Bible Pay

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Topics - Rob Andrews

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Archived Proposals / February 2018 Recurring Expenses
« on: February 01, 2018, 07:26:55 PM »
Each month we sponsor approximately 189 orphans currently.
Rob, the lead dev charges the expense on his credit card, and keeps a copy of the receipt. 
The expenses can be viewed by navigate to | Expenses and viewing the December PDF.

We currently have a surplus of approx. $400 in Robs bank account that he will spend on the Orphan Prepaid Premiums this month (to start our initiative into Prepaying Premiums into the future, at least 6 months in the future to give these children some level of stability).

 See | Orphans | Orphan Fundraisers.  You can audit the total by finding the sum of all fundraisers.

 I am requesting 2894609 biblepay for the February 2018 montly premiums, and anything left over will be used for sponsoring orphan premiums into the future.  There will be a column updated in the Orphan Expenses to clearly show how much progress we made on prepaying after the third week of February (that is when the bill is due each month).

I am committed to spending 100% of this proposals funded amount back into Charitable benefits for the orphans.

All orphanage coins are spent on orphan expenses at and Rob will 'tip' in a little extra to ensure Gods money is put to use for Gods children.

Archived Proposals / New Exchange Proposal - Add new Biblepay Exchange
« on: January 25, 2018, 06:46:01 PM »
Zthomasz, Tom, has spearheaded the initiative to get us listed on a new exchange, possibly Yobit, SouthXchange, or NEXT, or one of the top 50 bitcoin exchanges.

Yobit has a policy where they will list a new coin for .10BTC within 7 days - but we have since discovered they are NOT honoring this agreement.

Tom has started a campaign that accepts USD funds for a new exchange here:
New Exchange Fee Fund Link:

Please post here if you would like to donate in BBP, post the amount so we can keep track of how much we raised.

Archived Proposals / PROPOSAL : Proof-Of-Loyalty
« on: January 20, 2018, 11:43:01 AM »
All, recently what appears to be either a harmless mining organization with a lot of nodes, or a botnet has taken over the majority of the hashpower of our network. 

In an attempt to stave off the botnet, I propose an extension to our hash algorithm called proof-of-loyalty.

It makes our PoBH algorithm a hybrid, as the blocks become easier to solve as you accrue more coin-age.

Please see this wiki page for the background information and most technical information:

This feature also helps us straighten the path to eventually mine on mobile devices, as this miner will eventually solo mine a block with enough coin-age without much hashing.

I personally believe rewarding investors and our loyal community members with more rewards and the propensity to solve a block by those in the light will prove to be a positive addition to biblepay, and will allow us (to have) more control during the software upgrade process.

Although this feature has taken more than 40 hours to code in the core client, I am asking for a flat 100,000 BBP reward for this to be voted and merged in to the core client.

Archived Proposals / Faucet Refill
« on: December 26, 2017, 09:17:50 AM »
The pool at has given out 159,000 BBP.

This is a proposal to reimburse the pool for 125,000 bbp to keep it funded so we can re-enable the faucet for more rewards for new users.

I would like to charge this to the P2P budget.

Archived Proposals / December 2017 IT expenses (payroll)
« on: December 20, 2017, 06:51:41 PM »
For the month of December I am attempting to recover IT expenses for web hosting, AWS integration, our wikipedia and some payroll.

The linux web hosting fee for one year for the non-wiki site (

Next, the linux web hosting fee for one year for the wiki site (

Next, the Zinc integration fee for October and November 2017 (did not receive the bill for December 2017 yet) - this allows us to integrate with the amazon storefront for in wallet purchases:

Next I am only asking for 120 hours of payroll for doing the initial git push for biblepay at $40.00 per hour totaling $4800.00:

(This is for programming time based on the commits checked in for the month of September 2017). 

TOTAL:  $5204  from the IT budget
867,333 BBP (@ .0006 per bbp)

Each month we sponsor approximately 188 orphans currently.
Rob, the lead dev charges the expense on his credit card, and keeps a copy of the receipt. 
The expenses can be viewed by navigate to | Expenses and viewing the December PDF.

Since inception, Rob has spent $30,161.00 for BiblePay orphan premiums.  This can be audited by viewing the sum of all payments using the above link.

Rob has only raised $19,671 in orphan fundraisers however.  See | Orphans | Orphan Fundraisers.  You can audit the total by finding the sum of all fundraisers.

This leaves a deficit of $10,490 owed to Rob for previous activity.
This $10,490 includes our current actual December 2017 invoice for $7,068.00, spent on 12-20-2017.

Receipt here:


$19671 raised
$30161 spent
Out of the $30161, $7068 was for December 2017.

Therefore I am requesting 2894609 biblepay for December 2017 for reimbursement of these monthly premiums.

A new record will be logged as I sell the 2.8MM on the exchange, and anything over will be used to sponsor new orphan premiums (but based on 12 months for stability), so this proposal does not benefit Rob in any way shape or form.

I am committed to spending 100% of this proposals funded amount back into Charitable benefits for the orphans.

Archived Proposals / Unquestionably Horrible Proposal
« on: December 19, 2017, 06:31:57 AM »
I have the dumbest idea ever, but would like to receive 1000 BBP for it.

Lets branch BiblePay into a version for non-believers and launch it on April Fools day 2018?


Budget Source: PR Budget

Amount: 1000 BBP

I think this move will be good for PR.

Archived Proposals / First Prod Test Proposal
« on: December 15, 2017, 01:43:35 PM »
This is a test proposal. 

Im asking 250 BBP for fixing an SQL query deadlock in the pool.

EDIT: Please charge this 250 BBP to IT.


Around Christmastime, we will be going live with Sanctuaries.  At that time, the automatic 10% tithing block (for our Orphans) stops, BUT, with our superblocks and sanctuaries, we will continue to vote to fund the budget to pay for the orphans. 

The current breakdown for each Biblepay block is as follows: (With each block paying between 5000 and 20000 BBP, depending on network Difficulty and the deflation level):

5% is allocated from each block for IT expenses (such as payroll, web hosting fees, partner integration expenses etc).
10% is allocated from each block for Charity (this is where the budget will come from to pay for Compassion for example).

We currently do not have a budget for PR (public relations campaigns) or for P2P features (Features such as orphan letter writing, Pay To Preach, Pay to be a Priest, FAQ writers, Social Media functions, etc).

Since I personally do not wish to change the allocation breakdown now for integrity reasons, I will not make any adjustments at this point to the permanent breakdown. 

     However, with all of the recent good ideas that have been floating around, such as rewarding members for being Discipleship Leaders, or Pay for Priesting, or Pay for Orphan writing fees, etc, and with the positive impact of PR campaigns, I do not wish for us to miss the opportunity to vote  for the possible inclusion of PR budgets or P2P budgets permanently in our superblock reward ecosystem.

Hence the reason we are brought here for the poll.

The poll runs for 31 days (Ending 12-4-2017).

Please vote on potentially changing the superblock budget to include PR and/or P2P expenses on a regular basis.

 If the community decides to include a PR budget or a P2P budget, we will make the necessary adjustments in the Christmas Sanctuary mandatory release, and they will become a permanent part of BIblePay.

Thank you for participating!

Good Afternoon All,

It is time to Test sanctuaries in Testnet.

- Testing requires linux - because windows will not run watchman on the wall (thats the decentralized sanctuary database)
- Testing requires 500,000 TestNet BBP to be sent to the new testnet masternode (actually send more, so you have extra first) - this is not the final amount to run a sanctuary, its the testnet amount
- Testing requires an external open IP, IE you need to be able to run with the firewall port 40001 open
- Testing needs to have the latest version of BBP compiled from source

If anyone needs test BBP, let me know.

Here is a guide to explain how to start a masternode:
(*** NOTE!!!  The above guide says 1 million BBP is required.  Its actually 500,000 BBP in testnet!  Please dont try 1 million as it will not work ***)

** Note that this procedure documented above actually failed.  It failed when I took a look at the log in the actual masternode wallet, an error was generated saying something to the effect of invalid escrow sent to the masternode. 

To get around this, send the test biblepay to the masternode wallet, create the  private key on the masternode, set the masternodeprivatekey and masternode=1 in the config, and then we can resume testing.  If anyone can get this working in 'cold' mode (that means the mastnode has 0 funds in the wallet with remote activation working) that would be extremely valuable.  I will obviously help with this, as we cant go live until cold mode works, but I also need to move past and start testing the governance commands next.

My first test procedure is lets ensure we have 5+ masternodes running and see if we can all see each other and stay in sync.  We now have 1 minute blocks on testnet.

PS: To install watchman-on-the-wall, please see the "BuildBiblePay.txt" document in the root.  It has a section called Watchman. 

Note, I will modify the wiki entry to explain how to add watchman to the cron.

TestNet Discussion Archive / BLOCKCHAIN NEWS
« on: September 24, 2017, 10:52:40 AM »
This is the testnet thread for :

- Testing Block Chain News (Add an article, View an article)
- Possibly: Viewing a Gui list of articles, Deleting an article, Editing an article
- Fixing Nanaminers double free or corruption mining error
- Baby steps for pre-testing of sanctuaries (primarily as since we will have many testnet nodes online this gives the dev a chance to verify governance proposal creation works, and create the web interface for proposal lists, and proposal voting)

To get started, please download or later from (or build

Launch in testnet mode like this:

cd c:\program files\biblepaycore
biblepay-qt -testnet

Read this wiki page on Block Chain News:

Start by creating a sample blockchain news article to get the feel of how this is done, and optionally publish one.

Note, that the first time you view an article, the images do not load quick enough and you may have to close the preview window and re-open it.  Solutions are welcome.

When you click Read Block Chain News, and enter the TXID, you should see this:

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