Bible Pay

Read 61687 times

  • MR.A
  • Developer

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    • 6
    • April 13, 2022, 01:24:27 PM
Vindax listing! which has 85 Million $ volume
« on: July 03, 2023, 11:40:39 PM »
I have reached out to the vindax team and described them about Biblepay by focusing our new redsea feature

"World's first blockchain integrated international calling system" & a Charity project!

At first, they offered a package of 2300$ for the basic package and 5600$ for the high end but when
I tried to convince them they gave us a price of 1000$. I know this is lot of money but I do request the
 community to come forward.  The said they are asking this price because their team need to setup and
work for BBP and have to go for an extra mile. Because it is not Erc20 or Bep20 so their technical team need
 to takecare of theis specially .Our brother Rob and others worked so hard and pushed this new bold feature
which is really useful & has major practical use case. So, this listing can help us to grow.

the website of the exchange is
their daily avg volume is : 75-85 Million Usd .

So I humblely request the community to come forward and please share your thoughts unter this post!