Bible Pay

Read 19266 times

Sanctuary owners,
This week I spent my time building a Zazzle shop for BiblePay using logo designs. It is basic for now, I aim to build on this project with far better designs, but I will need your help supporting the finance of Photoshop to go with my project. I will be working towards 300 products listed as my first milestone, but I do like the idea of 1000. I’m looking for your kind support in my project, please take the time to read more below.

I want the shop to eventually be a Christian based shop with hundreds of designs BiblePay related and hundreds of designs towards Christianity and Global awareness. I strongly believe with the correct TAG marketing it is possible to help direct traffic to the shop to make hundreds of users aware of BIblePay which can help our future if we find more investors.

Zazzle has a large Crypto shop community and a large community for global awareness. My main goal is to tap into both communities and pull them in like a magnet through smart TAGGING.
You can check out the ongoing project here;

-   A wide range of products such as electronics, stationary and clothing.
-   Zazzle is a very popular website and turned over $250 million in 2015.

-   Large audience market.
-   Products are found through TAGS which means it’s a nice tool to help get our name discovered by others using Zazzle to purchase goods.
-   Starting a Zazzle project now could be an advantage because they bought out their leading competition in 2016.
-   Having products, you can touch, feel and use helps you feel closer to the moment, thus more likely to remain a long-term investor.
-   My time making innovative designs in photoshop is not considered this is my hospitality to Biblepay, only designing and putting the products together in Zazzle is accounted for. 

Budget breakdown
American USD dollar being used.
0.00000039 per BBP calculated 22/01/2018 on C-CEX.
U.K minimum wage above 25 is $10.86 USD

Basic Photoshop for 1 year annual = $156 USD

So far, I have done around 10 hours work which produced 60 products.
10 hours x $10.86 = $108.60

I will be working on 300 designs and different artwork. So, to complete the other 240 products and artwork 40 more hours is an estimate for the future. Calculated like this;
10 hours made 60, so
20 hours make 120
30 hours make 180
40 hours make 240
50 hours make 300

50 hours x Minimum wage ($) = $543
Photoshop = $156

Project total: $699
$699 into Bitcoin @ 11615.74 = 0.060184
0.060184 Bitcoin into BBP @ 0.00000039 = 154317.94871795 Biblepay
Total project = 154317.94871795 Biblepay
About me: My name is Jason Davies, I am 27 years old British born but currently living in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. Currently living in the poorest district Tan Phu, I’m teaching English to 4 – 17-year olds in 3 different schools and language centres. For the past 3 years I have been doing volunteer work in Camboda, India and Vietnam along side either teaching or bar work that enabled me to stay on this continent. I have an IT degree but as I progressed in this field I started to feel disconnected, so I decided to take steps in my life and I threw myself at a government funded volunteer program. My life changed after that and I have been continuing to teach English since.
Wallet Address: BJXqCYeH58K788bq67VC5jyHXi8MYnjNoY 

I find it sad and a little bit frustrating that the reddit discussion has been deleted as the conversation had started there.

I will reiterate the point I made on the reddit. As I said there, I'm not trying to be negative, just realistic as we all want BiblePay to succeed.

- Zazzle is not a market nor a marketing strategy. It is only a way to bring your products to customers. You don't have a marketing strategy by opening an amazon shop and base your marketing strategy on just opening that shop on the sole reasoning that "amazon marketplace is a x billion market". I don't think BiblePay will benefit from it as people buying from your shop will be people already aware of BiblePay and will not just discover and invest in cryptocurrency while browsing for t-shirts.

-I think your product list should be more limited and refined. You have for example a beer pong table which is (at least in the US) associated with underage drinking, college party and everything around that. This has nothing to do with as you said "Jesus drinking wine". I don't think this is a desirable image for BiblePay.

- You are making a profit on these items. You may argue it's not much but I actually went there and checked the minimum markup price and you probably gave what you make on the lowest product as it seems higher in actuality. You could also modify this markup anytime you wish. Assuming you're making on average $1 per product (accounting for your lowest and highest items), you would only have to sell 200 of these to make 200 dollars for example.

- I don't think your project really benefits BiblePay and I personally think a better marketing strategy would include ordering t-shirts in bulk and distributing them to people for free for example instead of going through Zazzle which takes a lot of money and is extremely expensive and we don't need that wild selection of products. I'm sure that would be pretty cheap to do especially in Thailand.

In summary, I think the possible benefits for BiblePay (if any at all) are really questionable and I don't think it's fair to ask for money to open up a store front on which you will also make money on.

So because underage drinking exists it should ban products designed for adults? I think the way you view things is very negative. Negative communities get nothing done they just sit around moaning about any ideas that help put more fishing lines in more areas that have a multi million user base in cryptos, religion and volunteer promotions to raise funds. I don't think you realise the opportunities in this and its quite sad. I deleted the Reddit thread because I was told its better to post here. Reddit seems pretty dead there's always an active 20 - 30 but nothing happens so I decided to move it here to keep the discussion in one place in the hope its more active. I'm making pennies from each product someone bought 3 products and I made $1.03. I'd rather make nothing and keep it cheap. It seems a little crazy to me to see you feeling so mellow and negative over someone else trying to earn bread and butter, ive seen it done before and theirs many successful shops promoting other coins and their own. There's over 6000 coins now and i bet by the end of the year another 3000 to go with it. You have to throw your line in every single market possible for maximum customer reach. If your not motivated enough to support other peoples success and ideas then I think you should stay away from the proposal thread. You was very negative and insulting on Reddit and clearly proved you didn't read half of it or click URLs.  Or we can just refuse other people trying to make growth in a coin with their own business, lets refuse it all and stick to the rocket foundations, no point in putting in the fuel..... Your bad for this coin in my opinion.  If you think somebody turning little tiny amounts of profit into BBP is bad for the coin i think we should all PAUSE buying! LOL

I think your response actually demonstrates you're the one who doesn't read what I write and anyone will make their own opinion on who is insulting and who isn't.

Concerning the reddit post, I think a link back to it would have been better than just deleting it as there was some points made there.

I think I don't have anything else to add as you didn't read the points I made. As ferohers said on bitcointalk, we're not Our budget is limited and we need to adequately choose how to spend it.

I read your points I just don't think you see opportunities which is something I have repeatedly said. Maybe you don't accept my reply.

Edit: Every coin is tapping into every market, if you want to refuse because you refuse to help others in making some bread and butter refrain from the proposal area this is what it is used for.  I accept criticism but it's how you expressed yours, a refusal to help simply because shirts are making someone like 0.30cents. You made your point quite clear you'd rather me charge more which is a negative impact on poorer people, I get it.

Edit2: From what I know to why you don't like it.
1) It makes somebody money.
2) You disagree to an hourly salary  (You want slavery)
3) You think tapping into million user based websites has no affect on internet traffic

« Last Edit: January 23, 2018, 02:55:42 AM by ALT-J90 »

I still think you misread me as this was not my point. I will give you that I just don't see any opportunity for Biblepay in your proposal.

  • togoshigekata
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Original Reddit Post:

Rob mentioned on bitcointalk that he was going to buy an item from there,
Im interested to buy a coffee cup/mug

I think having BiblePay in the shop name would be good, as opposed to just Glory Goodies.

I agree with Alex that the items would only mostly be useful to already investors, but I do think it could cause a few others to become interested slowly by word of mouth / proximity (wearing BiblePay t-shirt outside and at events, driving car with BiblePay bumper sticker, etc)

Is this the best use of Marketing funds? Im not sure, Alex brings up the point that a T-shirt Drive could potentially be better.
Is it too early in our development to focus on branded items in a shop? I dont know

Other Marketing/Advertising being worked on or in progress:  Google Ads (Rob), Bitcointalk Ad, Reddit Ad, Website Development

ALT-J90 is very interested to help the community and has been posting a lot on Reddit and is looking for different avenues to help.
Does anyone have other marketing ideas?

Thank you for your comment it means a lot. I am curious to how I can make it more cost efficient, I have limited tools living in Vietnam I am here teaching part time paid in cash. I understand what you mean about the cost efficiency I just don't know how else I can set up on another platform to make the efficiency better and the price. i don't know how to make websites you know or any of the technical stuff behind this. I have qualifications in computers but it's limited more to design rather than websites and coding and building something like that or even knowing who to approach. 

After I left my education I moved onto helping people rather than following my actual career so I just don't have contacts or anything you guys are all I have in that aspect. So I hope you see I do have a positive attitude towards helping, I took the route of making minimum from it because since 2015 I have been surrounded by most people who earn $1 or $2 a day. I posted my Facebook profile any of you are welcome to add me. It's the only evidence I have to my background but my life is pretty much on Facebook you can see all of my background by adding me.  I am a very open optimistic person you're all welcome to looking into my life. I actually felt nervous putting together a cost thing i don't know what the work is worth. But I can promise you one thing i will keep continuously building on this project. You will get more time out of me than what I have stated in this proposal, a lot more time. I want to be an active member of this community helping with ideas from ground level.

Thank you for taking the time to read this message, I do apologise for it's length.

Edit: Yeah regards to the name i'd love everyones input on this. I thought of something random and catchy because the shop would have just Christianity products and cool crypto shirts in general. If you're all ok with me changing it to Biblepay i'll act on it straight away :)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2018, 09:54:57 AM by ALT-J90 »

Here's my thought.  Take it for what it's worth.  But please don't take it as criticism, you've been active and it's good to see you involved!

If you run the shop at cost, then maybe you should be compensated from the marketing fund.  Whereas if you're running the shop and it is potentially profitable, then that is your choice.  I'm not familiar with the platform, but I'd be more in favor of you charging a fair price for the items and not needing outside compensation.

The only easy comparison I can use is the pool.  If I ran an outside pool and charged a fee, then I should not be compensated to set it up nor run it.  It should be self sustaining.   If the Dev or someone else wanted to run a free pool, well, that'd be a slightly different case and might warrant compensation.

Meanwhile, look at what you can do with open source software, there is a program called GIMP that has a bit of a learning curve to it, but is pretty full featured and does most of what you probably need from Photoshop. 

  • Rob Andrews
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I can see both sides of the argument, Alex makes a good point, 616 makes a good point about choosing to be a free service or not (otherwise its a conflict of interest).  And I guess yet another way to look at it is: If we pay for this proposal in the sense that it is for the startup costs for graphics design, but his profit pays for his stores eternal existence in the future (as long as he doesnt Gouge users) well I guess that is yet another way.

I personally think the store itself is a good addition out in the world at large, but I strongly feel we should delete a few of the items, as I think they have a negative impact on our brand:

- Beer Pong Table
- Party Hat
- Keyboard looks like a toy and has bad graphics

Strong Fix:
- The Jesus Value quality shirt with Jesus' thumbs up:  This is not very good looking with Jesus posing as a cartoon character, and I think he looks like a Genie or something- but this particular shirt could be very, very nice with one that is professional
- Use a different image for the womans leggings

- Hell is Real, somehow tie to BBP

- Football Jersey could have a better design, I almost ordered this but I dont like how the logo floats up in the chest, not sure how to fix it, but that caused me to buy the standard Tshirt instead

Good luck, and thank you for your contributions!

I think the best solution is what I tried to convey to you on the reddit  and what 616westwarmoth may have worded better "I'd be more in favor of you charging a fair price for the items and not needing outside compensation."

Also, once your work is done on an item, Zazzle takes care of everything for you so there's no additional work needed for that product and you just get a "royalty" on the BiblePay logo.

Finally, I think the most important point is that it could then set a precedent. Should we pay anyone opening a BiblePay shop on Zazzle, Amazon, Etsy, etc? I can just see how it can be abused and I personally don't think it is a good idea; I think the potential benefits for BiblePay are also questionable.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 09:39:50 AM by Alex »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I think the best solution is what I tried to convey to you on the reddit  and what 616westwarmoth may have worded better "I'd be more in favor of you charging a fair price for the items and not needing outside compensation."

Also, once your work is done on an item, Zazzle takes care of everything for you so there's no additional work needed for that product and you just get a "royalty" on the BiblePay logo.

Finally, I think the most important point is that it could then set a precedent. Should we pay anyone opening a BiblePay shop on Zazzle, Amazon, Etsy, etc? I can just see how it can be abused and I personally don't think it is a good idea; I think the potential benefits for BiblePay are also questionable.

I think Alex is right, its the precedent we are setting.

If one wants to be an entrepreneur, then they should not ask for starter funds, unless you want to donate all the profits to the orphan fund in the future.

I however like the store overall, but feel we need to kill what I said above in order to have the store.  We shouldnt have anything to do with beer steins, wine mugs, party hats, or beer pong tables, and we should make Jesus look professional, muscular, the King of Kings (and not like hes condoning our sinner behavior down here just for using the BBP currency).

EDIT:  The compassionate side of me says, that if Alt agrees to take the bad stuff out - and we all agree its good for PR for the long term, then I would potentially vote on the proposal just to pay him for the time in starting the store - but in the name of Seed/Starter PR funds.  If he disagrees with all this and feels he is not setting a bad precedent then I would vote No.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 02:55:30 PM by Rob A. »

Yeah regards to the jesus cartoon I didn't expect such sensitivity so apologies community, I''ll pull down stuff you don't like it would be good to have someone as a contact for second opinions of stuff before I actually save it as a design.

I just thought there's lot's of ways people like to see him pictured. So I am sorry.

From what you have all said to remove I have done it, can somebody please check to see if it's showing them removed already?
« Last Edit: January 27, 2018, 12:46:45 AM by ALT-J90 »

EDIT:  The compassionate side of me says, that if Alt agrees to take the bad stuff out - and we all agree its good for PR for the long term, then I would potentially vote on the proposal just to pay him for the time in starting the store - but in the name of Seed/Starter PR funds.  If he disagrees with all this and feels he is not setting a bad precedent then I would vote No.

I understand where you're coming from with the compassionate side Rob. However, I think this would just be abused and we would eventually not attract the proposals we would like. If some persons suddenly come here and post a proposal about creating a shop/needing some work and saying they need that money to feed their family, etc. When do we draw the line?

If you're thinking of it purely from a compassionate side, then it should probably come out of our charity budget. I am pretty sure that this shop won't do anything for us regarding Marketing/PR, especially in the long term.  It is also extremely likely that we see more BBP shops on Zazzle (especially if you can make a proposal for it) as it is easy to set up and has no capex nor opex costs.

I just think that the PR money could be better used. I remember there was mentions of paid ads on websites, facebook, etc. We could have bounties, airdrops which I think would attract new people and would be better use of funds.

I'm not sure if you saw it @alt-j90 it but I would more in favour of what 616westwarmoth said: "I'd be more in favor of you charging a fair price for the items and not needing outside compensation.""

Self gains only?

EDIT - Shop gone.

Goodbye, take care all the best in your futures. I am moving on to find a less morbid community. I would of just removed the thread but with it being at the top I couldn't, all the best in your futures but I can't stay around a community like this.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2018, 07:21:06 AM by ALT-J90 »