality as a split between the reviewers and the content creator. The Creator might get a % based on quality from 0-100, and the reviewers split the rest based on utxoweight.
So we have situation A, a great letter to an orphan:
20,000 block:
Rating 90% - rated by 10 people, with the 10th having 90% of the utxo weight:
Reward: 10,000 to the creator, 10000 split among the 10 reviewers multiplied by UTXO weight - with 9000 of the reward going to reviewer #10
Situation B: A terrible letter, written by a Satanist to an orphan:
20,000 block:
Rating 10% (Rated by 1 satanist and 9 good Christians):
Reward: 1,000 to the creator, 19,000 split among the 10 reviewers by utxo weight
It would be an interesting economy. This type of situation would cause us to spread more gospel and compensate reviewers to do more work (IE Consume more gospel also).
I'll get to work on creating a vote object to allow voting by UTXO weight.