Bible Pay

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Messages - sunk818

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says object not found in the description.

every time I do contact add, the number goes up from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4

was able to save bo object

not clear how you bring up your saved contact to delete.

some contacts you can view and info comes up (like togo), but others just empty comes up

i guess if you have long & lat, you somehow map this to gps or map. end of the world scenario, there's no guarantee there will be servesr to give you map layer... maybe text directions are better along with long-lat?

Using latest version. 1156c. Tried to add contact.

2018-10-01 06:55:11 GUI: Data set on unsupported clipboard mode. QMimeData object will be deleted.
2018-10-01 06:55:24 GUI: Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing
exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must
reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.

2018-10-01 06:55:24

EXCEPTION: St13runtime_error       
JSON value is not a string as expected       
C:\crypto\biblepay\biblepay-qt.exe in Runaway exception       

and then tried again on testnet3 and see attachment for erorr message.

Don't forget this also goes out to Google so all the searches that use CPU and masternode are missed with the current title. You need to use keywords people use to find new coins.

I'd take out podc cancer mining because it's not meaningful to newcomers. CPU mining is better and boinc projects are CPU only so fits with podc.

Archived Proposals / Re: Ban Slovakia from Talking for 6 months
« on: September 30, 2018, 12:19:13 AM »
A true Christian would show love to their enemies. What you're suggesting is certainly logical. Christians are asked to adhere to a higher standard that is not logical nor makes any sense in the eyes of the world. Let's show the world how Christians are different.

At some point, there should be a ceiling like 1.55M. Otherwise, it'll just be whomever has the most UTXO weight. At some point, your "integrity" has very little to do with how much BBP you hold. It is a matter of how much money you have or early you joined BBP. If not enough people vote, certainly fall back to this scheme, but if enough people participate in voting let there be a cap. That encourages more participation instead of resentment.

I tried SunK's recommended lowendbox service of $1 a month ... Its horrible

Sorry that happened. That's not been my experience, but support can be spotty with lowend servers sometimes. If you don't need support and can manage on your own, its been for me.

Sounds like a winner.  That is another good reason we separated the Associate from the Attach - we don't really want the associate part to fail unless they deliberately have 0 bbp to use and there is a long potential lag for a user between starting boinc and clicking associate.
I think more buttons is not helpful. I'd want to keep the "Add Me As Researcher" button only and have all the action flows from it.If they don't have an R@H account, create one and track their CPID. Give Download link with instructions to add R@H project. Crunch tasks. When s/he gets enough RAC (whether is 1 hour or 1 day or 1 week), have the pool automatically pay from the faucet. Maybe have BBP wallet check every 4 hours like PoDC updates for the RAC? Whenever there is enough BBP in the wallet, ask if they want to submit their CPID to the blockchain to receive daily PoDC payouts. IMO, it should be all behind the scene and seamless. Maybe that's too complicated to do? IDK.

Side comments:
1) Maybe WCG can fit in there somewhere too... (Display My Data needs to be checked on in Settings on the web site)
2) Form tabbing is wonky. From user name it goes to Add Researcher button instead of to password
3) R@H diagnostics show WCG, but the WCG data is not parsed out. Its all a jumbled mess from web site it seems.

Unable to add test contact.

Fields I filled out: Company Name, Contact Name, Funding Receiving Address (I changed it from default to another one), E-Mail address. Drop Down Vendor

2018-09-28 05:11:39 GUI: Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing
exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must
reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.

2018-09-28 05:11:39

EXCEPTION: St13runtime_error       
JSON value is not a string as expected       
C:\crypto\biblepaytestnet\biblepay-qt.exe in Runaway exception       

2018-09-28 05:11:59

Archived Proposals / Re: Legal Formation of The BiblePay Foundation
« on: September 24, 2018, 11:49:06 AM »
Hi Rob,

Any updates on the legal formation for BiblePay? Would love to hear how it is going, and if I can offer assistance.

Have a blessed day!

Chris - Did you notice the change from Board members to Sanctuaries?

Not sure what the impact is exactly...

That's cool that you can do percentage of a masternode and get same percentage payout. I guess this is how a masternode pool works? I like it!

See conversation on mintnodes discord. Was that you togo that put in 0.01 BTC? This is the 142k BBP you're asking for?

Now that you have send BBP by e-mail, I wonder what it'd take to build a BBP system based on SMS & phone numbers? Android & iOS app could be set up to send payment to contacts (either e-mail or phone number). It would go with the theme of helping the unbanked. SMS support would be even cooler, but I don't know anything about telephony servers or what's involved with SMS, but has a limited rollout globally that supports Bitcoin Cash & DASH. I could see BiblePay leveraging IPFS as a smartphone app, but maybe SMS is a more difficult challenge.

I know Twilio has some awesome API & hooks and they can be used globally... there's a cost to using and maintaining the service. $1/mo for phone numbers and a cost for sending/receiving messages. It is a centralized service so I don't know how far such an idea would evolve with BiblePay.

For contacts, is specific long & lat a good idea? I'd worry someone who wants to target a group specifically could use it for evil. I wonder if long & lat should be close but not exact... like round up to zip code or census block group. So, you get a general idea of where someone is, but not exact location. The final disclosure can occur interpersonally.

Possible Enhancements when we Grow / Re: Google Analytics
« on: September 22, 2018, 11:45:21 AM »
If you use Chrome, you can right click on any page select Inspect. Do a Hard Refresh a page (Ctrl+F5) so all the resources have to loaded again. Look under Network and you can see "waterfall" of resources that are loaded. The blue bars that are longest contribute to overall slowness of web site loading.

I'd consider using a static HTML version of BiblePay:

We'd have to do some testing if any functionality is broken. Test newsletter and any other parts of site that require interaction by user.

This gives us two great benefits:
1) Web site will be extremely fast - no dynamic process of the web site
2) Makes it harder for hacker to attack web site since it is just HTML & images

Downside is that every time you update the site, you'd have to re-publish.

But I feel the benefit if a faster web site and being less susceptible to hackers are compelling reasons to try the above.

This is our current report from Google. Our web site is very slow and mobile support is poor:

Let's keep a snapshot of that and see if going the static route is helpful. What do you think Jaap?

I reported this back in - never addressed or regression due to kB fees? The address I send payment to doesn't show up in my transaction list.

Seems to only happen if I send to an address I own. Even if I pay a fee, it doesn't show up as a transaction.

If I donate to foundation, I see two transactions.

Only the payment to yiqFGdxM2vzKCk74GrjevEGNTC2rLqKFeg (the PoDS Foundation address?) only appears in my transaction list. I only tried to upload 9MB file.

Archived Proposals / QT wallet: Prayer Request Enhancement
« on: September 13, 2018, 02:31:15 PM »
Prayer Request Enhancement.

I'd like a messaging systems (see attachments) where we could prayer for people.

In Overview or another tab listing prayers most recent at top, we could reply to requests via a button we click.

Charge 0.1 BBP per character and message is delivered to person sending prayer request.

This way, as a community we are praying for each other.

* If you want to increase utility or bring scale, maybe a more robust decentralized messaging system would be good too.
* To discourage spamming, maybe introduce smart fee. Charge more to send more messages in a short period of time.
* I wouldn't want prayer replies or requests in blockchain if possible to reduce bloat? Maybe mempool only, IPFS, or sidechain?

SunK, not sure where the question went on Business objects, but yes, the object itself would be stored in IPFS to prevent chain bloat.

Call me Sun. Yeah, maybe I thought I posted it, but maybe I deleted by mistake.

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