I don't know if they can upgrade the code automatically, but virus and bacteria have been doing this for tens of thousands of years. Mutations is the poor man's automatic upgrade. The ability for humans to be able to do this has its dangerous. Are you suggesting some nefarious intent behind releasing a vaccine then upgrading it later by the same party or a third-party to ill or deadly effects? I don't think it is likely and not a reason not to receive a vaccine. I have other reservations like beta quality vaccines and not to be the first in line...
By the way, can politics be discussed in this forum?
Sure on politics, I kind of look at it as a forum for everything that is loosely related to our end-times future on this planet, so I certainly view political changes (towards the NWO) and conspiracy theories as part of our future, especially now.
So on the first vaccine, I agree mostly with what you said, that most people should be more concerned with the 'rushing' out of a beta version that they will stick inside their body.
But let me elaborate a little more on why Im concerned that its an mRNA vaccine (both of the leading vaccines are):
- Why did we go 2000 years with natural vaccines (IE mutated strains of viruses), but, all of a sudden with covid-19, we have to have an mRNA (based on an OS and code to design the protien)? Its strange that Covid comes on the scene Jan 2020 and we have not only almost the perfect vaccine, but its using this new suppressed technology (that the media hid). An unproven tech that might have side effects that are not known, such as DNA damage because of our code.
- The link between Bill Gates and this is now clear - hes a programmer - of course he would like to control the human body
- The Holy Spirit lives in us. We are not to inject some random computer code in us. This is bordering on the question of 'redeemability'. Are we redeemable if we mutate our own DNA by injecting strange RNA code?
- The unintended consequences. It can be possible, Im not saying IS, but can be that Gods governance never allowed naturally mutating RNA to cross the red line (the line that causes a breakdown in the system, systemically). But, its possible the Humans can cross the red line by writing code that actually makes a person a zombie.
I realize the scriptures are clear on the Mark of the Beast will be on the right hand or the forehead. However, it can be spiritually in the second heaven that the 'mark' is the mark of God or the mark of the Beast visible in the second heaven. Im not implying this is the mark of the beast - I believe this is the baby step to the technology before the auto-upgrade code is added.
This one is a longshot but keep it in the back of the mind : It is a remote possibility that one of the labs in the world created covid-19 strain with the same technology (mRNA) they are making the vaccine with, knowing in advance they will create the problem, the solution, and then get rich off of the new pharmaceutical industry born from this.