Yes, my earnings have stopped since the 22nd. I usually get a few per day. Now, nothing. I use the Android wallet. I don't think I can pass the erasechain flag, should I reset my sync? It was difficult to get it to sync the first time.
I used a block explorer and thought I confirmed no new rewards for a few days now.
Oh, ok this is the android mobile wallet. Alright, so basically what is happening is your mining coins are still being sent out on the main chain from the pool to your HD address.
The issue is the android is probably not synced.
(On a side note, I see our chainz BX has not upgraded yet so I cant point you to it for a reference (they were having some issues last night compiling it)).
I believe what we should do is open up an issue with MIP; could you email him at "
[email protected]"?
Its possible our mobile is either acting up against the new codebase or we may have something like an incompatibility starting.
7800 BBP