Welcome to the Air Wallet TestNet Thread!
Please run the following tests on the air wallet:
- Log in with Credentials, record your public and private keypair. Ensure the same credentials always derive to the same keypair.
Send some BBP to and from that particular wallet.
- Log in with new credentials, send some bible to and from that particular wallet.
- Ensure the residual amount is still available in each separate wallet keypair.
Test other currencies:
- Test Doge, BTC, LTC
Coming Soon:
Support for DASH.
The ability to sign UTXOs from (within air wallet). This allows a user to do this easily outside of the core wallet.
You cannot quickly create and send a new transaction until the first broadcast goes into a block. Once the tx is mined, then the wallets balance (and internal UTXOs are updated). If you try to spend funds quickly in succession without waiting you will receive an error.
https://wiki.biblepay.org/Air_WalletMain Testing Page:
Option A:
You can download the source to your drive into a directory such as c:\\airwallet, then run index.html from your google browser.
Option B:
You can access it from here: