Good morning at the fellow members of the community.
After having shared my thoughts with Rob i would like to make a proposal.
I am not even sure if I m posting in the right place so my apologies beforehand if not.
There have a been a lot problems during the last 10 years in Venezuela (which is considered in many cases worst than a 3rd world country)
Food and medicine supplies being the gravest .
So in coordination with the local
Greek Orthodox Church we have set up an ambitious charity plan that includes the distribution of clothes,food and medicine to institutions like orphanages and nursing homes, publicly preparing meals and the activation of an ambulance which will operate like a mobile unit to provide care to those who can not afford private insurance.
The foundations that we are planing to help are
under the Catholics Church jurisdiction and this serves 2 purposes.
a) the Catholic church enjoys total respect in this torn country , away from the corruption of the political powers.
also the Vatican has a "nuncio" as a diplomatic representative in this country, the highest and most respected diplomat among all. which ensures the protection and the success of our cause.
B) Being myself an Orthodox I see this a chance to bring the two dogmas of Christianity closer, at the very least here in Venezuela.
These are the preliminary basic steps. We have revised a more detailed plan that will be ofcourse available for posting.
I am NOT seeking for funding -that has been already taken care for the first stages-. My part of the funding will come of course in the name of our community.
What i am really asking
is guidance from the rest of the community of
how to link this initiative with BiblePay, how to exploit this good deed to make us known to even more people. I have never been that good in organizing these kind of things

I am really sorry for the long post and I d like to hear your feedback
Have a great day