Bible Pay

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  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Transitioning from Non-Believer to Believer:

4300 BBP
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 09:45:22 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • Radar_Dude7
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    • April 16, 2020, 08:52:42 AM
Transitioning from Non-Believer to Believer:

4300 BBP
I really like the table you created, Rob. My favorite one is about Samson. Overall, God's Will be done, particularly if He is set to make a precedent! Praise Him!

1000 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I really like the table you created, Rob. My favorite one is about Samson. Overall, God's Will be done, particularly if He is set to make a precedent! Praise Him!

1000 BBP

Thanks, I put the other teachings here:

Please let me know if anyone has more to add, and if so I will make a request area.

Looks like our monetizer paid out the first few payments, so far, so good, but we still need more new users to participate.

I think part of the problem is its very hard for new users to create a forum account due to all the questions involved.

And remember, this is not me trying to make it hard on users, its because we've been attacked and spammed in such a horrid manner, we had to add e-mail verification and verification questions and the captcha.

Ill see if I can make an alternative sign up form in that makes it easier for a crypto user to join.

4200 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
** Those who Vape are more likely to get Coronavirus **

I find it unbelievable how efficient this coronavirus is (but through the Wisdom of God - I don't - because there is a bigger plan - repentance).

The coronavirus is keeping people out of bars, away from idols (think worshiping sports:  NFL, NBA, etc, before God), concerned for their future, in repentance, thinking about God, with their families - locked up at home, relying on God and Psalm 91 more than masks (we hope they are).

Now I see that even vaping supposedly elevates the risk of the virus.

This is getting stranger each day (but its not for those in the word of God who realize these are all birth pains).

Think about it, you can't place the supermajority of your faith in a mask - its in God, not in the mask.  You plead the blood of Jesus and pray psalm 91 before you go to a dangerous place.

4200 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I really like the table you created, Rob. My favorite one is about Samson. Overall, God's Will be done, particularly if He is set to make a precedent! Praise Him!

1000 BBP

I forgot to mention something about Samson - I read again the other day earlier in Judges when God was awarding different tracts of land to the Israelites, and giving their enemies into the hands of the tribes.  One thing that I learned about God is (and this is similar to the 6 day war in 1967), when God decides to give the enemies into your hands, the men of war (say you gathered 1000 men, and you are going against 10,000 men), those enemies hearts are literally failing them for fear.  Im not saying the Israelites were not good men of war at all, Im saying to add context to Samson - although being strong enough to pick up a car - I believe when he picked up the jawbone of a donkey - the spirit of God came over him like a whirlwind (like it did with Elijah when he was girded up and ran faster than a car ahead of the chariots), these enemies just basically faint - because Gods presence is both affecting you with supernatural strength and affecting the enemies with a spirit of dread and utter defeat.  In 1967 the Egyptians actually saw mirages and they were completely deceived.

4200 BBP

  • sunk818
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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
Ill see if I can make an alternative sign up form in that makes it easier for a crypto user to join.

What is your opinion of using social accounts (google, apple, facebook, etc) to easily create forum accounts? Not sure how it interacts with foundation, but it would make it easier for people to join.

SMF Packs social login: $20-$30
OneAll social Login (free?)

Spam is definitely a problem. There's always reCaptcha from Google, but I've not heard good things about privacy. A crypto based hCaptcha also exists. On some exchanges, I've seen images with a missing puzzle piece that you have to drag to match and verify you're human.

2500 BBP

  • sunk818
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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM

Please disregard, I see you replied to my suggestion last month about social media logins. Manual account creation it is then.

What is your opinion of using social accounts (google, apple, facebook, etc) to easily create forum accounts? Not sure how it interacts with foundation, but it would make it easier for people to join.

SMF Packs social login: $20-$30
OneAll social Login (free?)

Spam is definitely a problem. There's always reCaptcha from Google, but I've not heard good things about privacy. A crypto based hCaptcha also exists. On some exchanges, I've seen images with a missing puzzle piece that you have to drag to match and verify you're human.

2500 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I was just reading the IEEE Spectrum guide to the 5G specification to see what features the IETF is putting in 5G in the future that might be related to the mark of the beast (or the false prophet). 

So far I have learned some relatively interesting things related to all industries (and crypto):

- The current release is release 16 and includes these features:
- Vehicle to Everything (V2X).  This allows a car to transmit a packet out to every other receiver in range (IE within 300 meter radius).  This will be good for self autonomous cars to communicate with each other (direction, travel, speed, type, etc).  And for jetson type crafts also.
- V2X also will allow high bandwidth transmissions of videos to groups (think for instance if a 200meg video is being streamed to an audience), V2X can send it out to the receivers without routers.  This is specific, because multicast was intended but lost a long time ago (DARPA had multicast in the spec) and router companies eventually cut off the use because the server-to-user model prevails now.  So remember V2X, because this will be a game changer for future content delivery.
- Sidelinking:  Allows cars (or any IOT device) to communicate with another IOT device - without going through the backbone.  This is important because say user A is passing user B in a parking lot (on foot), an app could theoretically allow them to chat or conduct business together without going through the server.
- Location Services:  This one is pretty huge and a complete loss of privacy for everyone.  Right now, phone companies require triangularization to track you (IE a 'fix' on 3 points in space - that is, the data packet timing from 3 towers to be calculated).  In 5g-16, your coordinates can be tracked constantly using ONE communication stream- how can this be?  Because 5g has a built in beamforming protocol - this means it can measure its own sidechannel speeds and get a fix on your location using just one TCP packet (I can grasp this, in that imagine that 6ghz communication is made up of 10 parallel transmissions to a router - that means the data will all flow at different speeds - and the protocol can measure its own beamform to get a fix on one tower).  So basically, the GPS position will become part of the IOT spec inherently.
- Even though all the scientists who back 5g say 'tests have been done its safe' the spec is calling for increasing the frequency range to 6ghz bands - because its wide open - that tells you its also not been tested very well - I only mention this because eventually we will be bathing in a radio wave bath of '6g' at 6.66 ghz (probably)
- Finally, the part that Ive been looking for - Release 17 - still in development:  Extended Reality:  This spec allows all the game makers to beam 3d data to VR headsets and extend reality, think hololens, etc.  More here:

So in summary let me take what I've learned from this spec and apply the most nefarious scenario:

The majority upgrades to 5g phones in 2022.  Release 17 is out and 1 billion IOT devices are deployed.
A gathering is called together at the local square where the confederate statue was burned last month.
The Vatican releases an AI 'app' that is part of the fabric of reality (all who do now bow to the beast will be cut off).

So lets make one assumption first:  A major company extended holo-lens to produce a 3d image in space (similar to the 3d concert experience) - it just basically takes the release 17 data for a VR headset and creates an image of Satan in the square.

Then all those who do not bow to the Antichrist, are logged using patent 060606's cryptocurrency-for-human-body-activity in the 'chain'.

This is getting interesting isnt it?

4200 BBP

  • sunk818
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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
I was just reading the IEEE Spectrum guide to the 5G specification to see what features the IETF is putting in 5G in the future that might be related to the mark of the beast (or the false prophet).  ...

- Even though all the scientists who back 5g say 'tests have been done its safe' the spec is calling for increasing the frequency range to 6ghz bands - because its wide open - that tells you its also not been tested very well - I only mention this because eventually we will be bathing in a radio wave bath of '6g' at 6.66 ghz (probably)

Interesting theory. I haven't kept up with 5G, but my understanding is that it is two bands of frequencies. I think Frequency Range 1 (FR1) goes up to 6.0Ghz, but 6Ghz and up being unlicensed, what you're theorizing could very well happen. Seems unlikely from a practical point if 5G would be primarily for smartphones and WiFi using nextgen 6Ghz+ might find some congestion there.

Are you concerned with the magnetic resonance of certain frequencies affecting the body?

Then all those who do not bow to the Antichrist, are logged using patent 060606's cryptocurrency-for-human-body-activity in the 'chain'.

Being scanned and recorded because you were in a certain geographic area of interest and being logged permanently in an immutable database is a scary though.

Some organizations have looked into blockchain technology for recording votes... but the counter argument there is that you could look up people's voting history when your smartphone or computer is seized, you are forced to give up your keys, and the government could deem you an enemy of the state based on your voting record. There's something valuable about public anonymity and the ability to vote anonymous (yet securely).

2600 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
And also another thing that appears to be coming to pass - one of the prophecies in Dana Coverstones dream (this is one I tweeted out) was that first dimes and nickels wont be available (and thats happening now), then dollars and fives, then (as Sundar Selvaraj said) the world will want to go cashless - in order to usher in the mark of the beast.

Today the Federal Reserve announced they will be making a digital currency soon:

This is a pretty large sign, that a cashless society is on its way.

4200 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of

Interesting theory. I haven't kept up with 5G, but my understanding is that it is two bands of frequencies. I think Frequency Range 1 (FR1) goes up to 6.0Ghz, but 6Ghz and up being unlicensed, what you're theorizing could very well happen. Seems unlikely from a practical point if 5G would be primarily for smartphones and WiFi using nextgen 6Ghz+ might find some congestion there.

Are you concerned with the magnetic resonance of certain frequencies affecting the body?

Being scanned and recorded because you were in a certain geographic area of interest and being logged permanently in an immutable database is a scary though.

Some organizations have looked into blockchain technology for recording votes... but the counter argument there is that you could look up people's voting history when your smartphone or computer is seized, you are forced to give up your keys, and the government could deem you an enemy of the state based on your voting record. There's something valuable about public anonymity and the ability to vote anonymous (yet securely).

2600 BBP
I'm not concerned about the magnetic resonance on the body, just the ionizing radiation and its potential to shake vital organs at certain resonant frequencies.  I'm not going to be wearing tinfoil hats or anything, Ill definitely plead the blood of Jesus over myself if we are here in that stage.  I look at the situation as: The antichrist will not care if the slaves of humanity drink poison or get cancer, just get the information back if they are worshiping or not, etc.

On the patent 060606, I'm actually inferring that patent is going to be way more advanced than our current blockchain sensors.  The chain is fine - its that the patent infers that when the injected luciferase tattoo and whatever nano materials are floating around in the blood this thing will record heart rate and GPS position and activity data, etc.  So those leaders who want to know what your doing I think they will know whose side you are on if you take the mark.

4200 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Its a coincidence that we had a couple religious discussions today - because I was thinking of adding a new forum feature where we monetize religious discussions also (in a dedicated thread).

I'm going to work on that soon so we can get that started, but note that we may not be able to deploy it to prod for about 9 days - otherwise it will disrupt the go live of POOS (POOS has some fractional sanc code waiting in to be deployed).

4200 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Please read to discuss making BiblePay a Dash Backed cryptocurrency:

4200 BBP

  • sunk818
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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM

This is a great idea. We are doing God's work, but part of the call is to share the Good News.

Its a coincidence that we had a couple religious discussions today - because I was thinking of adding a new forum feature where we monetize religious discussions also (in a dedicated thread).

I'm going to work on that soon so we can get that started, but note that we may not be able to deploy it to prod for about 9 days - otherwise it will disrupt the go live of POOS (POOS has some fractional sanc code waiting in to be deployed).

4200 BBP

2600 BBP

  • sunk818
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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
First, thank you for setting up a fantastic free service for fractional sanctuary. It is super easy for BBP users to participate in. Setting up a server up is a bit harder, costly, and I know a few people I helped setup quit after a mandatory upgrade.

Did the deposit limit change to 4.25M? What was your reasoning for the deposit limit? It must be more work for you the more BBP you have to manage because a new sanctuary has to be spun up every time? If we could deposit more BBP, what are your thoughts on a daily charge to cover your hosting costs at least? I know you've mentioned that if a sanctuary holder sponsors a child, it is more personal and it becomes a 1-on-1 type of relationship, where a frac sanc sort of makes it a group effort. That in itself is not bad, but I suppose, it makes the investor less vested in the child than a 1-on-1 type of situation?

2600 BBP