Bible Pay

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  • AndrewScribner
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    • June 21, 2018, 07:17:43 PM
Kairos Children's Fund proposal
« on: June 25, 2018, 02:53:40 AM »
Hi! My name is Andrew Scribner, and I am a pastor in the Philippines. I'm an American, from Maine, USA.

We have a program called Kairos Children's Fund. We primarily provide sponsorships for kids to go to school.

Education in the Philippines is not free - tuition is, but there are a lot of expenses. There are miscellaneous fees, then parents must provide lunches, transportation, uniforms, and homework.
Many of the children from poor families either don't go school at all, because parents can't afford these things. Many kids go to school walking, and often don't get enough to eat. They often get poor grades because they are bullied, hungry, or ashamed. (I have more information on our FB page (see below)

We provide an allowance for the kids, and we also pay school fees. We have a volunteer who visits the school, pays the fees, and checks on the children.

The cost for an elementary child is $20 a month, while a high school child (grades 9-12) is $22 (this is based on the current exchange rate)

From that, we give a weekly allowance and pay their "miscellaneous fees."

My proposal is for a sponsorship of 5 elementary, and 5 high school children:

Since there are nice months left in the school year the cost per child would be:
elementary $20 x 9 = $180
high school $22 x 9 = $198

elementary $180 x 5 =    $900
high school $198 x 5 =    $990
total                               = $1,890

If it would also be ok, we could make it a flat $2k if the community wants to donate to the rice allowance, which we call the "Bugas nga Gasa" (meaning rice gift)

We have a rice gift which we give to families. I propose that 110 would go to the rice allowance, which we call the "Bugas nga Gasa" (meaning rice gift)

This could be spread out over a couple of superblocks, since we don't need the money all at once.

You could take a look at our Facebook page ( or by joining our messenger community (type: @kairoschildrensfund). We are working on a website as soon as possible.

I have been in touch with Jaap Geurts van Kessel about this. We have exchanged several emails this and last week.

Please see our FB page and join our messenger group. You may email me with any questions at [email protected]

By the way, I love the Biblepay concept, and I love how it is community driven (including sponsorships.)
I also think the transparency of the whole system is great.

By the way, $22 is about Php1,100.
We give Php900 to cover their daily needs.
       Php100 will cover any misc. school fees.
The exess P100 helps us with overhead.

Thank you!
   Andrew Scribner
« Last Edit: June 25, 2018, 03:00:36 AM by AndrewScribner »

  • jaapgvk
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    • September 01, 2017, 08:02:57 PM
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Re: Kairos Children's Fund proposal
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2018, 03:24:27 AM »
Hello everyone,

I confirm that Andrew and I have been in contact and I have been doing due diligence on his charity. As far as I'm concerned, this charity is 'as close to the source' as you can get. Minimal overhead, maximal impact.

I am excited that Andrew reached out to us and I would love to see that this proposal will get funded. I hope that this will be the start of a warm and mutually beneficial relationship.

About the financial side: prepaying Compassion for a minimum of six months has been our top priority, and 8M BBP has been requested for that in this superblock. CameroonONE's proposal had been completely paid, so in my view there is room for Andrew's proposal.

I suggest spreading Andrews proposal out over at least two or three superblocks in order to minimize impact on the Compassion-funding. About 365k BBP is left in this months budget, and I will request those BBP for a starting-budget so that we can start giving children some much needed help right away.

Thank you for considering funding this proposal!

Code: [Select]
gobject vote-many 82b3bc5342e917ce04770c6cc54b263b9f04d86956544492b67b2be5768aaa9e funding yes

(As always, you can check the command in the pool.)
« Last Edit: June 25, 2018, 06:08:45 AM by jaapgvk »