Hello Rob,
I was the one who bought the NFT "When the World Stool Still" but I had not entered the CPK address on my account and the NFT went back for sale.
I'm waiting to see if the 55,000 bbp returns to my wallet to be able to redeem it ...
Hi Brother Fredo,
Let me try to understand so I can help fix the problem;
Cause in my view, we do not allow the purchase of an NFT in the pool unless the user populates their "CPK" in Account Settings first.
I remember we throw an error and say You have not been charged.
Looking at your Pool account, I see you do have your CPK populated for NFT purchases.
I know you bought the NFT twice; where is the problem, is it that we took the money from you twice, and didnt refund you once, and was your CPK populated to begin with, or what was the chain of events and what resolution do we need at this point?
8100 BBP