Bible Pay

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  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Is there a way to view all the forked blockchains?
I tried running getchaintips command but it crashes my wallet LOL

Main Explorer is on 33438 (so is a wallet that I reindexed)

Backup Explorer is on 33407

Which chain are we waiting to reach 33440?

The command is 'getchaintips' but its crashing my node.  Ill run valgrind on that command now.

So Im not really sure we have an answer yet as to which chain is correct, Ive reindexed a few times and ended at 33438.  I think the answer lies in after we establish at least 30 blocks or so after 33440,  we will then know the official chain hash, while the old chain dies off, then we can add a checkpoint which will cause everyone to always sync on the correct chain.  Im thinking maybe we run this for a few days, and around Friday night we add a checkpoint after verifying the whole system works - then go live on the exchanges.

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
Backup Explorer is on 33407

Which chain are we waiting to reach 33440?
My wallets are synced with this.
So I hope that it is correct.

BTW: I see some node with 1103 with same block as I. Oh and 1099 wallet is there too. Is it possible?

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I think we are waiting to see which one wins. The block has already passed, it was 33400.

I made a mistake on the block number - its 33440 actually , sorry :).  Thats 1 block from now.

Btw, the latest version that I checked in , 1103 - shows the CPID who solved the block after block 33440.  We will need this info to analyze blocks 33440+ to ensure the subsidy < 600 for the heat side, and that a cpid is solving it etc.

  • T-Mike
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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
I made a mistake on the block number - its 33440 actually , sorry :).  Thats 1 block from now.

Btw, the latest version that I checked in , 1103 - shows the CPID who solved the block after block 33440.  We will need this info to analyze blocks 33440+ to ensure the subsidy < 600 for the heat side, and that a cpid is solving it etc.

I think most of us trying to get on PODC is on the lower height chain. The higher chain is the old one correct? It looks like that chain will win at the moment. I made a new wallet and it's also syncing to the higher chain.

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
I made a mistake on the block number - its 33440 actually , sorry :).  Thats 1 block from now.

Btw, the latest version that I checked in , 1103 - shows the CPID who solved the block after block 33440.  We will need this info to analyze blocks 33440+ to ensure the subsidy < 600 for the heat side, and that a cpid is solving it etc.
Ok, so if block 33441 is with reward 600 that will be correct chain?

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I think most of us trying to get on PODC is on the lower height chain. The higher chain is the old one correct? It looks like that chain will win at the moment. I made a new wallet and it's also syncing to the higher chain.
Well I cant really say which one is correct as its dynamically the one with the most total work on it (sum of total chainwork, which is the bits in the prior block period lookback).

I just realized one  other hurdle we have hit, we only have 7 signed cpids in the higher chain, meaning that its going to be extremely unlikely those cpids solve any blocks, LOL, so we are going to sit here even longer and wait for the diff to fall while some of these tx get inducted and allow us to grow in cpid size.

The only bright light in this whole situation is kjv.cpp has a slight change in BL rules after 15 mins, meaning I believe that breaks compatibility with the botnet versions - in hindsight I should have done a hard break in there (IE changed the hash function for the cutover).

Lets just see what happens and not jump to change the whole program yet, lets see how stable we become.

If worse comes to worse, we can always add a breaking change in and force a mandatory - and add a checkpoint, but lets not jump to that unless absolutely necessary.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Ok, so if block 33441 is with reward 600 that will be correct chain?
Yes, this is one other great issue, the payment drops to 600 after the cutover block, so that also should break the botnet! 
So lets see if diff drops like this after 33440:

1500, 1500, 750,750,750, 325,325,325,325, 170,170,80,80,40,40 - by then I think we can take over with CPIDs.

  • T-Mike
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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
Yes, this is one other great issue, the payment drops to 600 after the cutover block, so that also should break the botnet! 
So lets see if diff drops like this after 33440:

1500, 1500, 750,750,750, 325,325,325,325, 170,170,80,80,40,40 - by then I think we can take over with CPIDs.

Well, do you suggest I delete the chains and resync? I'm pretty sure I'll be on your chain then.

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Well, do you suggest I delete the chains and resync? I'm pretty sure I'll be on your chain then.

I'm doing that, because my CPID 1BBP transaction disappeared and I'm back without registration... let's hope it works this time

  • T-Mike
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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
I'm doing that, because my CPID 1BBP transaction disappeared and I'm back without registration... let's hope it works this time

My sanctuary was on the lower height but then it jumped to an even lower one for some reason so I'm re-syncing that one for now.

Done, looks like it is also on the higher blockchain now.

  • sdc
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    • January 11, 2018, 12:31:32 PM
Hi guys

I'm trying to bring two machines on to the new PODC. Last night I tried the GUI to associate my Rosetta account with Biblepay. Waited and nothing showed up this morning. I ran it again earlier this morning and waited, still nothing. This is the current readout of getboincinfo from my debug. Am I right in understanding my CPID is NOT associated with my Biblepay wallet?

  "Command": "getboincinfo",
  "CPID": "",
  "Address": "",
  "CPIDS": "",
  "CPID-Age (hours)": 422347,
  "NextSuperblockHeight": 33620,
  "NextSuperblockBudget": 760165,
  "Total Payments (One Day)": 0,
  "Total Payments (One Week)": 0,
  "Total Budget (One Day)": 0,
  "Total Budget (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock Count (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock List": "",
  "Last Superblock Height": 0,
  "Last Superblock Budget": 0,
  "Last Superblock Payment": -2,
  "Magnitude (One-Day)": 0,
  "Magnitude (One-Week)": 0

I just ran a command line associate a few blocks ago, and then I ran it again and it says.

"Results": "A DCBTX was advertised less then 5 blocks ago. Please wait a full 5 blocks for your DCBTX to enter the chain."

I'm hoping this will work. But just wondering if anyone else had trouble with using the GUI to associate? Thanks.

  • T-Mike
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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
Hi guys

I'm trying to bring two machines on to the new PODC. Last night I tried the GUI to associate my Rosetta account with Biblepay. Waited and nothing showed up this morning. I ran it again earlier this morning and waited, still nothing. This is the current readout of getboincinfo from my debug. Am I right in understanding my CPID is NOT associated with my Biblepay wallet?

  "Command": "getboincinfo",
  "CPID": "",
  "Address": "",
  "CPIDS": "",
  "CPID-Age (hours)": 422347,
  "NextSuperblockHeight": 33620,
  "NextSuperblockBudget": 760165,
  "Total Payments (One Day)": 0,
  "Total Payments (One Week)": 0,
  "Total Budget (One Day)": 0,
  "Total Budget (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock Count (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock List": "",
  "Last Superblock Height": 0,
  "Last Superblock Budget": 0,
  "Last Superblock Payment": -2,
  "Magnitude (One-Day)": 0,
  "Magnitude (One-Week)": 0

I just ran a command line associate a few blocks ago, and then I ran it again and it says.

"Results": "A DCBTX was advertised less then 5 blocks ago. Please wait a full 5 blocks for your DCBTX to enter the chain."

I'm hoping this will work. But just wondering if anyone else had trouble with using the GUI to associate? Thanks.

If you ran it again within 5 blocks it will say that. Can you post your getinfo?

  • sdc
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    • January 11, 2018, 12:31:32 PM
Hey Mike, thanks for the quick response.

  "version": 1010003,
  "protocolversion": 70717,
  "walletversion": 61000,
  "wallet_fullversion": "",
  "balance": 43.58675910,
  "privatesend_balance": 0.00000000,
  "retirement_balance": 0,
  "blocks": 33441,
  "timeoffset": 2,
  "connections": 8,
  "proxy": "",
  "difficulty": 1561.54112909823,
  "testnet": false,
  "keypoololdest": 1515744128,
  "keypoolsize": 1001,
  "unlocked_until": 0,
  "paytxfee": 0.00000000,
  "relayfee": 0.00010000,
  "errors": ""

  • T-Mike
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
Hey Mike, thanks for the quick response.

  "version": 1010003,
  "protocolversion": 70717,
  "walletversion": 61000,
  "wallet_fullversion": "",
  "balance": 43.58675910,
  "privatesend_balance": 0.00000000,
  "retirement_balance": 0,
  "blocks": 33441,
  "timeoffset": 2,
  "connections": 8,
  "proxy": "",
  "difficulty": 1561.54112909823,
  "testnet": false,
  "keypoololdest": 1515744128,
  "keypoolsize": 1001,
  "unlocked_until": 0,
  "paytxfee": 0.00000000,
  "relayfee": 0.00010000,
  "errors": ""

Wait 5 blocks, then close and restart your wallet. Run exec getboincinfo again and we'll go from there.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
So block 33441 paid the sanctuary 11K, but looking at the BL for that, I think we are OK, because we enforce the payments after GoLive+1, so that explains why the lower subsidy didnt kick in til 33442.  Looking at 33442, miner got paid 450, sanc 4500, so far so good.

Now lets hope the diff does drop, and some cpids get inducted in the chain.