Bible Pay

Read 14876 times

What is Pay to Preach?
« on: December 23, 2017, 01:31:18 PM »
Can someone explain to me what "Pay to Preach" is as part of the P2P budget? Thanks!

Re: What is Pay to Preach?
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2018, 10:26:51 PM »
I see. Thanks for responding. Sounds like this might need to be better defined overall so we can develop clear-cut ways for people to participate and make requests. So for example, one could go speak at a church about BBP or call churches to talk to whomever is in charge of collecting their tithes, etc and perhaps talk to them about partnering with BBP somehow? Perhaps this is something we can all weigh in on? Anyone else have potential ideas? We could make a list and this could encourage people to start getting the word out.

  • jaapgvk
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Re: What is Pay to Preach?
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2018, 05:15:58 AM »
Just reading back this topic and I can't believe it's already months ago that this was posted. We definitely could use some clarification on this. I asked on bitcointalk about this, but didn't really get a reply.

So "Pay To Preach" basically means: everything that has to do with spreading the Gospel where funds are a welcome thing.

So: BiblePay University, Letter Writing, Quizzes? Any more suggestions?

Paying people to talk about BiblePay (but that's maybe more PR)?

Maybe P2P and PR could be merged in the future?

  • Rob Andrews
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Re: What is Pay to Preach?
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2020, 12:19:20 PM »
I see. Thanks for responding. Sounds like this might need to be better defined overall so we can develop clear-cut ways for people to participate and make requests. So for example, one could go speak at a church about BBP or call churches to talk to whomever is in charge of collecting their tithes, etc and perhaps talk to them about partnering with BBP somehow? Perhaps this is something we can all weigh in on? Anyone else have potential ideas? We could make a list and this could encourage people to start getting the word out.

I was hoping that we could invite guest pastor(s) who get compensated for uploading sermons that spread the Gospel.
(BTW, I really mean for fresh new sermons created by our users as guest pastors btw, or custom tailored sermons for BBP from major pastors).

We haven't done anything with this yet.

Lets add this to the todo list.