Bible Pay

Read 294237 times

  • oncoapop
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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #540 on: July 04, 2019, 08:12:11 PM »
1. Tithe normally via Cameroon-One

Code: [Select]
 "Prominence": "Details",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yS9YaCFpQuE6xpBrTvUbnPyJgwaXZep8C8 [N/A], Pts: 1333.00": "0.27%",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 0.00": "0.00%",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 2667.00": "0.55%",
 "POG: yS9YaCFpQuE6xpBrTvUbnPyJgwaXZep8C8 [N/A], Pts: 3022707.00": "53.72%",
 "POG: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 634626.00": "11.28%",
 "POG: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 0.00": "0.00%",
 "Healing": "Diary Entries",
 "Prominence": "Totals",
 "ALL: yS9YaCFpQuE6xpBrTvUbnPyJgwaXZep8C8 [N/A], Pts: 3024040.00, Reward: 502530.690": "53.990%",
 "ALL: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 634626.00, Reward: 104974.110": "11.280%",
 "ALL: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 2667.00, Reward: 5083.390": "0.550%”

2. spam exec sendgscc

3. cli exec analyze 127852 oncoapop1

Code: [Select]
 "Command": "analyze",
 "Totals": "CAMEROON-ONE|yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt|2667|0.00546183|oncoapop1|2668\nPOG|yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt|0|0.00000000|oncoapop1|664505\n",
 "0": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127747.00, TXID: 48e194fa86c3c3765b8e99d21a7817265ad2178174c3af2fd2ec4481953f0240, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 436515.4894, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 2666.67",
 "1": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127829.00, TXID: 60e6383ad2a46c1562b22bc8f363ad48c51be907b20f1ce8b6b3a5329b0285d8, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 472618.7650, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 5333.33",
 "2": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127831.00, TXID: 09bdcb818fb26f7889730feb9af7a3be49f119cb822f885525d9cdecc76ec13d, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 1170573.1598, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 8000.00",
 "3": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127831.00, TXID: e643dcf61c8666ec77f481f32041e98bec0f0357005599f1dffddfe7c089661d, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 244234.6203, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 10666.67",
 "4": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127831.00, TXID: ba5dbc1954e23ca44c821317515c55d895dbe117a97f19fa8260ac276bed23d1, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 16135.2207, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 13333.33",
 "5": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127831.00, TXID: 60b7a3124d9d75aa2024a67ce4a29bcecd2d7e8adb55014227c88acb89c5b7fa, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 495451.5158, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 16000.00",
 "6": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127832.00, TXID: 9884b452e0d6cabd512b82ba0a01d6aeebd434d5ee5be4d5bed9577d7ff6e5e3, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 815893.8629, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 18666.67",
 "7": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127832.00, TXID: 4ea1df741b02ec30a16cf8fdce9b4c8ade28d7b4558b9289b0864014092b5c58, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 637133.8471, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 21333.33",
 "8": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127835.00, TXID: 1aa871659405b4a96e3d747d2da820b974d5e9d59d474ca787b67d5a259797ac, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 1163778.4370, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 24000.00"

4. now after spamming, I check leaderboard

Code: [Select]
 "Prominence": "Details",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yS9YaCFpQuE6xpBrTvUbnPyJgwaXZep8C8 [N/A], Pts: 1333.00": "0.27%",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 0.00": "0.00%",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 2667.00": "0.55%",
 "POG: yS9YaCFpQuE6xpBrTvUbnPyJgwaXZep8C8 [N/A], Pts: 3022707.00": "53.72%",
 "POG: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 634626.00": "11.28%",
 "POG: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 0.00": "0.00%",
 "Healing": "Diary Entries",
 "Prominence": "Totals",
 "ALL: yS9YaCFpQuE6xpBrTvUbnPyJgwaXZep8C8 [N/A], Pts: 3024040.00, Reward: 502530.690": "53.990%",
 "ALL: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 634626.00, Reward: 104974.110": "11.280%",
 "ALL: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 24000.00, Reward: 5083.390": "0.550%”

5. great - i accumulate points but the rewards are capped as intended to 5083.90 BBP

6. Now I POG

Code: [Select]
"41": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127843.00, TXID: ff01da633701ff62bd850a5958969c51170a0921bbc72656b1c40c1966f08e5e, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 102796.3848, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 112000.00",
 "42": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127856.00, TXID: e92787cdc0a272fa2fb0a6583aba692a90c85f9b1d8de5efb846dbeeac3ef110, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 6944111.09, Campaign: POG, CoinAge: 322317.0851, Donation: 10000.0000, UserTotal: 7056111.09",
 "43": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127856.00, TXID: ec831148c8372acf8dbd9ff85b85ab4071537fd157d37b546f7bf40e714d1047, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 82046.5779, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 7058777.76”,

7. POG calculation

CoinAge x (tithe)^1/3
322,317 x (10,000)^1/3 = 322,317 x 21.5443469003 = 6,944,108
6,944,108 /  7,608,615 (ie total POG points, add POG from leaderboard) = 91.2% of POG reward ( 617671.74 BBP) = 563,726.68 BBP
plus CAMEROON ONE 5083.90

Total 568,810.58 BBP

Code: [Select]
 "Prominence": "Details",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 0.00": "0.00%",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 2667.00": "0.55%",
 "POG: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 615907.00": "5.30%",
 "POG: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 6944111.00": "59.70%",
 "Healing": "Diary Entries",
 "Prominence": "Totals",
 "ALL: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 615907.00, Reward: 49285.700": "5.300%",
 "ALL: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 7058778.00, Reward: 560760.880": "60.250%"

8. Well = 568,810 BBP (calculated as in (7), based on my understanding) vs 560,760 BBP (reported by leadboard)- that 8,050 BBP difference is more than my Cameroon reward!

A. points in exec analyze are incorrect for Cameroon one as it is not supposed to accumulate, it is correct on leaderboard for Cameroon-one but NOT total (see 2, this is may be confusing)
B. points in leaderboard Totals are not accurate since it sums incorrectly accumulating Cameroon-One points and hence no value above the cap.
C. There appears to be a discordance in manually calculated vs leaderboard reported rewards which may be significant, if my understanding is correct.

  • oncoapop
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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #541 on: July 04, 2019, 08:58:00 PM »
Fiat calculations

1. $1.33 per child per day = $2.66 for two children
2. BBP = 2.66 / 0.000502405947 = 5,294 BBP (we used 5083.90 in last calculation but it is close enough)
3. Sorry I do not understand what the dailysponsorshipcap is and how to apply it in this case.

Values used to calculate the points received:

Code: [Select]
exec dailysponsorshipcap
 "Command": "dailysponsorshipcap",
 "cap": 0.00273612097317169
exec price
 "Command": "price",
 "consensus_price": 0,
 "qt_phase": 0,
 "qt_prior_phase": 0,
 "qt_future_phase": 0,
 "qt_enabled": true,
 "cur_price": "0.000502405947",
 "BBP/BTC": "0.000000045000",
 "BTC/USD": 11164.5766

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #542 on: July 04, 2019, 09:37:01 PM »
Fiat calculations

1. $1.33 per child per day = $2.66 for two children
2. BBP = 2.66 / 0.000502405947 = 5,294 BBP (we used 5083.90 in last calculation but it is close enough)
3. Sorry I do not understand what the dailysponsorshipcap is and how to apply it in this case.

Values used to calculate the points received:

Code: [Select]
exec dailysponsorshipcap
 "Command": "dailysponsorshipcap",
 "cap": 0.00273612097317169
exec price
 "Command": "price",
 "consensus_price": 0,
 "qt_phase": 0,
 "qt_prior_phase": 0,
 "qt_future_phase": 0,
 "qt_enabled": true,
 "cur_price": "0.000502405947",
 "BBP/BTC": "0.000000045000",
 "BTC/USD": 11164.5766

Excellent summary above;  luckily, we are in agreement in all points, so the code I checked in for the next version addresses exactly those things.  Ill comment deeper on it.

As far as fiat,  so the wallet converts the $1.33 into a corresponding maximum Prominence % level, in reference to the entire total contract for the day.  So, since our GSC contract is about 950K per day, it converts $1.33 to a prominence cap level in percentage terms, so that you can take the daily sponsorship cap %, and multiply it * the daily superblock value like this:

950,000 (daily superblock GSC contract value ) * .00273 (sponsorship cap) = 2593 bbp.
This is the amount the wallet will reward for one child (about $1.33 per day).

So yes you got that one and it seems to be working correctly.  We should see about 5200 bbp for 2 children at this price level and contract level.  Of course QT and deflation in the future will lower this figure, but we will know as it happens, as our getgovernanceinfo will show the next daily budget etc.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4112

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #543 on: July 04, 2019, 09:42:44 PM »
1. Tithe normally via Cameroon-One

Code: [Select]
 "Prominence": "Details",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yS9YaCFpQuE6xpBrTvUbnPyJgwaXZep8C8 [N/A], Pts: 1333.00": "0.27%",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 0.00": "0.00%",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 2667.00": "0.55%",
 "POG: yS9YaCFpQuE6xpBrTvUbnPyJgwaXZep8C8 [N/A], Pts: 3022707.00": "53.72%",
 "POG: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 634626.00": "11.28%",
 "POG: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 0.00": "0.00%",
 "Healing": "Diary Entries",
 "Prominence": "Totals",
 "ALL: yS9YaCFpQuE6xpBrTvUbnPyJgwaXZep8C8 [N/A], Pts: 3024040.00, Reward: 502530.690": "53.990%",
 "ALL: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 634626.00, Reward: 104974.110": "11.280%",
 "ALL: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 2667.00, Reward: 5083.390": "0.550%”

2. spam exec sendgscc

3. cli exec analyze 127852 oncoapop1

Code: [Select]
 "Command": "analyze",
 "Totals": "CAMEROON-ONE|yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt|2667|0.00546183|oncoapop1|2668\nPOG|yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt|0|0.00000000|oncoapop1|664505\n",
 "0": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127747.00, TXID: 48e194fa86c3c3765b8e99d21a7817265ad2178174c3af2fd2ec4481953f0240, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 436515.4894, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 2666.67",
 "1": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127829.00, TXID: 60e6383ad2a46c1562b22bc8f363ad48c51be907b20f1ce8b6b3a5329b0285d8, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 472618.7650, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 5333.33",
 "2": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127831.00, TXID: 09bdcb818fb26f7889730feb9af7a3be49f119cb822f885525d9cdecc76ec13d, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 1170573.1598, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 8000.00",
 "3": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127831.00, TXID: e643dcf61c8666ec77f481f32041e98bec0f0357005599f1dffddfe7c089661d, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 244234.6203, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 10666.67",
 "4": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127831.00, TXID: ba5dbc1954e23ca44c821317515c55d895dbe117a97f19fa8260ac276bed23d1, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 16135.2207, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 13333.33",
 "5": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127831.00, TXID: 60b7a3124d9d75aa2024a67ce4a29bcecd2d7e8adb55014227c88acb89c5b7fa, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 495451.5158, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 16000.00",
 "6": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127832.00, TXID: 9884b452e0d6cabd512b82ba0a01d6aeebd434d5ee5be4d5bed9577d7ff6e5e3, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 815893.8629, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 18666.67",
 "7": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127832.00, TXID: 4ea1df741b02ec30a16cf8fdce9b4c8ade28d7b4558b9289b0864014092b5c58, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 637133.8471, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 21333.33",
 "8": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127835.00, TXID: 1aa871659405b4a96e3d747d2da820b974d5e9d59d474ca787b67d5a259797ac, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 1163778.4370, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 24000.00"

4. now after spamming, I check leaderboard

Code: [Select]
 "Prominence": "Details",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yS9YaCFpQuE6xpBrTvUbnPyJgwaXZep8C8 [N/A], Pts: 1333.00": "0.27%",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 0.00": "0.00%",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 2667.00": "0.55%",
 "POG: yS9YaCFpQuE6xpBrTvUbnPyJgwaXZep8C8 [N/A], Pts: 3022707.00": "53.72%",
 "POG: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 634626.00": "11.28%",
 "POG: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 0.00": "0.00%",
 "Healing": "Diary Entries",
 "Prominence": "Totals",
 "ALL: yS9YaCFpQuE6xpBrTvUbnPyJgwaXZep8C8 [N/A], Pts: 3024040.00, Reward: 502530.690": "53.990%",
 "ALL: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 634626.00, Reward: 104974.110": "11.280%",
 "ALL: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 24000.00, Reward: 5083.390": "0.550%”

5. great - i accumulate points but the rewards are capped as intended to 5083.90 BBP

6. Now I POG

Code: [Select]
"41": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127843.00, TXID: ff01da633701ff62bd850a5958969c51170a0921bbc72656b1c40c1966f08e5e, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 102796.3848, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 112000.00",
 "42": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127856.00, TXID: e92787cdc0a272fa2fb0a6583aba692a90c85f9b1d8de5efb846dbeeac3ef110, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 6944111.09, Campaign: POG, CoinAge: 322317.0851, Donation: 10000.0000, UserTotal: 7056111.09",
 "43": "User: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt, Diary: , Height: 127856.00, TXID: ec831148c8372acf8dbd9ff85b85ab4071537fd157d37b546f7bf40e714d1047, NickName: oncoapop1, Points: 2666.67, Campaign: CAMEROON-ONE, CoinAge: 82046.5779, Donation: 0.0000, UserTotal: 7058777.76”,

7. POG calculation

CoinAge x (tithe)^1/3
322,317 x (10,000)^1/3 = 322,317 x 21.5443469003 = 6,944,108
6,944,108 /  7,608,615 (ie total POG points, add POG from leaderboard) = 91.2% of POG reward ( 617671.74 BBP) = 563,726.68 BBP
plus CAMEROON ONE 5083.90

Total 568,810.58 BBP

Code: [Select]
 "Prominence": "Details",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 0.00": "0.00%",
 "CAMEROON-ONE: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 2667.00": "0.55%",
 "POG: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 615907.00": "5.30%",
 "POG: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 6944111.00": "59.70%",
 "Healing": "Diary Entries",
 "Prominence": "Totals",
 "ALL: yUNSEjjtC9pdeHp4spswdFWh1npfV5Jvqe [N/A], Pts: 615907.00, Reward: 49285.700": "5.300%",
 "ALL: yfqGyVvuyidYytq5o2QvN1VdVeXtH9Lrkt [oncoapop1], Pts: 7058778.00, Reward: 560760.880": "60.250%"

8. Well = 568,810 BBP (calculated as in (7), based on my understanding) vs 560,760 BBP (reported by leadboard)- that 8,050 BBP difference is more than my Cameroon reward!

A. points in exec analyze are incorrect for Cameroon one as it is not supposed to accumulate, it is correct on leaderboard for Cameroon-one but NOT total (see 2, this is may be confusing)
B. points in leaderboard Totals are not accurate since it sums incorrectly accumulating Cameroon-One points and hence no value above the cap.
C. There appears to be a discordance in manually calculated vs leaderboard reported rewards which may be significant, if my understanding is correct.

A. points in exec analyze are incorrect for Cameroon one as it is not supposed to accumulate, it is correct on leaderboard for Cameroon-one but NOT total (see 2, this is may be confusing)
->  Great, correct, this was a bug, the Cameroon points were accumulating.  Fixed in next version.

B. points in leaderboard Totals are not accurate since it sums incorrectly accumulating Cameroon-One points and hence no value above the cap.
->  Correct, Bug.  Fixed in next version.

C. There appears to be a discordance in manually calculated vs leaderboard reported rewards which may be significant, if my understanding is correct.
->  As long as the discord affects Cameroon One only, as what I observed in unit test earlier was POG was still correct - but Cameroon was accumulating.  So lets test again tomorrow and spam it again, and see if we got it.

The next version also addresses POSE bans (for penalizing offline sancs).

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #544 on: July 04, 2019, 10:03:56 PM »
BiblePay - Mandatory Upgrade for TestNet

- Fix bug in Cameroon-One reward (restrict reward to one payment per day)
- Add Sanctuary POSE ban punishment on Sancs who are offline (see masternodelist : posescore column for POSE ban level; when service level drops below .50, node moves to POSE_BAN state and stops receiving payments)
- Add BBPSocket class (this is for a non-blocking TCP connection with timeout for future use)
- Added notes to getchaintips function explaining our unique situation on DIP1 & CSV bits states

  • oncoapop
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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #545 on: July 05, 2019, 02:08:20 PM »
BiblePay - Mandatory Upgrade for TestNet

- Fix bug in Cameroon-One reward (restrict reward to one payment per day)
- Add Sanctuary POSE ban punishment on Sancs who are offline (see masternodelist : posescore column for POSE ban level; when service level drops below .50, node moves to POSE_BAN state and stops receiving payments)
- Add BBPSocket class (this is for a non-blocking TCP connection with timeout for future use)
- Added notes to getchaintips function explaining our unique situation on DIP1 & CSV bits states

The binaries appear not to have been complied yet? What is the proper command to pull from the develop branch on github? The usual command errors out.

Sorry but I’m not a coder and not familiar with these basic commands....

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #546 on: July 05, 2019, 02:30:42 PM »
The binaries appear not to have been complied yet? What is the proper command to pull from the develop branch on github? The usual command errors out.

Sorry but I’m not a coder and not familiar with these basic commands....

I released Windows last night, but MIP is in the mountains and he releases linux, but I have received word the binaries are now deployed.

Regarding manual pull, try this:
cd ~/biblepay-evolution-develop (or where your develop branch is)
cd src
git pull origin develop

(This assumes you built it once before from source).

If not you have to do this whole thing first including building depends:

Then just pull the develop branch (with the above git commands) and recompile develop.

(I keep develop in a separate directory so I can have both in separate states).

  • oncoapop
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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #547 on: July 05, 2019, 09:36:18 PM »
Thank you, both.

Wallets currently syncing....

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #548 on: July 08, 2019, 12:20:58 PM »
Thank you, both.

Wallets currently syncing....

I have an update on the POSE issue (this is the unreachable sanc being paid issue).

So I have fully researched this.  In our prod environment (non-deterministic sancs, running in the .13 branch), the POSE (proof of service) is achieved by having sanctuaries send MNPINGs around the network.  This is similar to the bitcoin PING packet, meaning that our network knows when a sanctuary fails to reply to MNPINGS, they start falling behind in the payment queue and start getting POSE banned.  I know in prod, if I stop a sanc for over a couple hours, my sanc will move to NEW_START_REQUIRED (I just had to restart two in that state today).

However, you rightly point out that in the .14 branch, our sancs just keep getting paid.  So the reason for this is Dash is retiring all non-deterministic-messages to simplify the codebase.  We are running in a state where we are expected to turn on LLMQ soon.

In .14, when LLMQ is off, sancs constantly get rewarded.  When LLMQ is enabled, each sanc is required to participate in a quorum within a certain amount of time (IE about 1-24 hours depending on the size of the quorum).

So the answer to this concern is for now lets overlook it until we enable LLMQ.  Then let us regroup and test this POSE ban functionality to ensure your non reachable sancs do get POSE banned.

Moving on to Cameroon One, Im still very excited about this feature.  Lets see if this latest version fixed the payment issue?

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #549 on: July 08, 2019, 12:23:37 PM »
So I just sent a few gsccs.

Clicking on GUI leaderboard, clicking on DETAILS, check out randrews3.  I have two cameroon one orphans.  I am being paid 5550.46 (two children of 1334 points each).  So far this version looks good.  (Even though I sent out 10 gsccs).  My pog is 607,553.  Ill do exec analyze.

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #550 on: July 12, 2019, 05:17:11 PM »
I am ready to do some tests but I don't know if I'm doing something wrong

Code: [Select]

exec sendgscc


  "Command": "sendgscc",
  "Error!": "CreateGSCTransmission::Fail::(Create Transaction) Insufficient funds.CreateGSCTransmission::Fail::(Create Transaction) Insufficient funds."

I have like 27M so plenty of funds.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #551 on: July 12, 2019, 05:20:04 PM »
I am ready to do some tests but I don't know if I'm doing something wrong

Code: [Select]

exec sendgscc


  "Command": "sendgscc",
  "Error!": "CreateGSCTransmission::Fail::(Create Transaction) Insufficient funds.CreateGSCTransmission::Fail::(Create Transaction) Insufficient funds."

I have like 27M so plenty of funds.

Please check your coin control, and see if select all results in a tx size > 100K.  If so, unselect all, then select some repeatedly - and send them to yourself.
Repear until your total stash < 100K in size.

Then wait 6 confirms then do exec sendgscc.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #552 on: July 12, 2019, 10:52:53 PM »
Please check your coin control, and see if select all results in a tx size > 100K.  If so, unselect all, then select some repeatedly - and send them to yourself.
Repear until your total stash < 100K in size.

Then wait 6 confirms then do exec sendgscc.

I see we made this automatic in our prod branch, and somehow, this got borked in testnet; I will have a commit within 24 hours to fix this issue.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #553 on: July 13, 2019, 11:13:16 AM »
BiblePay Upgrade

- Merge in prod changes -> develop
- Fix ABN create error (insufficient funds)
- Fix BiblePay Miner ABN crash-windows 64 crash issue

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #554 on: July 13, 2019, 06:17:47 PM »
I'm back here with latest testnet in MacOS.

I see this

Code: [Select]



  "List Of": "Cameroon-One Children",
  "Child ID": "abaad3ec",
  "CPK": "yWK9ckFhU1ihDSDLAZggNFTwypg6Bi3C23",
  "Biography": "",
  "Balance": -999,
  "Notes": "This child is not provisioned yet.",
  "Nickname": "MIP"