Bible Pay

Read 157586 times

  • jaapgvk
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    • September 01, 2017, 08:02:57 PM
    • Netherlands
Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #195 on: September 29, 2018, 05:01:43 PM »
On first sight, this seems like a very nice system! I like the idea of incentivizing people to vote. This is like an automatic bounty system.

And users with a high utxo weight are likely to be loyal to BiblePay (why else would they have a lot of BBP).

As you say, it would be an interesting economy. If this reaches prod, I hope that we can spread awareness for this in a way that also attracts new users.

  • togoshigekata
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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA
Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #196 on: September 29, 2018, 08:21:10 PM »
This is pretty cool!
- solves the Orphan Letter Writing review issue
- solves the Prayer review issue
- incentivizes more gospel viewing

Just so I understand correctly, is it possible to spam Prayers? or does the person putting up a Prayer have something to lose if they are a troll/spammer?

I could see someone spam 10 terrible prayers, they all get downvoted, everyone downvoting makes money from the blockchain, then the guy makes 1000 bad prayers and we all keep making money downvoting, and hes just trying to waste all our money and review time

So is this what you meant by the escrow? I put collateral on the line, if Im a troll, I lose my collateral and its paid to the reviewers and no new money is given out, if Im not a troll and its good quality content I posted, I get my collateral back and may even get paid from the blockchain with new money? or from a community fund?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2018, 08:28:05 PM by togoshigekata »

  • sunk818
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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #197 on: September 29, 2018, 11:20:36 PM »
At some point, there should be a ceiling like 1.55M. Otherwise, it'll just be whomever has the most UTXO weight. At some point, your "integrity" has very little to do with how much BBP you hold. It is a matter of how much money you have or early you joined BBP. If not enough people vote, certainly fall back to this scheme, but if enough people participate in voting let there be a cap. That encourages more participation instead of resentment.

  • jaapgvk
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    • September 01, 2017, 08:02:57 PM
    • Netherlands
Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #198 on: September 30, 2018, 05:52:34 AM »
At some point, there should be a ceiling like 1.55M. Otherwise, it'll just be whomever has the most UTXO weight. At some point, your "integrity" has very little to do with how much BBP you hold. It is a matter of how much money you have or early you joined BBP. If not enough people vote, certainly fall back to this scheme, but if enough people participate in voting let there be a cap. That encourages more participation instead of resentment.

I think this is something we should indeed talk about (the inns and outs), that's why I also highlighted 'new users'.

  • togoshigekata
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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA
Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #199 on: September 30, 2018, 01:42:29 PM »
Another note on rating, how can we differentiate between say reviewing a 1 line sentence vs a page vs a 10 page document? Would we want to pay each the same? or would we want to base pay and collateral on how long it takes to review an item? How many words to read, How many minutes in a video, etc

Could someone just vote randomly or all yes or all no on items and make money without having to actually review anything?

Should we penalize bad voters?

  • togoshigekata
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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA
Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #200 on: September 30, 2018, 07:42:13 PM »
Rob, is the copy paste issue a Vultr problem? or a Lubuntu problem?

Should I try Xubuntu or Ubuntu-Desktop? and VNC?
"Recommended Minimum System Requirements
Ubuntu Desktop Edition
2 GHz dual core processor
2 GiB RAM (system memory)
25 GB of hard-drive space"
512 MB of memory
7.5 GB of free space
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 12:44:14 AM by togoshigekata »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #201 on: September 30, 2018, 08:32:37 PM »
Unable to add test contact.

Fields I filled out: Company Name, Contact Name, Funding Receiving Address (I changed it from default to another one), E-Mail address. Drop Down Vendor

2018-09-28 05:11:39 GUI: Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing
exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must
reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.

2018-09-28 05:11:39

EXCEPTION: St13runtime_error       
JSON value is not a string as expected       
C:\crypto\biblepaytestnet\biblepay-qt.exe in Runaway exception       

2018-09-28 05:11:59

Thanks for the bug report; it turns out the fix wasn't really in the wallet and I can clearly see what caused this.

Its fixed and will be checked in within a couple hours.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #202 on: September 30, 2018, 08:33:42 PM »
On first sight, this seems like a very nice system! I like the idea of incentivizing people to vote. This is like an automatic bounty system.

And users with a high utxo weight are likely to be loyal to BiblePay (why else would they have a lot of BBP).

As you say, it would be an interesting economy. If this reaches prod, I hope that we can spread awareness for this in a way that also attracts new users.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #203 on: September 30, 2018, 08:41:00 PM »
This is pretty cool!
- solves the Orphan Letter Writing review issue
- solves the Prayer review issue
- incentivizes more gospel viewing

Just so I understand correctly, is it possible to spam Prayers? or does the person putting up a Prayer have something to lose if they are a troll/spammer?

I could see someone spam 10 terrible prayers, they all get downvoted, everyone downvoting makes money from the blockchain, then the guy makes 1000 bad prayers and we all keep making money downvoting, and hes just trying to waste all our money and review time

So is this what you meant by the escrow? I put collateral on the line, if Im a troll, I lose my collateral and its paid to the reviewers and no new money is given out, if Im not a troll and its good quality content I posted, I get my collateral back and may even get paid from the blockchain with new money? or from a community fund?

First on the escrow:  I wasnt referring to this problem specifically, but yes, I was designing a way to keep the reward sitting in a delayed state while the community reviews it.

You make an excellent point - we dont want to incentivize spam.  The first idea that comes to mind is incetivizing a user to keep their content creator account (IE their nickname pointing to a public key) making it beneficial for them to build up a 'trust score' or 'integrity score' as a content creator.  Basically, the more submissions they make the more each one can be worth.  Maybe their integrity score multiplied * reward is the reward, plus, we can say a very low quality submission (say < .40) slows down the creators ability to add more content.  So if you are doing a great job no delay; the worse of a submission, the bigger delay before you can re-submit new work. 

Not sure on this one, open to more ideas.

Great point.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #204 on: September 30, 2018, 08:48:15 PM »
Another note on rating, how can we differentiate between say reviewing a 1 line sentence vs a page vs a 10 page document? Would we want to pay each the same? or would we want to base pay and collateral on how long it takes to review an item? How many words to read, How many minutes in a video, etc

Could someone just vote randomly or all yes or all no on items and make money without having to actually review anything?

Should we penalize bad voters?

Huge point on the video time vs letter size etc.  This is another one that would be rife for abuse if we asked the user how long it took to review, or if we checked the size.  If we pay more, people will look for hard drive hog sized videos; or write overly long letters.   Another tough one.  One idea might be for us to measure the elapsed time the biblepay user spends in-review in a particular piece of content - and keep track of the average and maybe it influences payout.

I thought about the penalization of the bad voting.  For a while I thought about paying police to find chronic voting abusers.  I lean toward trusting utxo weight rather than trusting a manual policing process.  But in this case we could write a report that picks the top worst voters (voters that go against the grain consistently - more than say 66% of the time).  What we would do with them, I dont know.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2018, 08:52:16 PM by Rob A. »

  • togoshigekata
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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA
I was able to set up Ubuntu Desktop and VNC on a $20/month Vultr server, my steps below:

Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop -y
apt-get install gnome-panel gnome-settings-daemon metacity nautilus gnome-terminal -y
sudo apt-get install vnc4server -y

vncserver # enter password
vncserver -kill :1

cd ~/.vnc/

vi xstartup # copy paste below to file
gnome-panel &
gnome-settings-daemon &
metacity &
nautilus &
gnome-terminal &

sudo apt-get install ufw
sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp
sudo ufw limit ssh/tcp
sudo ufw allow 5901/tcp
sudo ufw logging on
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw status


TightVNC Java Viewer

IP address + Port 5901 and asked for password

vncserver -kill :1
vncserver -geometry 1280x960

I was able to copy paste at first, but now I cant, I can copy out but not in, digging deeper into it

If I ever try it on a smaller server Ill report results

« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 02:36:29 AM by togoshigekata »

  • sunk818
  • Developer

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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
Using latest version. 1156c. Tried to add contact.

2018-10-01 06:55:11 GUI: Data set on unsupported clipboard mode. QMimeData object will be deleted.
2018-10-01 06:55:24 GUI: Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing
exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must
reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.

2018-10-01 06:55:24

EXCEPTION: St13runtime_error       
JSON value is not a string as expected       
C:\crypto\biblepay\biblepay-qt.exe in Runaway exception       

and then tried again on testnet3 and see attachment for erorr message.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 02:02:45 AM by sunk818 »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Rob, is the copy paste issue a Vultr problem? or a Lubuntu problem?

Should I try Xubuntu or Ubuntu-Desktop? and VNC?
"Recommended Minimum System Requirements
Ubuntu Desktop Edition
2 GHz dual core processor
2 GiB RAM (system memory)
25 GB of hard-drive space"
512 MB of memory
7.5 GB of free space

I don't think its vultr specifically, I think its that they use NoVnC by default.  Ive gotten around it lately by using "VNC4Server" (I think that is the default on ubuntu, called 'vncserver') and the clipboard works when I do that.  I also believe some SSL clients - the clipboard works.  So yeah, I think putting the key in the file should be more aligned with user error, but Im still going to potentially make a feature to give us an entire one click masternode setup (by encrypting the key, sending it into IPFS, and allowing you to retrieve the key via a bible command).  Maybe just for a baby step, Ill start with 'sendmessage' 'receivemessage' and let the user do what they want from the RPC.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4141

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Using latest version. 1156c. Tried to add contact.

2018-10-01 06:55:11 GUI: Data set on unsupported clipboard mode. QMimeData object will be deleted.
2018-10-01 06:55:24 GUI: Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing
exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must
reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.

2018-10-01 06:55:24

EXCEPTION: St13runtime_error       
JSON value is not a string as expected       
C:\crypto\biblepay\biblepay-qt.exe in Runaway exception       

and then tried again on testnet3 and see attachment for erorr message.

Not seeing that problem; but since I forgot to fix the tab order, lets see if we can take care of this now.  I checked in  In this latest verson, the tab order is fixed in the DC page and the Contact add page, and the Title of Contact add should now say "Contact Add v1.1".  Could you please get that version and try again?  This way I will know you have the latest save code also.


Windows has been released also.

(I tested one on my win box in prod and it worked fine).

« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 08:23:46 AM by Rob A. »

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4141

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I was able to set up Ubuntu Desktop and VNC on a $20/month Vultr server, my steps below:

Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop -y
apt-get install gnome-panel gnome-settings-daemon metacity nautilus gnome-terminal -y
sudo apt-get install vnc4server -y

vncserver # enter password
vncserver -kill :1

cd ~/.vnc/

vi xstartup # copy paste below to file
gnome-panel &
gnome-settings-daemon &
metacity &
nautilus &
gnome-terminal &

sudo apt-get install ufw
sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp
sudo ufw limit ssh/tcp
sudo ufw allow 5901/tcp
sudo ufw logging on
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw status


TightVNC Java Viewer

IP address + Port 5901 and asked for password

vncserver -kill :1
vncserver -geometry 1280x960

I was able to copy paste at first, but now I cant, I can copy out but not in, digging deeper into it

If I ever try it on a smaller server Ill report results


I think you are extremely close because your server side setup looks like mine (Vnc4Server, the crazy geometry setups etc), however one difference, on my side instead of tightvncviewer Ive been using 'real vnc' VNCViewer for windows, and my clipboard is working now, if you are on windows maybe try that?